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571 files

  1. Demon Asylum

    My first wad in years, the maps increase in size and difficulty as they progress. A bit on the linear side, and there's seldom ammo to waste.


       (9 reviews)


  2. Doomer's Domain

    This was one of my oldest if the oldest maps I have released publicly. It is a bit tight in space but a fair amount of action in a Tech/urban textured level.

    What is different with the tidied up release is fixing a few texture issues, 2 closed sectors and adding additional ammo and monsters to further balance out the map.


       (8 reviews)


  3. Flay the Obscene - Part two

    /story One level - sequel to my Flay the Obscene.

    It is a map 14 level, so that you could actually load my flayobsc.wad and this one up in Doom2 and play them as a whole.

    Continue in this cold and hostile world in your mission to hold back the invasion of the aliens. Singlehanded you must fight your way through this brick and rock style world. How hard can it be??

    However you were told that these aliens showed no sign of intteligence and UAC headquarters believed that it was an easy job for you to hold back these "neanderthal beings". Your first mission proved that! They believed that they had no techological knowledge. However now you start to suspect that they may have some technological know-how afterall. Small tech devices are now appearing in this alien world and things seem less random and messy this time. Are you getting closer to a truth well hidden by the UAC? Or are you simply starting to get paranoia? Suddenly you don´t feel so confident in your victory afterall. Maybe there was a meaning as to why your first infiltration were so succesfull? As you hide in their bloody sewers, you are getting other thoughts. Your self-esteem are dropping rapidly as you look at the shotgun in front of you. Now you have another mission to fullfill!

    Well, I must admit, that I somewhere late in the process of this level, made some mistakes regarding this level. These have resulted in multiple changes and corrections in the making of the leveldesign which made some things differ a lot from my first ideas about it. It forced me to make some changes which resulted in a totally different outcome of the level structure and gameplay. So therefore, the level will never in my eyes reach the same quality as Flay the Obscene. Had these "things" never occured in the first place in the making of the level, and were I not forced to have corrected them negatively, well, then I guess the finished product would have been somewhat execellent. Because of all this, I have considdered making a special version of this level for zDoom, so that things might just go my way! It is, however, not settled yet!


       (4 reviews)


  4. Esselfortium's Birthday Cave

    A demon-infested cave system that I made for esselfortium's birthday in 2011.


       (10 reviews)


  5. The Dude's adventures: Part I "House invasion"

    The Dude's house got invaded by monsters from hell! He must defend it!


       (11 reviews)



    The forth Wad in the series.

    Find your way into the heavily guarded fort and kill the menace who guards the exit. The most difficult part of this level is the sewers. If you `PANIC` in this area you will surely die! Look for a radiation suit as soon as you can and WATCH OUT!! a monster`s about.


       (9 reviews)



    The fifth wad in the series.

    I found this wad quite difficult to play in the highest skill level. Well I`m not the best Doom player around, so you might think that this is a push-over!

    Remember!!! You don`t have to believe all that you see in this level.

    Give em HELL!!!


       (7 reviews)



    Half techbase using ROCK textures, inspired by the retexture Spawning Vats got in the Jaguar version, half ZIMMER heavy outdoors map.

    This is a minor update which fixes some over- sights and makes the rocket launcher non-secret.


       (6 reviews)


  9. Happy (Belated) Birthday, General Rainbow Bacon!

    As requested, a difficult hell-themed map for General Rainbow Bacon's birthday. Which was yesterday. Sorry I didn't finish it in time.


       (11 reviews)


  10. Nutty Shells

    Doom 2 in a nutshell.


       (13 reviews)



    Three challenging maps prompted by Dante's inferno Map 01: Dark Wood Map 02: Acheron River Map 03: Limbo


       (5 reviews)


  12. Eternally Yours

    This concludes the Doom Core trilogy. Eternally Yours is an 11-map episode that should work for vanilla Doom. I would say the levels work better playing from pistol start to avoid having too much for the next level, but that's your decision. Anyway, I hope you enjoy playing them as much as I did making them. ~Mike


       (25 reviews)


  13. The Park of Doom

    An ancient evil has been disturbed at Doom City. The minions of Hell have taken over the parkland estate and sewrage treatment dam in Doom City. They have slaughtered many and taken others prisoner in the city lockup, for they do not want their plans disturbed. Under the park is the cavern of Imps, Demons, and Cacodemons, waiting to be released by the hellspawn. You have been taken prisoner by the foul motherf@#kers. As your captor leads you in to the jail house, you punch him out, confiscate his pistol and blaze your way out.

    As you remove the red key from its place, you unwittingly unleash the occupants of the cavern. Imps, Demons, Cacodemons, appear out of nowhere!

    Can you take it? Play it and see... (It's quite easy, really)


       (8 reviews)


  14. Dicwad

    Welcome to your worst nightmare! "DICWAD.WAD"


       (10 reviews)


  15. Doom 2 crashed

    The little map that will take you two minutes of time


       (14 reviews)


  16. Deployment Base

    You've been set down inside an alien base used for housing monster troops before deployment to arenas of combat on Earth. You immediately face an onslaught from Hell, but the worst is yet to come! Your mission is to wreck havoc inside the base, thus depleting the alien menace's ability to wage war. Oh yeah-- you must also escape ALIVE!


       (8 reviews)


  17. DOOM 103

    A doom map based on my school. The goal is to get your ID and go out of there, killing some monsters in your way out. I think everyone had ever wanted to go school and have a battle with a lot of demons. (C.B.T.i.s. 103, Cd. Madero, Tamaulipas, Mex.)


       (12 reviews)


  18. That Damn Cake

    Doom has turned 18, but an evil armada of balloons is trying to cut the maturing success story short and have possessed Doomguy himself. Now it's up to you to light the holy purifying birthday candles of salvation and take out the balloon witches before we lose our hero to the dark side permanently.


       (16 reviews)


  19. Deimos: Slight Return

    Nine maps that attempt to capture the look and feel of the original Episode 2. While the influence of the original E1 maps is unmistakable, the player will note some significant differences. First, the gameplay is markedly different. While using only the enemies in E2, Deimos: Slight Return is meant to be tougher and more challenging -- more enemies in tighter situations; better balanced ammo, health, & armor; and better use of the tougher enemies.

    Second, the map layouts are often very different from the originals. The logical progression has changed, as have many of the methods of accessing the secrets. I have done this while trying to retain the appearance and scale of the original, so that the player has a sense of deja vu. I emphasize that each map is built from scratch, with the originals only used for reference.

    Third, the architecture is updated to current standards while staying within the limits of vanilla DooM. For, although players will undoubtedly use source ports, these levels are ultimately meant to be enjoyed first with vanilla DooM.

    Fourth, the original E2 did not use editing tricks that are not uncommon in today's maps -- instantly lowering sectors, 3D bridges, etc. Phobos Revisited occasionally does.


       (22 reviews)


  20. DBM Random Map

    Another single map, but for Doom II. (Short - 10 minutes)


       (8 reviews)


  21. Damned Speed

    This is my first speedmapping attempt, but I am really slow designer. ;) Whole work on that map takes me 2 hours incuding testing and debugging.


       (6 reviews)


  22. DemWAD01

    lv01-039.lmp (Doom2, MAP01, UV Max in 0:39 by Xit Vono) plays back with this map, which is also fully playable in single player mode (might be a little bizarre, though).

    This is version 1.1 (the original was presented at Doomworld Forums). I aligned some of the CRACKLE and ROCKRED textures, so even though some misaligned textures must have remained, they are less obvious, for sure; I made some lighting correction and other cosmetic stuff; finally I made sure the demos still work (lv01-039.lmp and dem1-033.lmp: a new demo by Xit Vono).


       (13 reviews)


  23. Diablo

    Diablo.wad is a rather large level for Doom2. All skill levels are enabled. Solo and cooperative play are enabled. Deathmatch is not enabled. There are lots of monsters, and it takes all three keys to get through it. The goal is simple: survive.


       (19 reviews)


  24. The Blowernator

    This is an intense Cooperative level, or an awesome DeathMatch FragFest! This level can be played single player, but it is very difficult. This wad was designed with deathmatch play in mind, but it makes for an interesting challenge under any playmode. It is suitable for both old and new deathmatch (1.0 and 2.0). This level features every weapon and power-up in strategic locations. Good luck, and Happy Fragging.


       (10 reviews)



    Just play it. I don't think a background story is necessary for every level, and I don't intend to develop a plot for every level anyway... B-)


       (4 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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