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Equinox demos [-complevel 2]

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DSDA page aka equinox.wad


For some reason I decided to do one of the connecting maps in Equinox. Just a quickie: Map08 UV Max in 0:32. Feel free to beat it if you like; sub-30 would be nice.

Edited by Maribo

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Grazza said:
For some reason I decided to do one of the connecting maps in Equinox. Just a quickie: Map08 UV Max in 0:32. Feel free to beat it if you like; sub-30 would be nice.

I felt like taking requests... ;-)
Hope you'll find this nice, Grazza!
Equinox map 8 UV max in 0:27.
Also, I did a UV speed + pacifist in 0:05.

Recorded in ZDooM 1.22. Enjoy.

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In opening that last door (which I didn't mean to have to go back for), I was intending that the imps would get involved in the infighting. I still think it is a good idea if it is done without losing any time and if you time the sidestep into the secret so that it doesn't cause the monsters to walk back into their rooms.

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Grazza said:
I still think it is a good idea if it is done without losing any time and if you time the sidestep into the secret so that it doesn't cause the monsters to walk back into their rooms.

Yeah, that'd be sweet, if it ever worked in practice and not only in theory. ;-P
The problem with doing that is the imps almost always, for me anyway, get in the way (either scratching your back or blocking plasma shots to "bigger" monsters, in particular the Pain Elemental, which then wreaks havoc!).

EDIT: BTW, thanks for fixing the post, Grazza. I was in a hurry earlier today. :-)

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Kristian Ronge said:

Yeah, that'd be sweet, if it ever worked in practice and not only in theory. ;-P

Oh, it can work alright. It can also have the added benefit that the imps can reopen the door for you later, when it is time to exit. I'd have a 0:25 or 0:26 demonstrating that, if only I had exited rather than wasting a few seconds looking for a non-existent missed monster. :(

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Grazza said:
Oh, it can work alright. It can also have the added benefit that the imps can reopen the door for you later, when it is time to exit.

Yes of course. It will require quite a bit of luck, though. I had an 88% kills 0:24 exit where that part went perefectly (but I believe 2 demons hid) ... Getting the imps involved in the infighting is of course probably better than to leave them. Often you can get a Revenant or the Hell Knight to open the door, though, while you're ducking into the secret alcove. (didn't happen in the 0:27 demo, typical...) Once the imps are out, you surely need some luck for them not to screw things up, but of course you can get a good time if they don't. As I said previously, I doubt it's a very big loss if they stay put and you open the door in the end. I mean, if you can't get another monster to open the door for you, you still lose the time it takes to open the door (at least) once anyway. And if you have plasma ammo left, it takes little time to kill them off at the end.

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Includes: the 0:29 I mentioned above (where I wasted time after killing everything); an edited version of that (0:25) - the last two seconds are TAS; and a 0:27.

The route/plan is a fair bit different from yours. As you can see, the imps getting behind the player is never a problem because he doesn't move in front of the imps. The main problems I found were the PE and/or a revenant getting stuck in the central passageway (maybe monsters stuck on doortracks was a problem too sometimes).

I also tried the strategy of getting monsters to open both the chaingunner and imp rooms. That can work sort of OK, but the monsters aren't provoked into infighting when their rooms are not opened by the player.

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Okay, here is a non-cheated 0:25 max of Euqinox map 8. Easy, took no more than 20 minutes (although I suspect I was simply very lucky; the player has little control over how the monsters line up). Sorry it took so long to reply, I'm going through "Eternal DooM" and map 20 was a real bitch -- it took me almost two days to stroll around finding all the swtiches, monsters, and secrets (okay, I had to use an editor to find out that green torch/teleporting Arch-Vile thing). :-)

Anyway, I was thinking of maybe going for at least 0:24 but I'll leave it to someone else. To tell you the truth, I'm fed up with this map; it's not very interesting to begin with, and I believe it's gotten far more attention than it deserves. So, good luck with 0:24 and lower.

Grazza said:
Includes: the 0:29 I mentioned above (where I wasted time after killing everything); an edited version of that (0:25) - the last two seconds are TAS

Ah, while we're on the topic of "would've, could've, should've" I should mention that I had a near flawless 0:21 run (sadly, one monster got away). This means of course a good player could certainly do sub 0:20. But it requires so much luck it's almost ridiculous. Let's do some other maps instead.

BTW, how about a CC2 demo pack (if it ever comes out?) ;-)

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Are there any demos for equinox map 12 available,
or is that map too much luck-based ?
I played it recently and found that map very hard,
would be fun to watch I guess.

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AFAIK, there aren't any demos on Equinox map12.

I really like that map, and thought about recording something on it a long time ago, but felt it would be very hard indeed. Ammo is in short supply, and there are lots of places where it is very easy to die. The end isn't such a problem though, since you can strafe-run to the exit teleporter before the structure has risen. I'm not aware of any other major shortcut tricks though.

I vaguely recall trying out a skill 1 Max, and finding that difficult enough. For a UV Speed, you'd need to decide how to use the invulnerability to best advantage. I think the route would need to be very carefully worked out, and that it would be a difficult run no matter what. Certainly not infeasible though.

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  • 1 year later...

Did a couple Equinox demos, both for map 9.

NM-Speed in 1:34 (1% health situation here!)
UV-fast in 3:49 (I like it :P!)

Sending the demos to Ops now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And another Equinox demo here. This one for map12. UV-Speed with a time of 3:52. Could go faster without a doubt, but I've about had it with this level for awhile. It's a real pain to speed through quickly.

Oh, and a nice nail biter too in the run. Have fun watching it.

Sending to Ops now.

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Anima Zero said:

And another Equinox demo here. This one for map12. UV-Speed with a time of 3:52.

That was fantastic. I couldn't believe you were really going to survive "that bit" with so little health.

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  • 5 years later...

I recorded a few (well, 15 to be exact) demos in Equinox, and now I wonder - where do I post them? Majority of demos where posted in Miscellaneous thread, but it was considered to give this wad a separate thread, though it did not happen. So, do I post them here, or maybe someone will go through all the pain and split the Equinox related posts?

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Either option was OK. I think "moving" anything from the Miscellaneous part 1 thread is impossible (that's the reason we started part 2), I'll see what can be done. Now please post them below, can't wait!

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splitting can still be done. you need to collect all the post #'s you want moved and ask bloodshedder to do it manually in the database.

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Here is the list of posts, just in case (though I believe one or two posts are missing in the list).

This is a great visually looking WAD, though gameplay could be better at times. But that's not a problem, I found more annoying hanging bodies in sectors with high ceiling, which block the path. Of course, this is not a problem with the "intended" port. Otherwise, I liked the WAD pretty much.

I don't know how other people played Equinox with doom2+, for me it gives W_CacheLumpNum related error, so I recorded all the demos with the "next best thing" - Boom 2.02. Attaching the zip with the following demos:


UV Max in 2:28
NM Speed in 0:58


UV Max in 0:24


UV Speed in 1:24


UV Max in 0:45


UV Max in 6:08
UV Speed in 1:34
NM Speed in 2:18


UV Max in 18:30
UV Speed in 2:47
NM Speed in 4:22


UV Max in 0:23


UV Max in 4:32
UV Speed in 1:21


UV Speed in 2:32

When playing this WAD, I occasionally noticed weird behavior of teleporters (but I'm sure it is not WAD-specific) - sometimes they don't hold the player, and I was moving instantly after teleporting. Later I realized that this tends to happen if I get stuck or walk next to a monster just before teleporting. I wonder whether this behavior is Boom specific or not.


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Awesome! Thanks a lot!

Let me comment on a few:
Maxes: eq08-023 is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. I watched it 5 times already. eq06-608 is very well played. eq071830 - it is hard to criticize anything in it. This is one of the most Max-unfriendly maps I've played, yet you beat me by 5 minutes.
Speeds: whoa, so many Creaphis' records beaten?! eq07-247, eq12-232, what a surprise! All these MAP12 speeds are magic for me, I think I finished this map just once in my life :-P
Nightmares: well, "only three", but c'mon! eq01n058 is actually faster (three tics) than UV Speed!

...I thought I had to advertise them a little, as you're rather modest in your text files.

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Well as someone started this thread, lets make a few maxes for this outstanding wad
Map09 UV Max in 4:47
Edit How did I miss donce's max on this...well back to the drawing board.


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