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Boom Editing Tools - TeamTNT tools now (partially) for Windows 64-bit (By Gibbon)

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Full creds to @GibbonI am just making the thread.

@Doomkid get in here! This is what you need in your life!

Inspired by @Dusty_Rhodes thread to make Tranmaps, @maxmanium and Dusty asked the following:



Indeed, who knows?


So i asked Gibbon:




Within 12 minutes he ported Boom Editing Utilities to Windows x64 - and they work.



The following Boom Editing Utilities are ported:

bin2c.exe	convert a binary file to a C array for inclusion in
                INFO.C as a predefined lump

bmp2c.exe	convert a .BMP file for a patch or a graphic to a C
                array for inclusion in INFO.C as a predefined lump

trigcalc.exe    compute a generalized linedef type number based on 
                answers to questions about what it does

cmaptool.exe	generate a .BMP file containing all colors of the the
                DOOM palette, standard or custom, and after editing
                this BMP file, create a colormap lump that effects
                the corresponding colormap, based on the standard or
		a custom colormap.

mus2mid.exe	convert a .MUS file (or a list of possibly wildcarded
                .MUS files) to the corresponding .MID file(s)

                 Usage: MMUS2MID musfile[.MUS]
                 writes musfile.MID as output
                 musfile may contain wildcards

maktrlmp.exe	convert a TRANMAP.DAT file output by boom to a .LMP
                file by the same name for use as a custom
                translucency lump.

swantbls.exe	convert a text file that defines the switches and
                animated textures and flats to the lumps SWITCHES.LMP
		and ANIMATED.LMP for use in a BOOM pwad.

todos.exe	convert a Unix format file to a Dos format file (in Dos)

tounix.exe      convert a Dos format file to a Unix format file (in Dos)


Download: BOOMUTILS_WIN64.zip

GitHub: Boom Editing Tools

GitHub Download: Here

Edited by Redneckerz
Added mus2mid.exe

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9 minutes ago, Redneckerz said:

Within 12 minutes he cleaned up the code to standard C and ported  Boom Utilities to Windows x64 - and they work.

Damn, this man's on fire.

Nice work Gibbon!

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Update: mus2mid is now also included.


I ported allegro.h to MinGW and got mus2mid.exe working


Yes, allegro 3.0 from 1998


mus2mid.exe Usage: MMUS2MID musfile[.MUS] writes musfile.MID as output musfile may contain wildcards

Main thread and package updated.

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Oh, wow! I remember those! These will surely come in handy for anyone on Windows 64-bit.


Good job, Gibbon.

Edited by HavoX

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To concide with this, a page for Boom Editing Utilities is now on DoomWiki.


Jim's legacy now carries on into the modern age.

Edited by Redneckerz

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27 minutes ago, Mordeth said:

Is there a chance to do the same for CLED ..?


According to the text file in the boom utility source package:


The sources for CLED, MUSPUT, and STAT will be made available at a
future date along with the sources for the PATCHER wad builder
utility, as they are sub-programs of it.


No idea if Jim released any of the sources for these.  I cannot find them on idgames or on the net.

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12 minutes ago, CoolerDoomeR said:

This will be released for 32-bit os?


I can try and compile it on MSVC for 32bit but my MinGW toolchain is 100% 64bit with no multilib support.

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8 minutes ago, Gibbon said:


I can try and compile it on MSVC for 32bit but my MinGW toolchain is 100% 64bit with no multilib support.

Okay thanks!

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12 minutes ago, Mordeth said:

On Jim Flynn's own page the source for Patcher is also listed. Quick look inside reveals what appears to be CLED source code files.


Oh your kung-fu is mightier than mine!  I'll just download everything :) and try to get them all running.

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