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571 files

  1. farewe11.wad - Farewell To Doom

    PWAD containing 11 new levels to screw your brain rather than body. Sophisticated tricks & traps. Authentic ZDG design.


       (9 reviews)


  2. The Dead Soil

    a small single player level for Doom2. You start in a castle surrounded by several armies of evil. With a shock you realize that there's no gate you could close to keep the hellish troops outside. Fortunately, your enemies are not very disciplined... >>> I modified this level for deathmatch play (DDSOIL- DM.WAD): there are no monsters, no health except for two soul spheres that are difficult to receive and more weapons than in the original level. However, you may deathmatch in DEADSOIL.WAD too; the starts are there.


       (5 reviews)




       (1 review)


  4. Earth

    Ten level episode replacement for first episode of Hell on Earth.

    Story Line You arrive on earth to find it subverted by savage aliens. Your point of arrival is a rocky coastline with rolling surf: Levels: The Ruins (MAP01): You stand facing out to sea with rolling breakers splasing on the rocks. Behind you are the ruins of civilization, haunted with alien hellspawn. Seek the Sword of Damocles... The Tomb (MAP02): To have hope of freeing the world, you must take back the one place the enemy considers special... Mines of Moria (MAP03): Like its Lord of the Rings namesake, it is crawling with evil things... The Chasm (MAP04): The enemy is bivouacked in rugged coastal terrain. You mission is to clear them out... Strategic Defense Command (MAP05): A deep underground command and control center, one of the last great hopes for mankind in repelling the alien invasion. However, it seems to be off line, You need to find out why... Observation Station (MAP06): This place has seen some action before it fell to the enemy. Beware!... The Emerald Tower (MAP07): Your mission is to capture the Emerald Tower. Short, sweet, and relatively easy!?!... Ammo Pit (MAP08): This is the domain of the arch-vile. Trick him into helping you... Islands (MAP09): You arrive on an rocky island in a rugged fjord. Out to sea and somewhat up the coast is another, larger island that you must somehow reach... The Hill (MAP10): You must capture a heavily defended hill. Then home at last! You arrive in your comfortable penthouse suite where you end the episode...

    Combat These levels contain a wide variety of combat situations requiring different strategies. To win these levels, especially at the more difficult skill settings, requires thinking in terms of fields of fire, looking out for your flanks and backside, and keeping open lines of retreat. Most of the monster placement is randomized so that their location and response are different each time these levels are played. Hence, you will be unable to count on finding specific monsters at specific locations. The monsters occasionally show sneaky behavior due to features in the level designs. Setting: This episode is set on a rocky coastline. with spectacular outdoor views. These include high vistas and overlooks, live surf crashing onto the rocks, scenic elevator rides on the outside of tall buildings, and a spectacular bridge crossing the canyon in THE CHASM level. General: Secrets generally have some clue that the thoughtful and observant player can spot. These levels are designed to be winnable at the easier skill settings without finding the secrets, but to win the more difficult settings requires locating most of the secrets. There are no totally hidden hazards or traps; there will always be some visual or audio cue to warn of there presence. Some of the pools and slime pits have depth, ie, you will sink into them, sometimes up to your eyeballs. One final note; cliff edges at most of the high vistas are lethal to fall off of (one cannot expect to survive a fall of several hundred feet in real life).


       (76 reviews)


  5. dickie10.WAD, issue 1

    This wad is 413kb when unzipped.

    Oh, I nearly forgot....a final finale for the DICKIE series.

    You have made your way thru' nine monster infested adventures. Finally you arrive in the nether-world where it is neither night or day. Outside, the gates of hell are burning whilst inside, you battle your way through a magnificent palace (well, sort of) to the inner sanctum. Here you must seek out and destroy the power source which feeds the hell spawn. Only then will the planet be free....

    Note, if ammo seems a little scarce, think again. A change of tactics may be required. It is possible to finish this level on UV without using cheat codes...if you're really stuck, see the bottom of this text file.


       (13 reviews)


  6. D2200EP1.WAD, D2200GFX.WAD

    Six levels made in varying styles. Qualities include good texture alignment, item placement, and extreme violence. There's also a few really cool looking areas...


       (5 reviews)


  7. Eulogy 7

    A little creepier then the previous 6 maps. This is a marbel/metal/dirt wad. Also, it is quite hard for even advanced Doomers(I should get some cool demos for my page for this.)

    Also, it is noted that the map looks like Chordg(same look anyway), but I actually had the main idea, and most of the map done when Malcolm released Chordg...great minds think alike I guess.


       (4 reviews)


  8. Fracas 01: "'A' Is For Anarchy"

    mid-sized WAD with emphasis on large,

    fast-paced fights. No tedious puzzles or

    absurd deathtraps, but there are a couple of

    surprises to keep you on your toes.

    STORY: The UAC has developed experimental

    time-travel technology and has determined

    that in the future, the hellspawn are

    destined to take over Earth. You are

    assigned to travel forward 600 years, to a

    world ruled by the demons, and stop them

    before they wipe out the few remaining

    pockets of humanity. You time-travel

    successfully, to a futuristic metropolis

    where you are surprised to see your own face

    on "Wanted" posters everywhere. Before you

    have a chance to slip into hiding, a

    "concerned citizen" reports you to the

    zombie police, and after a short fight you

    are taken into custody. It seems that

    before you travelled in time, you forgot to

    return a library book... a library book

    which is now 600 years overdue.

    Your demonic captors cackle heartily at your

    lack of an alibi. You are told that you are

    being taken to see the feared

    Librarian-Inquisitor. Hours later, as you

    wait in a holding cell of the library

    complex, you remember you've still got your

    trusty pistol and 50 rounds of ammo; what a

    stroke of luck! Time to go have some words

    with the Librarian-Inquisitor and get out of

    this place.


       (2 reviews)


  9. DG wad

    I made this level because I felt there wasn't any levels out there that just spoiled you. Sometimes I would really get made because there would be be no ammo or something. So it's over stocked!


       (1 review)


  10. DeadSoul.wad (named after the music)

    Medium size level. Very playable wad built in the classic Doom style with attention to detail and design. Comments welcomed to Email address. Really designed for 1 & 2 players.


       (1 review)


  11. Bug Out

    This is a remake of vilebug.wad. I thought the original wad and demo was lame(or the wad any- way). I completly remade the wad, and the demo.

    The map is meant to show the Arch-Vile bug, Reverant bug and the Voodoo bug. The demo does show off the Archie and Reverant bugs, and also only one aspect of the Voodoo bug. Not the aspect I was looking for, but one that I have never seen. After I died, I had about 80% health, but I was still dead. The Reverant then continued to shoot me until my health was at 0. I found this very interesting. At any rate, the Voodoo bug seems to have a lot of 'backdoors'. One of these is the ability to walk around with 0% health. I have no idea how to make this happen though, so if one of you good people out there could tell me, I'd be greatful. Thanks.


       (1 review)


  12. Days of Xornox The Earth Fiend

    This is a wad that has 1 level. This is the earth fiend. He is pretty easy too. Your plasma gun is a bit stronger. The level consist of 2 Mancabuses and the fiend. The next place is the Bridge.


       (2 reviews)


  13. Days of Xornox

    This only has levels 1-7 and 9-11 because I'm not allowed to put level 8 on because it looks too much like level 1 on Doom2. This is a wad that normally has 11 levels. This is just part of a game that I am making. It has a totaly new story and will enentually have new enemies and things. This wad is mainly the beginning of the game and all the enemies are regular. I mainly put this here because I didn't want something to happen to this on my computer. I will also be sending in others such as Forest, Forestboss, Earth, Earthboss, Bridge, Firecastle, Fireboss, Wind, Wind boss, Shape, Self, and several others untill I get to Xornox.


       (18 reviews)


  14. Days of Xornox The Forest Fiend

    This is a wad that has 1 level. This is the forest fiend. He is a sinch to beat actually. It consist of 2 Giant spider from the regular doom2 and the fiend


       (3 reviews)


  15. Days of Xornox The Earth Place

    This is a wad that has 4 levels. This is a place with lots of hills and mountains. Lots of enemies too. It also has kool new music, but not original.


       (4 reviews)


  16. Days of Xornox The Fire Fiend

    This is a wad that has 1 level. This is the Fire Fiend. Unlike the last 2 this one is pretty hard. You got to know his pattern. If you just srtaight up attack him with full force, you will most likely die. The next place is wind.


       (3 reviews)


  17. Days of Xornox The Fire Palace

    This is a wad that has 4 levels. This is harder than the other levels. Kool graphics. Pretty scarry. And yes there is a fiend.


       (3 reviews)


  18. Days of Xornox The Forest

    This is a wad that has 4 levels. This is part of The Days of Xornox. This is after the 11th level on the first one. In this part you have to go through the forest of terror. After this you will have to fight a fiend.


       (3 reviews)


  19. Eulogy 6

    Open area map...slightly different setup from the other 5. In fact, almost completly different. Also originally this was gonna be a map in Mortality, but when that got killed I decided to use it for my own purposes. So there!


       (2 reviews)


  20. DooD 3.5: WADS 1 thru 3

    these are the first 3 floors of the first level of DooD 3.5 (a doom conversion that will total up a whopping 14 meg once it's finished.)


       (2 reviews)


  21. Eulogy 5

    By far the biggest of the (now) five eulogys. Also the toughest. Recently many people have been telling me that Eulogy 3 was the best out of the first four. I asked myself: "Why is that?" After playing Eulo1-4 for a while, I relaized that, despite Eulogy 3's small size, it has incredible flow, and is packed with monsters, and therefore, it's great fun. I took that up a few notches with eulo5. This map is pretty damn hard on skill 4 and pretty damn easy on skill 1.

    It should take about 12 mins to complete on the first try with 100 K'n'S.


       (2 reviews)


  22. Eulogy 4

    Fourth part of the Eulogy series. This one is probably the best yet. Has a few nifty gimmicks like 'complete darkness' as well as major shadow- casting in one area(the slime pit). Also impliments a Dehacked patch which introduces a new monster, the Nightmare Imp. The Nightmare Imp really is a nightmare. They're quick, always seem to know where you are, have high health(sometimes even the super- shotgun isn't enough)and are partially invisible.


       (2 reviews)


  23. dickie09.WAD, issue 1

    This wad is 181kb when unzipped.

    This map has a big, 'blocky' classic doom2 look.

    This map concludes episode 1 of my 'Dickie' series. If you've enjoyed it then why not mail me, I could do with some encouragement....

    I think the next installments of the series may consist of mini-episodes, say of 3 or 4 levels each. I am aiming for small, but detailed maps, maybe with a eye on you deathmatchers.

    I would also like to hear from volunteer play-testers. One of my big problems is that I have nobody to 'play test' my levels.

    I'm off to Italy for my summer hols now. And its my birthday soon...


       (8 reviews)


  24. DooD3.5 level 1, floor plan 1

    This level can be used: co-operatively, and single player! (after you kill all the monsters you can go kill each other if you're pee-d at one another.

    This is floor plan one of level one only! More WADs to come.

    I basically want you to experiment this floor! Dive into and check for bugs that we may have missed!

    This is a small portion of the total re-write of Doom2! (still must have the reg. Ver. Of Doom2!)

    The monsters haven't been manipulated in this version.

    up to 4 players can whoop all the monster butt on this floor!

    CHECK OUT THE MAP! It's a womans face.

    It took a lot of debugging to get the floor plan to work. So far, I haven't found any residual bugs.

    That's where you come in!


       (1 review)


  25. dickie08.WAD, issue 1

    This wad is 259kb when unzipped.

    Usually, I don't like secrets in doom maps because they bore me. However, in the spirit of 'Tricks & Traps', which was the original map08, I thought I would include a few puzzles in this one.

    Note - you must solve the secrets to finish the map. I have put clues in but have no idea how easy / hard they are???

    If, like me, you just can't be bothered, then see the bottom of this text file for how to get the keys.

    There are also a couple of cruel tricks in this map - so save often!


       (5 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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