183 files
Exomoon Megawad
By Guest
Exomoon (aka Moonblood X) is a megawad for Doom 2. The levels are a mix of the original Moonblood with early BTSX levels. It has the ruins/temple theme with some exotic natural landscapes. Scythe and Mano Laikas also are a strong influence. It has been tested on ZDoom 2.8 and PrBoom+ downloads
MAYhem 2018 - Purple Edition!
By Guest
20 maps made in the month of May, with an epilogue bolted on to stop the player going into the stock maps. The theme of this year's MAYhem was a slew of new enemies introduced into the roster for mappers to use.972 downloads
MAYhem 2018 - Orange Edition!
By Guest
22 maps made in the month of May, with an epilogue bolted on to stop the player going into the stock maps. The theme of this year's MAYhem was a slew of new enemies introduced into the roster for mappers to use.810 downloads
1-Hour Speedmapping 2018
By Guest
Sometimes, the urge to map comes in small moments where you want to challenge yourself to make something in a short amount of time.
This is the first in what may be a series of compilations of 1-hour speedmaps.
Maps must be built within a 1 hour time period. You can do testing and bug-fixing after the 1 hour period. The map must be in a playable state and have an exit. Boom and limit-removing (complevel 2+9) format maps allowed.175 downloads
Struggle - Antaresian Legacy
By Guest
Struggle - Antaresian Legacy is a single-player mod for Doom 2 with limit removing compatibility. It features new weapons and monsters replacement with DeHacked patch. Some of original monsters are also slightly changed, so it's recommended to check out the info below, before you play this one. Thanks, and have fun. :)
[IMPORTANT] This wad uses heavily modified DeHacked patch. So it is recommended not to use other custom gameplay patches.
P.S.: Par time is based on UV-MAX, not UV-Speed
P.P.S. Please try STRG_M28.wad file, if you're having a framerate issue with MAP28.467 downloads
Slaughterfest 3
By Guest
A long-awaited third entry in the series, this is another compilation of 35 slaughter maps designed to be played from pistol start.4602 downloads
Team Rocket: Blasting Off at the Speed of Mapping
By Guest
TEAM ROCKET comprises AD_79, Dragonfly, Jimmy and MTrop, four experienced Doom mappers who together endured a 20-hour speedmapping livestream. Their efforts were supported by kind donators and guest mappers who tagged in to let the fatigued rocketeers recuperate. We bring you 34 maps, all made within less than a day, shaped by you, our viewers.651 downloads
Confinement 256: The Mystery of Scrapped Concepts
By Guest
This is all of the unimplemented ideas and unfinished maps I made for the original Confinement 256 completed and refined to be playable and prboom-plus compatible, one year later.80 downloads
Elmlea Single
By Guest
16 (+1 ending) maps created by Pinchy based on funny meme ideas139 downloads
Plutonia 4 - Back to your hole
By Guest
When the doom marine surfaced from hell, he forgot to turn off the oven, so he goes back but demons don't want him, so they try to stop him.1112 downloads
Super MAYhem 17 (v1.0)
By Guest
Super Mayhem 17 is a 28 map set based on using assets from the various classic mario games. Maps were designed in one month with time after for making fixes and quality assurance.4635 downloads
The Revenant Problem
By Revenant100
There is a runaway Revenant barreling down the teleporter track. Ahead, at the main teleporter's destination, there are five Imps trapped by explosive barrels and unable to move. The Revenant is headed straight for them. You are standing inside the nearby STARTAN2 viewing chamber next to a switch. If you press this switch, the Revenant will change to a different teleporter. However, you notice that there is one Imp trapped within explosive barrels at this side teleporter's destination. You have two options:
1. Do nothing, and the Revenant fires a rocket which explodes the barrels, killing the five Imps at the main teleporter.
2. Push the switch, diverting the Revenant onto the side teleporter where it will kill one Imp.
Which is the most ethical choice?20094 downloads
Confinement Community Project
By Guest
The Confinement Community project was created with one objective in mind. Create a map of any size between 1024x1024 and 2048x2048. Nineteen talented mappers came together over an extended period of time to produce Twenty Three beautifully detailed maps, built into a confined space.351 downloads
Dark Encounters
By Guest
"I knew they would come back some day...The leaders and generals of the world were content with their victory...heh. Never been much for parades, so I slipped back into my role as a good-ole space marine. I argued for a time about the potential for another invasion. Like before, they said their "new" technology would handle any threat. Yeah...sure it will... I...knew...they...would...come...back..." ***Please see text file for gameplay information.***
In This Wad... No jumping, mouse-look encouraged. Gameplay is in the style of the original Doom 2. Difficulty is slightly harder than Doom2 with encounters of varying difficulty thrown in through-out the maps. Survival will require accuracy, agility, ammo management, spacial awareness, and the following...
****On Hurt Me Plenty**** Employ at least ONE of these approaches to avoid running out of ammo, or use them all to have ammo-a-plenty. 1.Find the secrets (most are not hard to find)...or 2.Explore the entire map...or 3.Use the berserk/chainsaw on targets of opportunity (my personal favorite). ****On Ultra Violence**** Employ at least TWO of the above approaches to avoid running out of ammo, or use them all to have ammo-a-plenty. ****On Pistol Start**** Employ ALL THREE of the above approaches to avoid running out of ammo.
For best effect use dynamic lights, but sector lighting is implemented for better performance.1426 downloads
By Guest
Hellebarde is a 32-Level Megawad with small/medium Maps created for gzdoom. It features classic Gameplay with intense Boss Fights in well detailed Levels.473 downloads
Pigeon Speedmapping Session 1 -- Operation Health
By Guest
The goal of this speedmapping session was to create maps within a 3 hour time limit. Several mappers, including myself, failed to abide by this limit. Nevertheless, we still raked in 17 maps following the following themes:
1) Incorporate a graveyard and/or underground crypt of some kind. 2) Make good use of lite-amp goggles. 3) Only zombies, skeletons, spiders, and ghosts (zombies, spectres, lost souls, revenants, arachnotrons, and spidermasterminds). Bonus Theme) Lots of green ectoplasm (nukage).
Only one theme needed to be used.
Maps were created on 10/7/17, during two separate sessions throughout the day.439 downloads
Doom 2 Redux
By Guest
Doom 2 Redux is a community project aimed at re-creating, modernizing, and re-imagining the vanilla Doom 2 levels. With each level having a continuous flow, and a new but old look.2435 downloads
Confinement 256
By Guest
This originally started out as my (Xyzzy01) set of 20 or so maps for ZDoom, but later turned into a full-fledged community project!
The area of each map the player has access to can only as big as a 256x256 map unit square, similar to the rules of mapping for Congestion 1024, Claustrophobia 1024 (and its sequel), Confinement 512, Congestion 384, Congestion 192 and numerous 2048 wads.
I just thought 256 fit in as the perfect combination of 64's simplistic, minimal design and 1024's more serious, detailed design.
The Doom community's 39 map submissions are bundled with my original 22 map campaign.998 downloads
MAYhem 2016 (v1.0)
By Guest
A bunch of maps designed for a pair of gimmicks (mapslot x10 = monstercount) or (160 things) MOSTLY in a month. Map order ended up being altered for playability in survival servers\continuous play. Uses the Quake 1 and Darkening E2 Textures.
The Maplist:
01 - Xsshsss Zsss by Tarnsman
02 - Will o' the Wastes by Alfonzo & Tarnsman
03 - Steel Coffin by Angry Saint
04 - Affinity by Jimmy
05 - Vaalbara Reborn by Argent Agent
06 - Ziggurat Mayhem by Urthar
07 - Darkvault by Pinchy
08 - Lodi Eno Rebmun Si Ocin by Tarnsman
09 - Blood From a Stone by Benjogami
10 - Piston Hurricane by Pinchy
11 - Quaker Plumbing Inc. by Breezeep
12 - Kepler Communications by Argent Agent
13 - Cybercrusher by Alter
14 - Ancient Den by an_mutt
15 - Klockwerk by Paul Corfiatis
16 - Galactic Decay by A.Gamma
17 - Grievance by Dragonfly
18 - Maria by Ribbiks
19 - Seasons in the Abyss by Remmirath & Marcaek
20 - The Performance by Alfonzo
31 - In Death, is Life by Rayzik
Temple of the Lizard Men 4
By Guest
**PLEASE READ THE MANUAL BEFORE PLAYING** The fourth intallment of the Temple of the Lizard Men series. This is a 36 map wad with many new features including a fork-in-the-road map progression system, a weapon upgrade system, and key-bound inventory items for quick use. Further information is within the manual.440 downloads