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The DWmegawad Club plays: Eternal Doom

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Sorry, there really is no Memento Mori 3—we are literally going to play all of Eternal Doom this month, no joke. I need everyone to suffer through this with me :P

Author & Maplist for Eternal Doom:



MAP01 - “Genesis” by Alex Mayberry
MAP02 - “Tower of Hell” by Adam Landefeld
MAP03 - “Inter-Base” by Dietmar Westerteicher
MAP04 - “Nucleus” by Sverre Kvernmo
MAP05 - “Time Gate” by Sverre Kvernmo
MAP06 - “Pathos” by Alex Mayberry
MAP07 - “The Abbey” by Paul Schmitz
MAP08 - “Woodhead” by Dietmar Westerteicher
MAP09 - “Forlorn Fortress” by Christopher Couleur
MAP10 - “Crimson Tide” by Kathy and David Bruni
MAP11 - “Dawn of the Dead” by Christopher Couleur
MAP12 - “Darkdome” by Sverre Kvernmo
MAP13 - “Drop 'Em!” by Dietmar Westerteicher
MAP14 - “Pistol Only” by Dietmar Westerteicher
MAP15 - “Celebration of Evil” by Adam Landefeld

MAP31 - “Monster Mansion” by Jim Flynn
MAP32 - “Halls of Disarray” by Matt Bollier

MAP16 - “Guardstation” by Adam Landefeld
MAP17 - “The Crypt” by Dietmar Westerteicher
MAP18 - “Stands” by Dave Brachman
MAP19 - “Warheros” by Christopher Couleur
MAP20 - “Silures” by Bob Evans
MAP21 - “Fire and Stone” by Adam Landefeld
MAP22 - “The Seeker” by Christopher Couleur
MAP23 - “Time Gate II” by Dietmar Westerteicher
MAP24 - “Rainbow Bridge” by Christopher Couleur
MAP25 - “Beginner's End” by Jim Flynn
MAP26 - “No Parking” by Jim Flynn
MAP27 - “Paldorian” by Dave Brachman
MAP28 - “Timeslip” by Paul Schmitz
MAP29 - “Dominion” by Christopher Couleur
MAP30 - “Excalibur” by Bob Evans

Doomwiki (we may be checking this often)
Lingyan203’s playthrough (this too)
Kmxexii's review
Visions of Doom review
Doomed Speed Demos Archive






Edited by dobu gabu maru

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If this isn't an April Fool's joke, then I am very glad I don't have time to play along this month.

EDIT: My 666th post is about Eternal Doom. This is fitting, somehow.

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Well I've actually wanted to find an excuse to play Eternal Doom lately, so this works out just fine.

I assume it runs OK if I just load eternall.wad in a modern port and skip all the installation business?

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Cynical said:

If this isn't an April Fool's joke, then I am very glad I don't have time to play along this month.

I'm always (not so) secretly pleased when it's not something I actually want to play, so I can claw back a bit of my over-committed time :)

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I hate you dobu gabu maru. I saw the title and genuinely thought this was going to be MM3. And after all that hype generated.....

(don't know if I'll be playing this one)

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WOW, MEMENTO MORI 3? Why have I not noticed that megaw...... okay. Today is April 1st! I'll take that. So here goes nothing. As always, every levels will be played with ZDoom UV Pistol-Start.

MAP01 - 제네시스
Z둠, UV 피스톨 스타트(UV-PS), 점수(%): 100/98/100

이터널 둠(Eternal Doom)은 파이널둠의 이블루션(Evilution)을 제작한 것으로 유명한 TeamTNT의 또 다른 메가와드로 90년대 중반을 대표하는 메가와드 중 하나입니다. 1997년 제작된 이 와드는 같은 해에 공개된 레퀴엠(Requiem), 헬 리빌드(Hell Revealed)와 더불어 그 해 최고의 와드 중 하나로 선정되었으며, 이터널 둠이 가지는 독특한 분위기와 테마는 그 이후에 공개되는 각종 와드들에게도 영향력을 미칠 정도로 높은 완성도를 자랑합니다. 특히 이터널 둠이 가진 중세 테마는 오늘날까지도 많은 모더들이 즐겨 사용하는 테마 중 하나로 남아있습니다. 레벨 구조는 대부분 비선형적이며, 난이도는 플루토니아(Plutonia Experiment)를 UV로 격파했다면 문제없이 깰 수 있을 겁니다. 다만, 복잡한 맵구조와 까다로운 퍼즐 등 길찾기에 소질이 없으신 분들에게는 추천하지 않습니다. ^_^;; 다행히도(?) 헬 리빌드와 같은 고난이도 와드에서 보이는 물량전은 거의 없기 때문에 길만 잘 찾는다면 재밌게 플레이 할 수 있을 겁니다. 게임 내의 텍스트(ETERNAL.TXT) 파일을 보면 지금까지의 스토리가 나오는데, 공간이동이 아닌 시간이동을 개발하면서 지옥의 악마들이 이 시간이동 기술을 이용하여 인류의 과거를 침략하게 됩니다(후반부에 중세 테마의 맵들이 나오는 이유). 이제 주인공은 지옥의 괴물들을 또 다시 처리해나가며 괴물들이 침공한 과거로 돌아가 인류를 구해야 합니다.

1번 맵인 제네시스는 우주정거장과 같은 장소에서 시작됩니다. 전체적으로 비선형적인 레벨 디자인을 가지고 있지만, 첫번째 맵이므로 깨는게 어렵지는 않습니다. 아이템이나 무기도 충분히 있으며, 적들의 배치도 일부 샷건가이나 스펙터만 조심하면 별로 걱정하지 않아도 됩니다. 문제는 파랑열쇠를 얻어야 하는 시점인데, 방호복을 얻지 않는 이상 획득하기가 참 까다로운 곳에 배치되어 있습니다. 문제는 방호복이 별다른 단서 없이 근처 어딘가에 있다는 거죠. -_- 90년대 중후반의 일부 와드들의 특징 중 하나인데 비밀장소도 아니고 가끔 이렇게 별 다른 단서 없이 길을 찾아야 하는 경우가 생깁니다. 개인적으로 별로 싫어하는 레벨 디자인이지만, 적어도 텍스쳐나 새로 교체된 그래픽 스프라이트들 덕분에 게임의 분위기는 참 잘 만들었으니 눈감아줘도 될 듯 하군요. 추가로 방호복은 찾기 힘든 곳에 있지만 정식 비밀장소가 아닙니다. 맵 어딘가에 비밀장소가 하나 숨겨져 있지만, 운이 좋다면 몬스터들과 교전중에 우연히 발견할 수 있을 겁니다. :)

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What port do I need to play this garbage? I mean, is it vanilla-compatible or do I need PrBoom or other shit?

Edit: Ok, I guess if it's made in '97 it is Vanilla-compatible.

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Reminder that if you'll use the wiki or the playthrough your balls will drop from your body ;)

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Suitepee said:

I hate you dobu gabu maru. I saw the title and genuinely thought this was going to be MM3. And after all that hype generated.....

(don't know if I'll be playing this one)

I thought it was Kama Sutra 2, actually.

anyways, I'm still on Bloody Steel, oddly enough, so I'll finish that buzzerknot sandwich off before I make my possible way here.

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does this wad have bad rep or something? everyone seems disappointed lol!

map01 UV Max

fun opener. the puzzles were about my level - which i enjoyed.
the music is kick-ass. does anyone know where it's from?
generally enjoyable enemy encounters, apart from the cacodemon/pain elemental prison cells, which felt like busy work, and the last room's revenant ambush, which is too easy with 4 shots from the SSG - i was expecting more of a challenge there (although i actually almost died in the demo recording!)
embarrassingly i also died in the loading facility - i got blocked off by a cacodemon and scratched and fireballed to death!

overall a good start!

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rehelekretep said:

the music is kick-ass. does anyone know where it's from?

The soundtrack was made specifically for this wad.

Dobu there's also Kmxexii review if you want to put it in the bonus contents.

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gaspe said:

The soundtrack was made specifically for this wad.

Dobu there's also Kmxexii review if you want to put it in the bonus contents.


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gaspe said:

The soundtrack was made specifically for this wad.

Wasn't it actually made way before the project even began? At least some songs. Or so I've heard somewhere.

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kuchitsu said:

At least some songs.

It seems that it's actually true. In the text file of the soundtrack on the archive the songs have a date attached and few of them are from 1994/95.

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plums said:

Well I've actually wanted to find an excuse to play Eternal Doom lately, so this works out just fine.

I assume it runs OK if I just load eternall.wad in a modern port and skip all the installation business?

Yes it does.

Keep compatibility options in mind however, they are relevant to two maps here (MAP25 and MAP28). ZDoom will set the following automatically:

ZDoom Wiki - Automatic Compatibility said:

Eternal Doom MAP25: Crushed monsters can be resurrected and ghost monster bug reestablished (New from 2.8.1)
Eternal Doom I-II-III:
MAP25: Use buggier stair building and Ignore Y offsets on masked midtextures
MAP28: Self ref. sectors don't block shots and All special lines can block <use>

but PrBoom will not set any compatibility options automatically, so you'll have to set them yourself when you go to the appropriate levels. (Based on my experience, the only one that's 100% essential is the stair building compatibility on MAP25, which you WILL be stuck without.)

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Amarande said:

Yes it does.

Keep compatibility options in mind however, they are relevant to two maps here (MAP25 and MAP28).

Cool, thanks. I'm using Crispy Doom so it will be fine for compatibility, and I assume PrBoom+ is fine if people use -complevel 2. Though I use a dehacked patch to prevent ghost monsters so I guess I'll turn that off when the time comes. (Maybe.)

A look through the wad and text files also suggests that every map uses the same sky, and you could use the eternal launcher to pick what sky you wanted. (Or even set it based on the time of day!) I'll probably just make a custom thing to have one sky per episode like a normal megawad -- any recommendations for which sky to slot where?

Anyhow, a few maps in so far and this is 100% my thing. Maybe I'll even write more than two posts about it this month!

So here is the fabled Eternal Doom. Pretty soft start but that is to be expected from most megawads. An important lesson is learned though: if you get access to a new area, it's always for a reason. Looks nice for an older map, though I'm still not fond of the new imps or statusbar, last seen in Mayhem 2048 in the DWMC. The starting area is very nice at setting the mood and suggests some sort of narrative, though I'm not sure how long that will last -- having played just a few maps I've already been from space to a medieval castle and back.

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A preface: about a few months after I started the DWMC, I had always planned to hoodwink you guys with Eternal Doom at some point, and figured that this April was a good time to do it. I've legitimately always wanted to try out Eternal Doom (since I'm drawn towards infamous pieces of media) but knew there was no chance in hell it would ever get picked. It's a bit rude but I figure a minor detour out of nearly ~50 Club threads is a harmless drop in the ocean.

Anyway, looking forward to this—I'm especially interested in seeing what all the newcomers (like me!) think of it.

MAP01: Off to an interesting start here. It’s a mostly orthogonal/boring layout but at least the new textures hide its dullness somewhat. There’s also some naughty quirks in here, like the damaging sector room and that teeny tiny switch you have to hit for the red key. Nothing too sinful here, but it’s still a mite devious… the automap is sure to come in handy in the future.

gaspe said:

Dobu there's also Kmxexii review if you want to put it in the bonus contents.

Oh, dunno how I missed that! Thanks!

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