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Doom 2 in Name Only demos [complevel -2]

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MAP23 UV-Max(?) in 15:41.

Not sure if this counts as a UV-Max because of the two Cyberdemons that are difficult, if not, impossible to kill.

I don't have enough ammo to take on the first Cyberdemon at the starting room and I have no way back to fight him when I do stock up on ammo. The second Cyberdemon, I believe also spawns in the main room maybe? As for the last Cyberdemon, I was able to kill him in the last room. What's even worse is that sometimes the last Cyberdemon doesn't always spawn in said last room which gets annoying. Another thing to note is that I was unable to enter the Chaingunner den to reach the Soulsphere. Oh well. Anyways, I'm submitting this run with 398 / 400 kills.   


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  • 3 weeks later...

MAP30 UV-Max(?) in 3:56.



I managed to get 6 of the 7 Archviles to spawn in the central hub. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the 7th Archvile gets stuck and doesn't spawn in. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind doing this run again if it's possible.

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