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The DWmegawad Club plays: Interception (mmm, vanilla compatible!)

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What is the DWmegawad Club?
This is a place where we settle down, have a cup of tea (or drink of your choice) and take a month to play through a megawad on our own, together! Any keen observations, criticisms, or frustrated ranting about it goes here in the discussion. As long as you want to say something about what you've played, feel free to speak your mind.

Can I join?
Sure. The only rule is that you have to play at least some of the levels in our monthly megawad to contribute, but you're generally encouraged to finish the whole thing, even if you've played it before.

What levels am I allowed to post about?
This topic was started February 1st and on it you can post up to MAP03. With each day that continues, we add a map you can play (so just add 2 to the day of the month to know what map you can post up to). Remember that just because others may be on maps ahead of you, you can play at your own pace!

Do I have to post an entry every day?
Nope, not at all. This is only for our more enthusiastic members. As long as you play through it with us you’re part of the club.


The megawad we are playing through is Interception

>>>DOWNLOAD HERE (updated version)<<<

In August of 2011, Matt534Dog started a vanilla compatible community project for Doom 2 titled Interception. After two years of continuous effort, Interception was officially released this January. It features a TNT-style of difficulty and a themed progression, along with plenty of baddies to blast. WARNING: As it's still a relatively new megawad, so there may be some bugs/issues that have not been stamped out and it may be updated in the near future.

The maps and authors are as follows:


01 - Excavation Site by Matt534Dog
02 - Research Facility by Matt534Dog
03 - Flooded Caverns by Matt534Dog
04 - Medical Center by Matt534Dog
05 - Rail Terminal 38 by phobosdeimos1
06 - Dangerous Curves by valkiriforce
07 - Floodgates by Matt534Dog
08 - Panopticon by purist
09 - Chemical Laboratory by C30N9
10 - Iron Jungle by Razen
11 - The Ocean Outpost by valkiriforce
12 - Alpha Tower by Matt534Dog / Marnetmar / Pottus
13 - Underearth by sgt dopey / Matt534Dog
14 - Vertigo Plant by franckFRAG
15 - Elm Street by phobosdeimos1
16 - Hell House by Razen
17 - Antidote by Processingcontrol
18 - City of Burning Sulfur by valkiriforce
19 - Castle Grounds by Memfis
20 - Beta Tower by Matt534Dog
21 - Wrong Dimension by phobosdeimos1
22 - Bone Dread by phobosdeimos1
23 - Bloody Castle by C30N9 / valkiriforce
24 - Abysmal Affliction by Pottus
25 - Demon's Spite by C30N9
26 - Blood Siege by Pottus
27 - Wrecking Fist by Memfis + purist
28 - Amongst the Ash by Processingcontrol
29 - Barbatos' Fortress by General Rainbow Bacon
30 - Interception by Matt534Dog
31 - Degravitation by Processingcontrol
32 - The Cataclysm by valkiriforce

Community Chest 4
MAYhem 2012
Memento Mori
2002: A Doom Odyssey
Coffee Break & Fava Beans & Double Impact
Stardate 20X6 & Monochrome Mapping Project
Realm of Chaos
Back to Saturn X E1 & Favillesco E1
Kama Sutra
Unholy Realms & Zone 300
Vile Flesh
Ultimate Doom
Whitemare & Sacrament
Epic 2
Whitemare 2

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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I apologize for the awkward "day + 2" for the maps, as February is pretty mean to 32-level megawads. I would've started it later but I liked the idea of getting people to join on the weekends. Anyway,

MAP01: Matt starts the map off by dropping the player into a bleak outpost riddled with tall metal beams and a lot of brown. It's also very much so still occupied by its denizens, with quite a lot of hitscanners to chip away at your health. I would've liked it more if not for the fact that it seems too harsh for a starter level, specifically when you walk out of the tele and a chaingunner greets you with four sergeants by his side (although one of them is stuck inside the wall, fortunately). The HK fight was the highlight and the fake exit served to set a good mood as the intro to the next area.

MAP02: The opening gambit is quite a handful at 50% health, with cacos, a group sergeants on your left and three chaingunners to pick you apart from an alcove. The challenge refuses to relent with a field of imps and then a nasty teleport trap inside a bluky group of mad shotgunners. Luckily it cools down after that and nothing too difficult pops up, although the ending battle can be a bit of a surprise if you're like me and missed the RL. So far I really enjoy Matt's texture work and lighting, but I'd like it if he could hold off on kicking my ass for just a few more levels. Also, exiting the map with 100 shells seems a little weird this early in.

EDIT: Maybe I'm just a big baby today

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Map01 - Excavation Site by Matt534Dog
Nice opening map, can be a bit rough to start. Major annoyance came from severe resistance to shotgun blasts to the face by imps, infact all monsters. I died in the first are due to a sergeant taking all the pellets of my shotgun and dealing about 40 damage from long range (not impressed). I liked the interlinking of the map through secrets, teleporters and secret passages.

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I'm just here to drop by and say that every day one of my maps is featured, I'll take some of the largest criticisms and attempt to fix them. The wad is still being updated after all; and what better a tool to use than a full playthrough thread? ;)

Also, I'm going to leave a bit of development insight/trivia for my maps every day:

MAP01: This is actually completely remapped from the old MAP01 I'd mapped before even starting the project. The original MAP01 was shit, for lack of a better word, and Processingcontrol thought it'd be best to change it. The only part of the old MAP01 that remains is the bloodfall at the start...

MAP02: This was the second map not to be mapped under the Interception name. Unfortunately, that's about the only interesting thing I can say about the development of this map...

EDIT: Be sure the version you play is the latest version you can download from the Interception thread!

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The version I played (one in download link)
Thing 89 (sergeant) - stuck in wall
things 174 and 100 outside of level in same location as sergeant
(the download link might not be the latest one though as I'm sure this would have been pointed out earlier???)

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Matt534Dog said:

Would anyone mind if I just posted the latest download link in this thread every time the wad's updated? It'd save a ton of hassle for the players.

I personally wouldn't mind but maybe do an update every now and then after a few criticisms come in so it saves you having to keep re-uploading.

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Matt534Dog said:

Would anyone mind if I just posted the latest download link in this thread every time the wad's updated?

I'll do it, but people may just continue to play through like normal, as they'd prefer not to download a file every couple days or so. If nothing is gamebreaking, I'd say to just let them continue. Also, I disagree that you should continue to update your maps, and just leave them be as mere criticisms to remember the next time you make a map.

EDIT: Hell if it's unfinished, it might be better to find something else to play and give you guys this month to polish all the loose ends.

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Matt534Dog said:

I'm just here to drop by and say that every day one of my maps is featured, I'll take some of the largest criticisms and attempt to fix them. The wad is still being updated after all; and what better a tool to use than a full playthrough thread? ;)

Feel free to disagree with us though, everyone has their own ideas about what makes a good map and if you cave in to much you run the risk of losing your own creative vision in favour of design-by-commitee.

dobugabumaru said:

EDIT: Hell if it's unfinished, it might be better to find something else to play and give you guys this month to polish all the loose ends.

I'd say don't fix anything, let everyone play through as it is and just make notes for stuff to fix and change later - use this month like a beta test.

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mouldy said:

Feel free to disagree with us though, everyone has their own ideas about what makes a good map and if you cave in to much you run the risk of losing your own creative vision in favour of design-by-commitee.

This, you have your own style, stick to it. As one would say, you can't please everyone

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MAP01: A good start, I liked the secret to avoid an ugly ambush (which caught me off guard on my first attempt). I liked the use of areas you can't reach in this level, since they're actually interesting looking and add to the context of the level (though this doesn't look like an excavation site). The sergeants teleporting behind you in the first room was a great trap, but the hallway later in the level where the same thing happens was somewhat predictable and easy to escape from.

MAP02: Lotta chaingunners in the first room, don't you think? I liked the layout of this level. It branches off with good use of teleports and the like to make sure there's no boring backtracking sequences. The use of the door in the first room which doesn't open is always suspenseful as well. In contrast with what I said about MAP01, however, the use of windows in one room here is fairly bad, since all you can look out at is a bunch of water, which doesn't look like it goes on forever either, it's just some water. Aside from the water, this might look like a research facility, but again I don't see how the scenery plays into that, so why bother? I liked the maze portion too, and the fight with the hell knights with the barrels.

MAP03: This is my favorite of the 3 so far. I really like the huge open main area, I really like the hallway at the end you need to make some progress in, but then need to come back to later. I thought there were too many cacodaemons in the huge ambush given that there wasn't really any items accessible after that to refuel (not that I needed it desperately but it just seemed unfair?) Another thing I didn't love was the chaingunners in the main room since they were very far away (but still able to hit you) with no real way to hit them without taking damage (again, probably just being whiny). On the other hand, this actually looked like flooded caverns.

Also, the music is pretty nice in all of them, and well matched. I'm excited to play the rest of this!

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U/V difficulty, constant saving/reloading, play through.


Nice palette, not one typically seen for MAP01s (brown/red). Detailing is nice. The teleporting shotgunners at the start almost seem a bit unfair – they teleport directly on top of the player, and having only a pistol makes it really hard to kill them before they blast the player at point blank. Even after I reloaded and ran forward, I still ended up coming out of the battle fairly hurt. (The one after the red key hallway is better placed, I think). A good example of a better challenge is the teleporting Hell Knight – it’s a decently tough fight in close quarters with only a shotgun, but it’s also telegraphed with the circle of candles so you can mentally prepare for it. Oh, and I completely missed that the red key was on a column at the start – maybe making it a bit shorter would help? Or maybe it’s just me. Only got 4/5 secrets, despite having the map. Overall, good start to the WAD.


Tough start, as the hitscanners in the windows can tear you apart quickly. Two green armor vests early but very little health. The teleporter trap in front of the red door is pretty devilish – it definitely rewards the careful/thoughtful player as opposed to the run-n-gun one. First time I just ran in guns first, and that’s a quick way to get ripped apart. A careful player will thin out the enemies from range before tripping the teleporter, a thoughtful one will have the invisibility sphere and be able to run away before shooting everything up even if they hit the teleporter line. The rest is good, with good-sized encounters and good use of lighting. Some battles might be a bit difficult without the rocket launcher, and while it’s not a secret, I can see some people missing it. The green area secret is loaded enough to make the rest of the map a lot easier – doing it without it may be pretty tough. Another good map.

So far I'm a fan of the difficulty, and the set pieces are pretty nice. My expectations are definitely raised for the rest of the WAD, though I realize Matt only did a few more levels.

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dobugabumaru said:

I'll do it, but people may just continue to play through like normal, as they'd prefer not to download a file every couple days or so. If nothing is gamebreaking, I'd say to just let them continue. Also, I disagree that you should continue to update your maps, and just leave them be as mere criticisms to remember the next time you make a map.

EDIT: Hell if it's unfinished, it might be better to find something else to play and give you guys this month to polish all the loose ends.

I apologize for all of the updating! I think from now on, unless someone finds something game-breaking, I'll just stop updating it. It's not that it's unfinished, it's just that I am a bit of a perfectionist. :p

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HMP, continuous play, save spam, -nomusic.


Pretty solid start. Nic texture work, with the base being mostly fun to run around in. Difficulty is high for map01, but really not that bad. Finding the computer map secret (not that it's hard) definitely helps a lot since it gives you the chaingun.


Unmarked player-teleport traps suck. They're cheap nonsense IMO. That's my biggest gripe with this level, though not my only one: there are too many 64-wide corridors for my tastes. The map opening is also pretty brutal, given that we're only on map02. I got through it with 10% health left. The rest of the level is - sans teleport trap cheapness - is pretty easy. I exited with 200/143 and full shells and bullets. It's like e1m2 all over again, on that front :)

The teleport trap didn't actually kill me, in this case, since I had the chaingun out and was able to mow down the enemies OK. But I was muttering invective as I did so.

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-First mob is 2 teleporting shotgunners right behind you? Yikes!
-The Blood river was a neat scene to look at.

-More teleport related traps! This time you're surrounded by zombies! Thankfully the chaingun dispels this quickly.
-Speaking of chainguns, the initial mob was also a bit difficult in this one, but I got past it eventually.
-Consistent theme is a plus.

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Matt534Dog said:

I apologize for all of the updating! I think from now on, unless someone finds something game-breaking, I'll just stop updating it. It's not that it's unfinished, it's just that I am a bit of a perfectionist. :p

A helpful thing to remember, like mouldy said, is that you'll never satisfy everyone. The best you can do is work on a project, polish it up, and then ship it off and await the reviews, keeping their criticisms in mind for your later levels. We have enough people starting I think we'll just continue with Interception.

MAP03: Unlike danmckrunkin, I actually may prefer this level the least out of Matt's efforts. While I like the idea of jumping out of a base into a cavern to scavenge around for a yellow key (which has a pretty cool, menacing door), I didn't think it had as much character or style as the first two levels (especially with the Doom 2 MAP04 throwback). It was still a nice romp although I can enjoy it more after being very well equipped from the last two levels. Funny thing is that I always nag about fights in big open areas being unmenacing, but lo and behold I blast a stalagmite right in front of my face with a rocket. Doh. Hallway with Lost Souls helplessly banging against the gate was silly. Also, another tip Matt is to keep the ammo slightly away from the tiny floor lamps in the main cavern, as (since the lamp center is higher up) their bottom will stick out under the ammo which looks odd from afar (like the ammo is floating).

MAP04: A surprisingly shorter map that welcomes revenants as a common enemy, really making me itch for an SSG. The level has a ton of linear corridors, making the player hide behind corners as they whittle the horde numbers down which can feel quite slow at times. Best part was the HK hiding behind a strangely angled wall that forced you to immediately react to him lest you get overrun. Oh, and the teleporter at the end didn't let you go back and look for secrets, like I wanted to do ;_;

Speaking of which, I really like that there's quite a few secrets in each of these short maps. And Xenonemesis' score so far as been great, with a nice blend between atmosphere and strange melodies. Reminds me of 90s PC games.

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mildly inebriated fda for the first few levels. I think I played until map05, where I got stuck in a weird glitch thing and died (clipped through a wall, I don't think it's any fault of the level designer though). pretty basic maps, and as expected for this early in a megawad they were all easy so far. the great choices of midi kept me going :)

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I will join this playthrough, as it is a perfect opportunity for me to start playing the game a bit again (I'm rusty as hell). I'll try to find time to play exactly one map per day; if I can't manage that I'll try to make it up over the weekends, when I'm not drowning in work. Already played map 1 but will write a review later, together with maps 2 and 3.

EDIT: Oh and if there are updates to the WAD as we go along please please plase make a post about it further down the thread and not just in the first post.

The way I play is always the same: doom(2).exe compatibility if possible, UV, every map from scratch, no cheats, 100/100. I may very rarely utilize savegames for long or difficult maps. If I reach the exit I check the HUD after missing secrets and monsters and if I haven't found all the secrets or missed a few monsters I go back and search for them. If I still can't find them I will exit the map, look in an editor to see what I missed and replay the map.

This is a great initiative, BTW. I really like the idea of the DWmegawad club: "Playing alone, together". :-)

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Map02 - Research Facility by Matt534Dog
Nice map, quite dark and moody. Another rough start but overall the map isn't that tough. There was a point where I was teleported further into a corridor between a load of hitscanners, was not nice. But that is the point irritating point.
Map03 - Flooded Caverns by Matt534Dog
Large open areas are difficult to get right when trying to make the gameplay interesting. I have noticed that despite the use of dark areas there is a notion to use demons and not spectres. The author is not evil :)
Anyways this plays pretty good again. The rockets are very useful on clearing the cacowave quickly. The secret reminded me a little of the water section of tnt map12.
Map04 - Medical Center by Matt534Dog
Ah revenants, they get a good outing in. The map in compact and flows nicely. Not much to say here, I liked this map. Though please give us megaworld clubbers an ssg room. I'm tired of chaingunning revenants :P

I like the music too so far.

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I'll think I join to fray... (Started in UV difficulty)

Map 1:
Tidy and sleek, not obstructive, but feels bit boring. The background scenery is nice, though.
As for gameplay... Sometimes, I like those teleporting enemy behind you - moves, if they're well-executed, but two shotgun dudes and I have pistol... That wasn't nice. Dropped me to 19 HP. :(
The hell knight surprise. Could be deadly to someone, luckily I found that secret berserk. (Health was already too low, was a real godsend.)

Map 2:
Looks nice. Good amount of detail here and there.
Grinding through the hordes were rather slow at times, but nothing annoying. And there are few things to either hamper or aid. If I wasn't careful, that teleport would've gotten me in trouble (namely, in middle of zombies.) And exploration always pays off: A teleport behind the pain elemental. And if you happen to have chainsaw, all the better.

Map 3:
Quite short level. Looks bit bland, and is quite dim. Nice atmosphere.
The chaingunners at the end of hall were quite surprising. And so was the blue door, but they fell rather easily. Other than that, nothing really challenging.

Map 4:
Another short one in size. Looks neat, but yet feels blank.
Revenants.. they're not in position to give a dime to me, yet they manage to get some potshots at me. They're probably the most damaging fellas of the level on my account.

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I'll join as well, even if I've already played an older beta.

I play on Ultra-Violence skill with PrBoom 2.5.0, default compatibility level set to 9, and I play each level from scratch ( Pistol start ).

01 - Excavation Site by Matt534Dog
Short and cool opening level. Thanks to some of the traps ( surprise HK, Shotgunners teleported behind your back ), it manages to be quite hard for a first map, even with a reduced number of monsters.

5 secrets, that's quite high compared to the size of the map, but they're easily found.

( Minor nitpick, for the entire megawad : I like to have the map number displayed on the automap, so that I don't waste time when IDCLEVing. But you probably needed extra character space for your map names I suppose ? )

02 - Research Facility by Matt534Dog
Interesting map with a dark atmosphere.

In the starting area, the player can pick the second green armor ( Thing 116 ) from below, by sticking to the wall. I'd put that armor further away, so that the player wouldn't pick it by accident while going backwards / fighting monsters in the starting area etc. ( as it would then be a waste of the first armor ).

Rather than teleporting the player in the middle of hitscanners after crossing a random linedef, I believe it's best to reveal / teleport enemies themselves ( just like you did later on with the trap just before the Red keycard ).

It's easy to pick the secret Supercharge without stepping on the secret-tagged sector. Maybe you should tag another sector instead ( the entrance of the whole area ) ? UV Max demos would probably benefit from such a change.

Overall, that's a cool map. Maybe there was a bit too much ammo ( Bullets, most notably ).

By map 02, most of the monster cast have already been introduced, including Barons & PEs. This wad is going to be hard. :)

03 - Flooded Caverns by Matt534Dog
Ah, yeah I remember I liked this one, but also that I had a few ammo shortages by the Blue keycard. I see this isn't the case anymore. :)

Music is particularly good here, with some kind of a Castlevania vibe that I happen to like very much.

The dark cave made for pretty interesting fights ( despite the size of the cave itself ), most notably when the Cacodemon group is out. When playing this map in Pistol Start, though, one has to skip them to go and grab a Chaingun, otherwise it would be too tedious emptying your 200 Bullets on them with the Pistol.

Overall, these 3 maps were good, with a nicely-done gloomy atmosphere and solid sense of progression. If I were to nitpick, I'd say that maybe the maps are a bit too linear for now, but we'll see what comes next.

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I've made a start on this and, because I usually end up falling behind, I've gone ahead and played Matt's opening quartet.

I'd already played an old beta of the first episode some time ago so when Matt's early levels came in for some criticism I was puzzled as I'd thought they were rather solid.

I played in Chocolate Doom on HMP skill with saves after each key. The first four levels were all quite similar in theme as you would expect with them all being by the same author and being in a story driven megawad. Because of this they've somewhat merged into one so I've just review them as a whole:

01 - Excavation Site by Matt534Dog
02 - Research Facility by Matt534Dog
03 - Flooded Caverns by Matt534Dog
04 - Medical Center by Matt534Dog

I thought all four were very solid levels, quite small but the size I really enjoy. The gameplay, other than being harder than I would have expected for the opening maps in a progressively difficult megawad, cannot be faulted a great deal. Unlike some of the other posters I did not think any of the traps were unfair as although I was punished for slow reflexes I was never outright killed due to this alone. The fact I was playing on skill 3 may have helped. Ammo and armour was plentiful but I was occasionally left yearning for a medikit for some time, but I don't think there's anything wrong with this. Weapon progression was spot on. I was pleased that after 4 maps I still don't have a SSG because in other megawads this weapon is usually thrown at the player too early in my opinion.

Aesthetics consisted of nicely chosen textures and neat, classic architecture complementing simple but intuitive layouts. Lighting was atmospheric but occasionally a touch too dark. In the Flooded Caverns for example the main pool could have done with more or larger skylights to break up the gloom.

It should be said that the music was good and this is coming from someone who does not really appreciate music in Doom maps.

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Question for you guys: should I just remove the upper-limit on the maps and have it "finish it in a month?" I ask this because while I would like to move it at a nice pace, we always end up hitting it early on which can wind up getting stagnant for some players. Maybe it'd be worth a try to change up the rules and see how it works out, especially since I'm hungering to play some more of this right now.

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dobugabumaru said:

Question for you guys: should I just remove the upper-limit on the maps and have it "finish it in a month?" ... Maybe it'd be worth a try to change up the rules and see how it works out, especially since I'm hungering to play some more of this right now.

What's stopping you from playing more? You could go through all of it in one go; simply keep your comments noted elsewhere until the time passes so that everyone's thoughts are posted at the same pace?

In other news, count me in on this one. My usual place for this sort of thing has finally slowed to a crawl.

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ok, here we go with the first 4 maps. As usual I'll be UV pistol starting with occasional saves when I start getting my arse kicked.

01 - Excavation Site by Matt534Dog

Nice start, was quite hectic with ammo at the beginning and totally disorientating with all the teleporting around, I quite enjoy those moments in maps where I don't know where the hell I am and everywhere I run to find more bullets just makes more enemies appear. Nice mysterious music as well, really sets the scene.

02 - Research Facility by Matt534Dog

The monsters are ramping up pretty quickly, although even without the SSG the weapons seem to be equal to the task - nice to see the rocket launcher already, it makes for some interesting fights in close quarters where normally you'd whip out the double barrels. I'm liking the easy-to-find secrets too. Music and lighting really adds to the atmosphere.

03 - Flooded Caverns by Matt534Dog

A nice change of location from base to underground caverns. This map was the first time i died so far, killed by my own rocket - I'd run out of shotgun shells and didn't have a chaingun by that point (despite the number of chaingunners around). Ammo was very tight and I was down to the peashooter and leaving enemies behind a lot. I think finding the secret area saved my bacon.

04 - Medical Center by Matt534Dog

This was quite a short map and fairly linear, again the rocket launcher makes an interesting SSG replacement, I'm kind of hoping we don't see the super shotgun for a while. Difficulty dropped down a notch and it was over before I realised, although I don't remember finding any secrets. Come to think of it I found some energy cells in the previous map and no sign of plasma rifle yet.

I'm liking the short nature of these opening maps, I haven't felt tempted to save yet. They have a nice clean old-school feel to them without seeming too basic. Also the music is really selling the mood, puts me in mind of castlevania in places. Good stuff.

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dobugabumaru said:
Question for you guys: should I just remove the upper-limit on the maps and have it "finish it in a month?"

To me, the goal of the Megawad club is to get people to play the wad and discuss it. So if we're not happy with the amount of people participating or the amount of conversation generated, then trying new things to generate more participation is a good idea.

We might try some things and find they're counter-productive, but if they are, we can stop doing them :)

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-Music is good here as it fits with the open atmosphere.
-In the mancubus room the there's a brown sludge texture under some of the pillar sprites instead of what ought to there.
-Distant chaingunners in the cavern area forced me run between pillars to get closer to them. Still better than the teleport traps.
-Lack of medikits made it a bit difficult, but nothing too hard.
-Elevator exit was neat.

-It's short!
-So short that I missed the exit and almost looped around in the level. Odd design.
-Medikits are back yay.

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