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DBK03: Shrine of the Silver CyberPrimate (RC2)

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I just recently discovered the DBK stuff and played through Dungeon Synth (Loved it so much BTW one of the rare occasions I liked an Icon map.) so I am really excited to play this. The screenshots look super badass!

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Oooooh! It's been a while since the last DBK. Stoked to see the new release, love the Mesoamerican-style, as usual!

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I was wondering if we were ever going to get a new DBK! This is going straight to the top of my pile to play! Looks fantastic!

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I completely forgot these existed. Good to see a new one. I remember liking the first two.


Question: DBK01 was at RC2 and DBK02 was at RC3. Are those considered 'final'? I know they never made it to the archives.

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8 hours ago, EffinghamHuffnagel said:

Question: DBK01 was at RC2 and DBK02 was at RC3. Are those considered 'final'? I know they never made it to the archives.


Good question, I confess I've often been caught of a cycle where a few minor, often port-specific bugs pop up as I'm transitioning from finalizing one project to launching the next. Which means it's easy to feel like "well, I shouldn't upload this to idgames yet because the remaining fixes are pretty trivial"--but then it's hard to make the time and headspace as I'm getting excited about the next big project. Switching the DBKs to a looser schedule was an attempt to break the cycle, but it remains to be seen whether I can do it.


For all intents and purposes the most recent RCs of DBK01/2 are final. But while I've got a good excuse to take a breath from DBK03 and wait for some feedback and videos, this is potentially a good moment to see if I can get the two prior installments officially idgames'd. (As long as I can resist adding to the couple of possible DBK04 maps I've already got in the works XD.) 

Edited by Big Ol Billy

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Could you share the list of mappers for all bonus levels? I need this to properly cover DBK03 on DoomWiki.

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15 minutes ago, Nockson said:

Could you share the list of mappers for all bonus levels? I need this to properly cover DBK03 on DoomWiki.

All the bonus maps are by me, I got a lil carried away lol

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Great return of the DBK, awesome stuff as expected.

The bonus maps are short but challenging, great addition, and the credits map is crazy haha,

loved it, my personal record was 695 with a couple of saves.




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Forgot to mention that I beat this a few days ago. Really great stuff! I enjoyed all the maps, but the first one might have been my favorite. It's big with a ton of stuff to do. The new boss was interesting and thankfully not as confusing to beat as DBK01's was. I did not expect all the bonus maps after the main campaign. I ended up dying more in 2 of them than in the entire normal playthrough! Super fun stuff all around!

Edited by TJG1289

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1 hour ago, Soulless said:

loved it, my personal record was 695 with a couple of saves.

Wonderful, I’m hoping nothing breaks on the final infinite fight as people more skilled than me take it on (I think my highest so far is in the low 500s?). Glad you enjoyed the set!


Also thanks @TJG1289 for the comments, very encouraging for us!

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Afternoon @Big Ol Billy, played Map 1 last night and had a blast! However, I have a question:



I couldn't find 2 secrets, I could see 7 on the automap, even after iddt'ing. I got all the Security Cameras as well. 


Am I missing something obvious here? 

My OCD will not allow me to continue until I find them 😂


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@mancubian_candidate Glad you enjoyed MAP01!



Off the top of my head, here are the MAP01 secrets since I don't have the WAD handy at the moment.

  1. Soulsphere in the control room at the beginning, accessible by smashing vases and going through the vent system (also nets chainsaw along the way)
  2. In the red skull key room on the ground level, there's another control room whose door is slightly obscured by vases, barrels, etc. Inside is another control room with a beating heart
  3. Also in the red skull key room, there's a hidden switch you can find by going on top of the bushes adjacent to the big ramp. This opens a compartment on the upper level of the room, which has a switch that makes the automap and other goodies available.
  4. In the blue skull key room, standing at the entrance to the gold temple will reveal a shootable switch, which reveals an early rocket launcher.
  5. After the narrow hallway with the fire jets and (on UV) a baron, there's a breakable fan that takes you outside for a blue armor.
  6. In the lava/catwalks room with the first archvile, there is a place where you can swim through the lava to a secret lift, which takes you by a couple of vending machines and ultimately to another soulsphere.
  7. In the fountain room after the yellow key door, there's a secret underwater chamber partially covered by leaves. Swimming down will get you an early plasma rifle
  8. In the big outdoor arena with the first risk blazer powerup, after you take the lift up there's a TNT box among the other boxes in a barred-off area. Shoot the TNT box with a rocket and it will blow open the box area. A secret vent then takes you to a control room. Once you have the red key card, you can activate the switch there, which gives you an invuln and opens another vent to an audience area. After you massacre the guards, there's another control room with two switches. One opens the viewing windows, the other activates a timed lift which lowers the backpack on the tall pillar near the red key card pipe.
  9. In the lava area opened with the yellow skull key, with the big hanging gong, there's a damaged wall that you can blow open with a rocket. This reveals a rad suit, which you can use to traverse a series of crushers to get to a control room with (on UV) a manc and some guards. Kill the baddies and grab the secret megasphere that was first visible in yellow skull key switch room.

If I'd have to guess, I'd wager that 7 and 8 were the missing ones, since I believe these were cases where the items are tagged as secrets rather than the sector. I avoid that when possible, but in some cases it's the best way (i.e., when there's 3D floor or water trickery involved, or when the item is on a small pillar that could be easily not triggered when grabbing the item). In an editor, you can search for items with the "count as secret" flag to hunt these down yourself, though that's not as fun as finding them organically!


FYI I did verify that 100% kills and secrets are possible on every map, at least in a very-close-to-final build, so definitely let me know if you find anything ungettable! A few other notes if you wanna get real completionist on the set:

  • Security cameras are strictly related to revealing the mapper tag (which always appears on a long computer monitor somewhere close to the exit--you'll hear the announcer say "BINGO!" when you destroy them all).
  • Some kills require you to break into audience areas and scare the audience. Normal, unarmed audience members will flee for the exit and do NOT count towards the kill count. Armed security in the audience boxes (usually temple guards or some kind of hitscan zombie) are thus a clue that there's some way to get into that audience area.


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1 minute ago, Big Ol Billy said:

@mancubian_candidate Glad you enjoyed MAP01!


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Off the top of my head, here are the MAP01 secrets since I don't have the WAD handy at the moment.

  1. Soulsphere in the control room at the beginning, accessible by smashing vases and going through the vent system (also nets chainsaw along the way)
  2. In the red skull key room on the ground level, there's another control room whose door is slightly obscured by vases, barrels, etc. Inside is another control room with a beating heart
  3. Also in the red skull key room, there's a hidden switch you can find by going on top of the bushes adjacent to the big ramp. This opens a compartment on the upper level of the room, which has a switch that makes the automap and other goodies available.
  4. In the blue skull key room, standing at the entrance to the gold temple will reveal a shootable switch, which reveals an early rocket launcher.
  5. After the narrow hallway with the fire jets and (on UV) a baron, there's a breakable fan that takes you outside for a blue armor.
  6. In the lava/catwalks room with the first archvile, there is a place where you can swim through the lava to a secret lift, which takes you by a couple of vending machines and ultimately to another soulsphere.
  7. In the fountain room after the yellow key door, there's a secret underwater chamber partially covered by leaves. Swimming down will get you an early plasma rifle
  8. In the big outdoor arena with the first risk blazer powerup, after you take the lift up there's a TNT box among the other boxes in a barred-off area. Shoot the TNT box with a rocket and it will blow open the box area. A secret vent then takes you to a control room. Once you have the red key card, you can activate the switch there, which gives you an invuln and opens another vent to an audience area. After you massacre the guards, there's another control room with two switches. One opens the viewing windows, the other activates a timed lift which lowers the backpack on the tall pillar near the red key card pipe.
  9. In the lava area opened with the yellow skull key, with the big hanging gong, there's a damaged wall that you can blow open with a rocket. This reveals a rad suit, which you can use to traverse a series of crushers to get to a control room with (on UV) a manc and some guards. Kill the baddies and grab the secret megasphere that was first visible in yellow skull key switch room.

If I'd have to guess, I'd wager that 7 and 8 were the missing ones, since I believe these were cases where the items are tagged as secrets rather than the sector. I avoid that when possible, but in some cases it's the best way (i.e., when there's 3D floor or water trickery involved, or when the item is on a small pillar that could be easily not triggered when grabbing the item). In an editor, you can search for items with the "count as secret" flag to hunt these down yourself, though that's not as fun as finding them organically!


FYI I did verify that 100% kills and secrets are possible on every map, at least in a very-close-to-final build, so definitely let me know if you find anything ungettable! A few other notes if you wanna get real completionist on the set:

  • Security cameras are strictly related to revealing the mapper tag (which always appears on a long computer monitor somewhere close to the exit--you'll hear the announcer say "BINGO!" when you destroy them all).
  • Some kills require you to break into audience areas and scare the audience. Normal, unarmed audience members will flee for the exit and do NOT count towards the kill count. Armed security in the audience boxes (usually temple guards or some kind of hitscan zombie) are thus a clue that there's some way to get into that audience area.



Fantastic, thank you - that was so in-depth. Appreciate it :)

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18 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:



Nice playing! FYI what's your mod setup and GZ version? I'm happy to see that tweaked weapons and ammo pickups (which I think are visual changes only?) are playing well with the set. Also nice to see the Doomgirl HUDface and sfx, since I wanted to make sure the project would work narratively with non-Doomguy protagonists as well!


I noticed a little bit of visual weirdness with the colored sectors in slightly older GZ versions, similar to what popped up a couple of times here in the blue skull key fight, but I thought I had ironed out the kinks for 4.10.0. Generally with these the aim is compatibility with ZDoom 2.8.1 and the latest GZ, but I don't know if I totally understand the range of visual config options in GZ people might have, so I want to try to support those as much as possible!

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Any changes from the doomgirl mod are only cosmetic and slight. Weapon balancing or speed aren't affected at all. 

Edited by LadyMistDragon

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Played some of the first map and absolutely loving it so far. A wacky and creative idea well executed. As an archaeology/history nut, loving the architecture.

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22 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Finally cracking into this and holy shit, what a magnificent start! I'm madly in love already, my god, what a powerful MAP01 that was!

Those giant wasp things are not from Hexen at all, and they look nothing like the old school Raven art style! Pretty sure they're those annoying guys from Exhumed.

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12 minutes ago, Gez said:

Those giant wasp things are not from Hexen at all, and they look nothing like the old school Raven art style! Pretty sure they're those annoying guys from Exhumed.


Can always count on you to fill me in these things, can't I, Gez? ;^P


Part 2!



Edited by Biodegradable

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On 5/18/2023 at 9:00 AM, Biodegradable said:

Part 2!


I'm loving these playthroughs! I'm actually really digging the gore mod you've got going on here too—that extra bit of splattery-ness works really well with the whole "ultra-violent game show" concept of the set. Which mod is this?

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7 hours ago, Big Ol Billy said:


I'm loving these playthroughs! I'm actually really digging the gore mod you've got going on here too—that extra bit of splattery-ness works really well with the whole "ultra-violent game show" concept of the set. Which mod is this?


Nash's Gore, my friend. Glad you're digging the vids. ;^)

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This has been my favorite DBK installation as well as probably my favorite wad released in 2023.

What an absolute treat! The world building was fantastic and professionally crafted, the attention to detail in each and every area was very much felt and the campaign itself (as well as the secret maps) was solid through and through.


It was worth the wait, and I can't wait to play more!

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@Big Ol Billy After collecting the blue skullkey in MAP03 and returning to the main arena, the map kills my frame-rate quite severely and is unplayable. Not sure why it's happening, however I suspect it might be Nash's Gore. Might have to pistol-start MAP03 :^/

Edited by Biodegradable

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