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The Journey demos [-complevel 2]

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There are some issues preventing 100% kills/secrets in some of the maps and there's also a few ugly bugs like monsters not waking up when you're in front of their face.

I've send a PM to hervoheebo and he might decide to upload a fixed version of the WAD to idgames.

If you don't want to risk your demos being desynced with a possible new version of the WAD avoid recording demos for these maps:
09, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31

Sorry for being late, rdwpa :(

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Did hervoheebo say anything about a possible update yet? It would suck if people stopped playing and then nothing happened. That's kind of how it was with Plutonia 2 IIRC.

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Yes, we discussed the bugs a bit and he said he would take a look at how to fix them.

I believe the biggest problem that obstructs a quick update at the moment is finding a graceful way to sort out the branching in map31 to make 100% kills possible.

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  • 1 month later...

Nice one, this little map can be surprisingly deadly. By the way, what is "complevel 2's way of muting sounds"? I've never heard of this before.

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The default vanilla behavior, I believe, for example the way the silent BFG trick can be used in DM. I've noticed in aggressive runs on certain maps in -cl 2, it's really common to be silently killed somehow, which does not feel pleasant at all.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...

I'm in for some random runs.


Map03 UV Max in 2:02-tj03-202.zip


Youtube version


The pain elemental is so annoying. And some enemies may go to some places hard to find, slowing down my run.




Map08 UV Max in 3:25-tj08-325.zip


Youtube version


I don't know why hervoheebo hates SSG so much but it is really annoying when there are many enemies surrounding the SSG in this map.



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Map30 UV Max in 33:48-tj30-3348.zip


Youtube version


Xenoblade Chronicles!!!!!!!!!!!


I did this run mainly for this music because Xenoblade Chronicles is my favorite RPG game (or my favorite game) on Wii console and I have spent hundreds of hours playing it.


Well this run is quite slow because enemies are scattered everywhere and there are actually not many supplies in this map. The pit in the middle is where new enemies spawn. Also the most RNG needed part is that there cannot be too many AVs in the center or you will have nowhere to dodge their attacks each time you pass through the pit.


There is a fatal bug that the cyberdemon on the top may get stuck and cannot be killed, preventing you from getting UV Max.


Make sure your kills counts are 590/616 before entering the key doors and you have to spend a lot of time finding the remaining enemies in the central pit. That is very annoying.


The key doors lead to a room with 8 (=3 revenants+2 HKs+1 Baron+1 AV+1 mancubus) enemies and the last 18 enemies are all spectres.

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Map01 UV -Fast in 1:30



It's funny that I accidentally put "-fast" in the wrong place again, so I missed my first pass with 1:36. Then I found out that one was incredibly lucky because the Invisibility can screw you in many occasions, but you somewhat need that thing...


Also, for some reason, there is a high chance that you'll shoot through things at the beginning room. This one, I shot through the Pinky so many times, but usually you'll shoot through those 2 Chaingunners. I am kind of curious why this would happen. Probably it has something to do with the shoot-able switch on the wall?



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Map10 UV Max in 6:47-tj10-647.zip


Youtube version


Music is from Pokemon black/white.


Actually this map is not so hard but just a bit annoying for the enemies on the top platforms. It is very generous that the author gives you SSG at the beginning and it is not hard to get it.



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Map32 UV Max/Reality



Not much I can say about this map, so I just made the same thing as rdwpa did, or I guess that 1:01 record by 4shockblast actually blew my mind to the void?


Map32 UV Tyson



I actually got everything killed once before 1:00, but the door was stuck for some reason. Bonus 1:08 run for Chainsawing some Mastermind.

Edited by GarrettChan

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Map21 UV Max in 3:35



In my opinion, this map is not very Max friendly due to good weapons are behind a bunch of stuff. Also, the space is kind of cramped, so you don't have a lot of ways to maneuver, or get blocked by flying stuff that you can't see. Well, I think I gave it enough time even my time is pretty bad (by my feeling).

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I'm not sure if Map 31 can be properly maxed. This map seems to suffer from a problem I've seen a few times where the author makes both exits two separate paths, and taking one completely blocks you off from the other. Because of this, 100% kills is impossible if you take either exit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

Map01 UV Max in 1:16



Well, too late for the beat 1000 records monthly since I don't have time until today, so I post here. Just to take over TVKiller's run, but I have to say this map is very annoying because there are so many things can screw your run, and you don't really have a lot of resource to work with.

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