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Sunlust + Summer of '69 demos [-complevel 9]

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Summer of '69


Post your demos for Sunlust and Summer of '69 here. These are Boom-compatible wads by Ribbiks and dannebubinga.

A minimum of -complevel 9 is required when using prboom-plus. The suggested naming convention is slXY-ZZZ.lmp, where XY is the map number and ZZZ is the time. Replace the "-" with a letter representing categories other than UV-speed and max such as NM (n), pacifist (p), fast (f) or nomonsters (o).


Now that sunlust is on /idgames, I decided to do some demos for the first map.

Tyson in 5:29
-Respawn in 1:51
-Fast in 3:52
Max in 2:32
Speed in 0:29


Edited by Maribo

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So now that the damn thing is officially released at last - I guess it can use some recording.

Map25 UV Max in 9:57

Not really satisfied with this one, will most likely improve later on. Maybe sort of funny how tables turned on me in many encounters, but nevertheless pretty poor ammo management and wackiness throughout. But oh well, everything has to start somewhere.

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What a sweet WAD i just noticed :D Ohhh... How much time could take whole D2ALL? Over 1:30:00? But i must investigate such masterpiece anyway.

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Map 02 UV-Speed in 30
Really ugly and unprepared for.
Was pretty fun I just punched the archvile for attention and ran. :p
Edit: This time in 25. Crazy.


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Ancalagon said:

map31 speed in 0:17

Krankdud said:

Map20 UV-Speed in 0:49
Map22 Pacifist in 0:24

god damn you guys are breaking the shit out of these maps :D

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MD922 said:

Map 02 UV-Speed in 0:20
Maybe optimal...?

Hah, great run! The arch-vile cooperated really well there. 0:19 would require incredible luck.

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checked If i still remembered something about doom...
probably worth investing more time in this one, maybe I will
ciao :)

edit: felt too dumb to post my 07:5x so i got some more attempts and got closer to 7mins


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blob1024 said:

checked If i still remembered something about doom...
probably worth investing more time in this one, maybe I will
ciao :)

edit: felt too dumb to post my 07:5x so i got some more attempts and got closer to 7mins

sl21 in 06:44

ps: j4rio stop wasting time with "easy" maps, map30, 29 are waiting. I checked a bit, but i got troubles passing first area in 29, and got stuck after a while in map30... couldnt find a switch or the likes. too bad.
would be grateful if anybody makes a 30-nomonster(and 100secrets), i might try it again then


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