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Memento Mori demos [-complevel 2]

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[MOD EDIT: Post Memento Mori demos (-complevel 2 recommended) here unless they are vanilla demos for Compet~n.]

Hello all,

It's been a long, long time since I posted regularly here. To make a long (and not particularly interesting) story extremely short, more life-changing events -- some good, some very bad -- have happened to me in the last 2 years, than most of my previous life. Although I've followed the speed demos forum with some interest these last few years (at least, on and off) I now seldom find the time to play the game enough to get worthwhile output, i.e. demos worth sharing to anyone. I just can't sit 4 hours shaving off a second on a speedrun anymore (though I wish I could!). ;-)

Anyway, I decided to record a rather casual run to demonstrate a trick on MM map 15. This trick has important implications for UV speed, UV pacifist and UV max on this map. I'm sharing the trick in the hope that someone records some great runs on this map. I like it, and I know Andy Olivera likes it, so you'll make us both happy. ;-)

Memento Mori map 15 UV speed (secret exit) in 1:39.

Finally, I would just like to say "hi!" to all the currently active speedrunners of the forum and thank you all for keeping the grand tradition of speedrunning for this great old game alive!

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  • 4 months later...

sorry to interrupt your d2reload spree (nice demos btw, especially vdgg's is great and unusually agressive ;)

seeing how mm.wad has been popular lately, i recorded a -fast run too (in choco though) and it's more fun than i ever thought ;)

Memento Mori
UV Fast
Map12 in 5:25


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Graim said:
Memento Mori
UV Fast
Map12 in 5:25

Haha, the double revenant/hell knight battle at 4:43 is a classic. And I envy your elegant movement near the arachnotrons.

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  • 6 months later...

Memento Mori - MAP07 UV-Max in 5:40

I had no idea where to post this demo as it was recorded in PrBoom and not vanilla Doom. A smoother player than me could probably whittle this down to 5:30.


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Yes, with hard work it's pushable down to around 5:15 (EDIT: to 4:XX) by the absolute best players like Kimo Xvirus. But anyway your demo was a pleasant surprise for me, as a fresh beater of Xit's good-quality Compet-N max. Many of the newcomers aren't skilled enough for record-beating, and they just upload non-record demos.

The first half of your demo went not flawlessly, but your performance in later parts (starting from the maze) is really solid and stylish. Keep up the good work!

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Hi Istvan. It seems you like that map, mm28. Want to try a nightmare run for it? it's one of only 2 left in mm that don't have nightmare runs.

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Kristian: I though about that AV jump to blue key myself, but I didn't considered that if I land on the platform it is possible to jump back.
I thought that I'll have to use the teleport to get out, and I ruled it out. I'll take a look on that movie, thanks for the info.

Xit: Good idea, with these route improvements it looks "easier" than I thought before. I'll give it a try.

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  • 5 weeks later...

In January 2010, when I maxed level 21 in 9:28, I thought that sub-9 might be out of any human possibilities. But now I see, how wrong I was.

MM MAP21 UV Max in 8:46.


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Haha, Andy's TAS would be under 7:00 at least (judging by his 5:39 in Eternal MAP11, for example). This 8:46 is very far from what I can get with savestates, because according to the probability theory, such a long run simply can't go without tons of various unlucky bits.

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i meant the efficient movement - you don't move when you don't have to and just fire, because you know what to expect from every situation. that's very different from the fleetfoot dancing of more... "improvised" runs, hehe. you crossed the line of humanity and moved into the realm of computed perfection. extremely impressive demo. :)

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Heh, the cacodemon @ 2:35 forgot it is ultra-violence, not nightmare.

75 hours in 7 days :) I guess it's not pure playtime but a little bit of relaxing between? You sure know every corner of that map.

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75 hours (approximately) is the total time of my recording sessions, I don't count the extra tens of hours spent testing the map with savestates. But yes, during these sessions I took some little breaks between some of my attempts.

BTW, bringing Nightmare into my regular UV playing is usually common for sergeants and heavy weapon dudes. And that lousy dragon head at 2:3X didn't disturb me at all.

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