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TNT Revilution: Final release now on ID Games!

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TNTR - Runs with TNT.wad


TNT: Revilution is a fan made community project the acts as a sequel to TeamTNT's Evilution. The goal of this project was to capture the spirit of what made Evilution so great, while at the same time bringing the quality of the visuals & game play up to modern standards.

Current maplist

Episode 1 - Takes place on Io shortly after the Icon of Sin was defeated, you are fighting through another one of the UAC's bases. This base hasn't taken much damage from the invasion so most things are still in working order. Combat here is fast & furious, the second wave of hellish forces are fresh off the hell ship & are looking to tear you apart.

  • MAP01: Uprising - SFoZ911
  • MAP02: Geothermal - AD_79
  • MAP03: Access Denied - Chris Hansen
  • MAP04: Blood Factory - SteveD
  • MAP05: Graveyard Shift - Jaws in Space
  • MAP06: Communications Relay - XenoNemesis & Kyka & dobu gabu maru & Jaws In Space
  • MAP07: No Man's Station - cannonball
  • MAP08: Fortress of Bullets - sincity2100 & dobu gabu maru
  • MAP09: Bunker Complex - Whoo & Kyka & Jaws In Space
  • MAP10: Underground Activity - Gothic & Kyka
  • MAP11: Pourriture - tourniquet

Episode 2 - After escaping from Io the player is now hopping between various defunct spaceports & moons around Jupiter working his way toward the hellship itself. Dark and gloomy techbases fill up this episode, these moon bases have been long abandon & if they still have power consider yourself lucky. The invasion forces aren't so strong here & with their numbers low they must resort to hiding in the shadows & resorting to sneak attacks if they want to catch the player off guard.

  • MAP12: Transduction - StupidBunny & Kyka & Megamur & dobu gabu maru
  • MAP13: Hangman's Curse - Jaws In Space
  • MAP14: Abandoned Port - SteveD
  • MAP15: Nugake Zone - D_GARG & Jaws In Space
  • MAP16: Devil's Den - dobu gabu maru
  • MAP17: Spider Colony - purist
  • MAP18: Hell's Signs - Eternal
  • MAP19: The Crash Site - gaspe
  • MAP20: Portal Facility - Phobus

Episode 3 - Industrial Hell, while the forces of hell are well advanced in technology, nobody builds weapons like the UAC does. Hell has captured the advanced weapon technology of the UAC's IO base & are now using the designs to build their own super weapons. Maps in this episode are a heavy mixture of tech & hell, being their own turf monster density is quite high & you'll need all the firepower you can get your hands on to make it to the leader of this hellish industrial revilution.

  • MAP21: Bloody Garden - Eradrop
  • MAP22: Pharaoh's Claim - Olympus & Kyka & dobu gabu maru
  • MAP23: Desolation - Jaws In Space
  • MAP24: ЯƎᗡЯUM - valkiriforce
  • MAP25: Malware - cannonball
  • MAP26: Revengineer - The Mionic Donut
  • MAP27: The Visage of Time - Tarnsman
  • MAP28: Superweapon Facility - Pinchy
  • MAP29: Across the Blood Sea - Eradrop
  • MAP30: Malignata - Obsidian & dobu gabu maru

Secret maps

  • MAP31: Anubis - valkiriforce
  • MAP32: Duality - Kyka & Jaws In Space



  • MAP01: TiN Toker - Bucket
  • MAP02: Neato - Jeremy Doyle
  • MAP03: Trial aNd Terror (Bucket)
  • MAP04: Sea Bats - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP05: (Here Comes) The Night Train - Bucket
  • MAP06: Contempt (I Hate You) - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP07: Target NeuTralized - Bucket
  • MAP08: Crazy Castle Killer - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP09: Total NoThingness - Bucket
  • MAP10: Your Last Resort - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP11: Rushing Headlong - Jeremy Doyle
  • MAP12: Ionian Isolation - Eris Falling
  • MAP13: ThirteeNTh hour - Bucket
  • MAP14: Crawl - Jeremy Doyle
  • MAP15: Tell No Tales - Bucket
  • MAP16: Avec Vous - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP17: TaraNTulas - Bucket
  • MAP18: Reaching Deeper - Eris Falling
  • MAP19: ToNgue Tied - Bucket
  • MAP20: Hell's Furnace - Eris Falling
  • MAP21: Becoming a Machine - Eradrop
  • MAP22: TermiNate and Torture - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP23: REQ-JD10 - Jeremy Doyle
  • MAP24: The Arcane - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP25: And So, She Fell - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP26: God Ov Julenca - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP27: Grandfather Clocktower - Viscra Maelstrom
  • MAP28: TiNTinnabulation - Bucket
  • MAP29: Last Deep Breath - Eradrop
  • MAP30: Trampled uNderneaTh - Bucket
  • MAP31: Atmospher - Eris Falling
  • MAP32: I Don't Want You To Leave (Ragretful Edit) - Viscra Maelstrom
  • Title screen: Cataclysmic Impact - Viscra Maelstrom
  • Intermission screen: Darkest Hour - Eris Falling
  • Story text screen: The Revolution Continues - Eris Falling


The long development history of Revilution

As TNT2: Devilution
As Revilution under Kyka
As Revilution under Eris


Convilution - Consists of maps rejected by Devilution & Revilution. This project is on standby until the release of Devilution.



Any maps that have been rejected from either TNT2: Devilution or TNT: Revilution have been collected here, unless the author objects. Maps 1, 3, 11, 21, 22, & 24 have missing textures due to having come from TNT2: Devilution, you can get the resource pack for those maps from one of the various TNT2 development threads. Once Revilution & Devilution have been released onto the Archive I will start focusing on getting this wad rejeased.


Map01 - was Map01, Unsolved Requiem by EmZee
Map02 - was Map02, Nightmap by Olympus
Map03 - was Map03, Untitled by Alterworldruler
Map04 - was Map03, DMP Sand by Kyka
Map05 - was Map04, Graytech Harrow by Kyka
Map06 - was Map05, Compute Err Stay Shun by Archi & Kyka
Map07 - was Map09, Lithosphere by Melon, Kyka, & Megamur
Map08 - an E1 map, Checkout by joe-Ilya
Map09 - was Map13, Military Complex by EmZee & Kyka
Map10 - was Map14, Decay by mrthejoshmon
Map11 - was Map15, Grayzone by Alterworldruler
Map12 - was Map15, Untitled by Kyka & Alterworldruler
Map13 - was Map16, The Wings by 40oz
Map14 - was Map17, Sting Theory by Kyka & Alterworldruler
Map15 - was Map18, Untitled by Kyka & Alterworldruler
Map16 - was Map19, Crud Refinery by Kyka & Xenonemesis
Map17 - was Map22, Arenaphobia by Kyka & Olympus
Map18 - was Map23, Dreadmill by Kyka
Map19 - was Map24, The Red by SinCity2100
Map20 - Was Map26, Abysmal Oubliette by Kyka
Map21 - Was Map27, Mt Sterquilinus by Alterworldruler
Map22 - Was Map29, Path Of Sacrifice by Alterworldruler
Map23 - Was Map29, Still Viridian Twilight by Kyka
Map24 - Was Map30, Last Rites by Whoo & TheMionicDonut

Edited by Jaws In Space

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Monthly Update: February 1, 2016

Hello everyone, alot has happened since the last wad update in mid December. For one thing I'm now officially in charge of the project. Things had slowed down to a crawl during the holidays, but it looks like the pace is picking up again thanks to people volunteering to make maps. We still have a ways to go in getting this project out the door, but I am still pushing for a June 17, 2016 release date. As you can see from the post above we have a few open spaces left to fill, one of them being map 32, if you would like to make a map for this slot send me a PM & I'll give you the details of what we are looking for. There are a few other things that I'd like to get done as well, we are going to be needing some graphics made for the intermission screen & credits screen, also we'll need an M_DOOM graphic that says Revilution.

So what's new with the project.
Map 1: Now has difficulty setting implemented & no longer breaks vanilla.
Map 9: Has been heavily edited down to help with the flow & pacing of the map
Map 12: Has had a few edits to the map removing some of the poorer sections & Dobu Gabu Maru is working on adding to the good sections.
Map 14: Has been moved to Convilution
Map 17: Has had a bit of a reworking with the monster placement
Map 19: We have a new map 19 thanks to gaspe
Map 23: We have a new map 23 thanks to me
Map 26: Has been moved to Convilution
Map 28: Has been replaced with a version that is approved by Eradrop

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Yes that was brought up in the previous thread as well, but I don't feel that the music goes well with the map anymore now that it has been cut down by 700 monsters & an hour of gameplay.

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Just posting to say that my map is basically done as I want it to be. Going to add some multilayer starts now.
I've been playing around with it for the last few hours to see what will break and what will need tweaking in regards to ammo and health. Also I added some doodad.

Guess what...
Apparently the area I so desperately needed help with before won't accept teleporting monsters whatsoever in the enclosures. This also extends to the left main side but not the right main side(the area is split into two major sides). Nope, not gonna happen it says. In big bold letters. No clue why, but I've improvised. My inkling is that I've might have hit a sweetspot in the doom engine or something. 1/1000 chance maybe....

edit: I hope you're not being literal when you changed the description of episode 2. I designed this map with the old description in mind and it said nothing about monsters hiding in ambushes.
It is probably no big deal - but just so you factor it in when deciding about the fate of my map.

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Just a heads up, I likely won't be able to get to MAP24 until early March or so. Got a bunch of stuff to work on first!

Also, I looked through the Doyle midis. Would MAP02 be able to use NEATO.mid?

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Double post!

For some reason my computer had decided to use glboom-plus despite me not selecting that. And how many times do you visit the test tab in DoomBuilder config? :-P

I'll be back with a version with fixed lights as they are too dark in prboom-plus.

Drat. Double-drat.

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At this point it would make sense to reintegrate the Devilution and Revilution projects. All the bad blood has long since retired and between the two stagnant projects there's probably a megawad's worth of top-quality material.

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AD_79 said:

Just a heads up, I likely won't be able to get to MAP24 until early March or so. Got a bunch of stuff to work on first!

Also, I looked through the Doyle midis. Would MAP02 be able to use NEATO.mid?

Don't take too long :) & yes you may have Neato.

NeedHealth said:

Map submitted.

You can go ahead & post you map here if you would like, it gives it a better chance of being reviewed by others. I'll be getting to it myself later today.

Bucket said:

At this point it would make sense to reintegrate the Devilution and Revilution projects. All the bad blood has long since retired and between the two stagnant projects there's probably a megawad's worth of top-quality material.

I'm pretty sure Devilution is just a map or 2 shy of a complete megawad & since we only need 9 more maps, 6 of which are in progress it makes more sense to keep them separate.

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Jaws In Space said:

You can go ahead & post you map here if you would like, it gives it a better chance of being reviewed by others. I'll be getting to it myself later today.

You can disregard the version I sent you via PM. As I said - DoomBuilder decided to screw me over.

Well, here it goes: My first map to be officially published on the net.

Name: Subjugating The Tribe
Music: Crawl by Jeremy Doyle

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I have an old map I worked on which was kinda gimmicky. I still have the old files and I never released it.
Pretty much Doomguy spawned in big pyramid and had to navigate the way around it until he found a switch. Pressing it opened up the pyramid and the interior turned into a big exterior. What's your guys planned release date? I still have some work to do on it but It'd be a fitting late game TNT map.

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EvilNed said:

I have an old map I worked on which was kinda gimmicky. I still have the old files and I never released it.
Pretty much Doomguy spawned in big pyramid and had to navigate the way around it until he found a switch. Pressing it opened up the pyramid and the interior turned into a big exterior. What's your guys planned release date? I still have some work to do on it but It'd be a fitting late game TNT map.

I'm targeting June 17 as a release date.

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NeedHealth said:

Jaws, did you have time to test my map as you said you would? What did you think?

Yes I did play your map. Here are my thoughts on it, overall it is a pretty decent map considering that it's your first upload to Doomworld, the map isn't super linear & the lighting is pretty good. There are some nice traits to it that fit right in with a TNT mapset, such as the orange doors near the start & the whole exit room setup. Though there are a few negatives as well, like having to run back to grab keys, though that's pretty minor considering how small the map is. I'm pretty conflicted as to whether to use this map or not, I removed map 14 because it felt like a mappers early effort & I get a similar vibe from this map. Since this map would go into the map14 slot if it were to be included I am forced to compare the 2 map & if I ask myself, is this map better than the former map 14, I can only say that it is on par. So sadly while this is a pretty good effort I must turn it down.

Now I can include this map into Convilution if you want, but I urge you to release this map on your own, I believe that it stand out on it's own pretty well & you could also get some more meaningful feedback from a variety of people if you do so, rather than just being stuck with a single review from me, which is what most maps submitted to Revilution get.

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Okay, time to start commenting on maps.

Map12 - Wormholding by StupidBunny, Kyka, Megamur, and dobu gabu maru - Kills - 95%, Items - 82%, Secrets - 62%. End Health - 67, Armor 7. Death Count - North of 10. Bullets - 67, Shells - 41, Rockets - 13, Cells - 0

I'm not sure who initiated this map that's seen so many cooks in the stew, but it feels like a Kyka map with the usual Kyka attributes; huge size, very TNT-like look and feel, obtuse progression, lots of backtracking, and challenging to even sadistic traps.

TBH, this was much nastier than I expected for its mapslot, and that's all to the good. No complaints there. It's definitely oldskool in the sense that a lot of exploration is needed to find as many of the 16 secrets as you can get. I'm especially thankful that I found the plasmagun, because without it, that big batch of Hell Noble meat in a late battle would have been a gruesome chore. Indeed, I can suggest that making the PG openly accessible at the necessary point might be a better idea, since otherwise that's gonna be a grindy conflict.

I really liked the outdoor Soulsphere secret, which I found just in the nick of time after damaging myself with my own rocket splash in the hellish side area. The yellow key area which overlooks this secret is perhaps the most attractive room in the map.

The overall look is very, very dark. This increased my death count because I was stupid enough to play part of the map in the daytime, and even with my mini-blinds closed, a snowstorm outside and general overcast, there was enough light reflected off the snow to make seeing anything very difficult in the nastiest, darkest area of the map. That area is where you have a switch in Sector 344 right next to an alcove, blocked by bars, which contains an Invuln. I hadn't found the secret progression to open those bars at that point, so I died like a dog again and again at this trap, including a death to noble slime because it came unexpectedly out of pitch darkness right in front of me. I reckon I died 5 times at this trap even though I figured out the correct path on my second try. There's just so much meat so close to you that it's a bit tricky, especially if you can't see because of glare on the screen.

I was overall very pleased with the combat in this map, except for the Block Monster tag on Linedef 49, which I reckon is there to prevent monsters from triggering a teleport trap, but since that trap only releases 3 Spectres, but will ultimately block attacks from PEs and a Baron, I think it's a bad trade, because I was able to casually stand behind that line and pick off the Lost Souls and PEs at my leisure.

This area also had an irritating wall detail, where Linedef 6 has a Door 3 texture, but it's not a door. That texture should be changed to a computer panel or just the wall texture, since otherwise a player is likely to waste as much time as I did going back to see if it's finally open.

Be warned -- this map has a couple mazes.

The only other issue I had with the map is not so easily changed -- it's just so damned long. I thought the map wore out it's welcome somewhere in its last third. It just seemed to go on and on, and because the layout was confusing, a lot of time was spent figuring out where I was and where I needed to go next. This map had enough ideas and set-ups for 3 maps.

Overall, it's a well-executed exploration map with some occasionally brutal combat, and should really appeal to fans of ginormous, tricky, oldskool TNT designs.

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Thanks for the feedback on MAP12 Steve. I just recently got ahold of it and have been expanding the Hell section, but I'll make sure to address all the things you pointed out. I'll probably alter the flow a little bit too, as a did a -nomonsters run of it and found it was a little too switch-based.

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Thanks for the review Steve.

dobu gabu maru said:

Thanks for the feedback on MAP12 Steve. I just recently got ahold of it and have been expanding the Hell section, but I'll make sure to address all the things you pointed out. I'll probably alter the flow a little bit too, as a did a -nomonsters run of it and found it was a little too switch-based.

Cool, less work for me to do :)

sincity2100 said:

Can I take the map14 slot?

I've actually just revived a PM from someone who want's to make an E2 map, so that episode may be filled up. But you may still make a map for the 14 spot if you would like, as map slots are still open to be moved around or someone may not come through with a map.

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Alright, my edits should be mostly done to MAP12. I've changed the name from "Wormholding" to "Transduction", and made a couple of adjustments to the map pre-Hell Area (mainly removing monsters to speed up map flow). I thiiiiiink I got all the visplane & lineseg issues, but if any pop up, please let me know. I haven't tweaked anything below UV, but I'm waiting to hear whether or not the Hell Area is OK before I do so--it's the hardest part of the map, but it should be manageable.

Download here. Plays on MAP12.

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Looks great Dobu, I didn't have too much trouble with your section of the map. I looked it over with Choco Render Limits, I got to 128 visplanes, Yikes! but I think the area is okay.

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dobu gabu maru said:

Download here. Plays on MAP12.

FDA since i'm usually curious whenever you post somehing new. Quite gentle in contrast with your usual stuff but i guess it fits well into formula of this project. Almost expected that you'd pull off something a la Sunlust map 30 in the wormhole flashback part with all the corpses lying around. Also not sure about the breather part before the hell scenario, i love atmospheric stuff but wandering through an completely empty area idk nice to look at but it's missing something. Really enjoyed the Hell scenario and final Cyb battle also Kudos if this works in vanilla. Nifty map, nothing to complain besides that it bugged me to exit with only 2 secret found :p

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Thanks for the demo tourniquet. It's unlike my usual stuff because the only parts I designed from scratch were the Hell portion and its corresponding Silver room. I actually took out some encounters that occurred between the Hell area and the key doors, primarily to draw out the tension and let the midi work its magic. It doesn't make for exciting gameplay but hopefully people will enjoy the atmosphere. And the cyber in the final battle was my doing too--originally it was just a mass of low tier units, which was hilariously easy to plow through. And yeah, he can be fled from like in Marcaek's case, but that doesn't really bother me.

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dobu gabu maru said:

Thanks for the feedback on MAP12 Steve.

I look forward to checking out your edits as soon as I finish testing a few more maps. I like the screenshot fo' sho'!

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Map13 – Graveyard Shift by Jaws In Space – Kills – 100, Items – 100, Secrets – 100. End Heath – 40, Armor – 75, Death Count – 22. Bullets – 210, Shells – 54, Rockets – 1, Cells – 20

Ah, this time I get to comment on a map by our fearless leader! IIRC, I got 17 pelts off him in my map, so I hope he's happy to get them all back plus change. BTW, I can't help wondering if maybe I can go past the 180 monster limit on my map, since IMO it really loses energy past the red door. ;)

Back to Graveyard Shift. I really suck at this type of map. It's practically survivalist until all of a sudden you get drowned in ammo at the end. The start is quite mean as you're presented with a line of Mancs and you have to flee or die. You only have 2 directions in which to run away screaming, and you'll get yourself in trouble on either path because you basically have no firepower and you have to get past Spectres, Lost Souls, Cacos, Imps, Sergeants and, if your luck is shit like mine was, Arachnotrons and a Hell Knight, too. And don't forget the elevated and quite distant sniping Chaingunners. And don't forget you have no bloody armor! And don't forget that there's no Medikits, only Stimpacks. A significant number of my deaths happened because my health was low, my armor was zero, and I ran for Stimpacks only to be wasted by some Chaingunner off in a corner somewhere whose existence was unknown to me until that moment.

I can't say it wasn't fun, though, or that it was super-fun, either. Kind of a borderline map in that regard because RNG becomes such a factor. For example, there I was with 26% health, and off in Sector 78 is this Spectre, Thing 86. I had about 10 bullets and 2 shells at this point, so it was chainsaw all the way. Well, I had to fight that Spectre 9 fucking times because he got bite-through each and every time, and that put me down to 13% health with hitscanners ahead in the dark, and elevated Chaingunners shooting through a window from above and behind me once I turned the corner. In short, unless I killed that Spectre and retained 26% health, I was guaranteed to die shortly after. In fact, I proved this to be true by trying it a couple times. There is a Chaingunner behind the Thing 86 Spectre, and you can generate an infight, but the Spectre always seemed to win and still got bite-through in spite of being damaged. So this fight became a savescumming spectacular and was really frustrating and tedious for me. I understand that this kind of thing is more fun for some players than others, but IMO, this map could be significantly more fun with 2 or 3 of the Stimpacks turned into Medikits. As for Thing 86, I finally beat that jagoff by backing all the way to the stairs, hitting him once, backing off, then going back at him. His RNG failed on the stairs, it seems, but it's weird that he was always getting bite-through, which seems to take the “random” out of RNG. ;D

There's only about 126 monsters on this map, so Jaws did a great job getting the maximum amount of danger out of them. The layout is really nice and, unlike Map12, is actually comprehensible. The design features lots of deadly crossfires, along with unexpected monster appearances. For example, once you get through the red door, you're presented with a guardhouse that contains an Archie and a couple Chaingunners. Complicating matters are Spectres bumbling out of the dark corridors. As usual, I had less than 30 health and zero armor, so even a short blast from the Chaingunners would kill me, and getting hit by Archie was instantly fatal. I decided I had to kill them all before going forward, but lo and behold, while I'm chainsawing Spectres, Manc fireballs fly in through the window. I had to die twice before I realized these were the Mancs from the opening sequence suddenly set free to fry my ass while I was busy doing something else. Curse you, Jaws! ;D So now I have to kill all these damned Mancs with my precious ammo, and I'll have to come back and fight the Archie and Chaingunners with some rocks and a handful of dirt. And that, of course, all happened just before I became acquainted with Thing 86. Oh, the misery! :D

All in all, this map is twelve rounds of bareknuckle brutality from the beginning until 2 seconds before the end, when a Backpack suddenly becomes available at the single most useless moment. Talk about sadism! Did I mention that I had to kill two-thirds of the monsters before a Green Armor finally became available? Jaws ain't playin' in this one. This is easily the most difficult map I've played so far by Jaws. In my view, it would still be plenty difficult but far more fun if 2 or 3 Stimpacks became Medikits, and he added 20 shells and 50 bullets, and gave us the Backpack earlier in the map.

The look of the map was really good, with some very dark warrens that are quite dangerous once hitscanners and Revvies get released into them. The only notable flaw I encountered is that Linedef 749 is vertically misaligned.

I hope other players weigh in. You have to consider that I'm quite rusty after a long Doom holiday, and given that this is a high concept map, and the concept is one that I always have trouble with, some more opinions would be valuable. Jaws definitely nails the concept, of that, there is no doubt. ;)

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It's looking a bit plain, orthogonal, and flat. It seems like these doors will just raise into the sky. Texturing choice is strange (hewn stone + blue carpet?) and doesn't really fit with TNT, IMO.

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