444 files
Urban Slaughter
By Guest
Fight until death in a small city which is suffering a brutal invasion.171 downloads
SLOTH 2009
By Guest
SLOTH was originally released in 2006. In 2008, map03 was modified and released as FLANAGAN. In 2009, map04 was modified and released as LOINK. Now, in late 2009, map02/map03/map04 have been slightly modified, in the spirit of the original SLOTH, and released as SLOTH 2009.
MAP01 - Requires infinite ammo. Originally a test map without monsters. Pretty pointless.
MAP02 - Requires infinite ammo. Endless spawning monsters without lag. You control how crazy it gets.
MAP03 - Requires rocket jumping.
MAP04 - Requires rocket jumping.
- zdoom - freelook + jumping turned on - infinitely tall actors turned off - no bfg aiming - custom key config for weapons - no crouch
My key config in ZDoom is:
WASD movement, M1 fire, M2 jump, Q prev weap, E next weap, SPACE use, ALT strafe on, SHIFT center view, always mouselook, never auto-aim, no BFG aiming, dot crosshair.19 downloads
By Guest
This map was made for doom_marine666's unreleased jokewad project called "Uuuhhh, the stupid mission". All of the action takes place in a 432x432 space, except three inescapable death pits.22 downloads
By Guest
You wake up in your house. And you're all alone. The only thing that is with you, is your sanity. Or is it?2359 downloads
Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion v5.0
By Guest
Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion is a semi random hub based mini-adventure. Each session is built using a pool of maps to give a different experience each time. Each hub culminates in a final map the contains your mission objective. Once completed, you can begin a new mission retaining any weapons & bonuses you gained on the previous plays.105 downloads
UAC Ultra (v1.2)
By Guest
You're a Space marine...
Disease. An incurable though tangible threat. The demons prowl among the scorched barrens of Mars. Fleets of cacodemons infest every region. Spectres and imps swarming from every crevice. Deep down under Mars' subterra lies UAC's immense labyrinth of superhuman technology. The underground top secret lair of their most horrific experiments, buried in distress.
This is UAC Ultra.
An 11 (and a half) map levelset for Doom 2 featuring all new textures, a new monster, new music and several other small touches. Difficulty will hopefully keep you on your feet without being ridiculous.
The texture set is available as ultratex.wad
v1.2 fixes bugs on all maps. Plus it works with Eternity. Thanks esselfortium and Doomworld!669 downloads
Spacious Depot of Decay
By Guest
A Derelict supply depot, the UAC nearly abandoned this humble base months ago when it was discovered that the hellspawn were using it as a teleportation relay to mobilize to other locations throughout the galaxy. You must disable the depot by shutting down the power. This will mitigate further incursions in the immediate area.36 downloads
Shadows Den
By Guest
Replaces MAP01 of Doom II. Shadows Den is a map dedicated to my friends cat, who passed away after 10+ years in their family. The map is about preparing for massive monster attacks and then having a brawl while still staying pretty detailed and nice. The map features new music as well, and plenty of added secrets including a memorial.16 downloads
Shai'tan's Luck
By Guest
Originally I made map27 and called it Area42, and the whole project Area42, as the story then was set a few years after doom2, when UAC is cleaning up the bases it lost control of when the demons invaded. But that expanded into a minimally-plot driven episode spanning a short 'training mission' that ends with you teleported to the sewers of a different base, travels through that base and some more places on the way to Area42, and from there the player descends to hell through the fortifications of Atlantis and then the lost city itself. And hell isn't exactly your traditional MAP30 ...29 downloads
The transport tycoon's epic fall
By Guest
You'll fight trough some transport disaster's areas and urban zones. Map made for a Doom/Boom format tournament that was canceled.
Story: The main computer of a transport Company has become crazy, making all the vehicles crash and opening portals form where monsters come through, because the owner has installed Windows. You have to find it and desactivate it33 downloads
The Ten Thousand Ton Army
By Guest
Hey this is my fourth map the others i have not and will not be uploading to doomworld. This is the ten thousand ton army a short map I made. Please note That all teleporters in the level are one way.14 downloads
Scythe X. Episodes 1-2
By Erik
The third installment of the Scythe series. This will be released on an episode basis.438 downloads
Citadel Station
By Guest
A map based on System Shock Level 1. Includes the healing suite, storerooms and cyberspace port, part of the central hub and gamma quadrant's storeroom and maintenance entrance.
This was intended to be a simply-styled map while I took a break from making some other more detailed level.16 downloads
SargeBaldy Speedmapping Compilation #21
By Guest
This is a compilation of the WADs entered in SargeBaldy's twenty-first speedmapping exercise. Participants were given 100 minutes to construct a map based around a texture they selected, inhabited only by one type of monster, and allowing the player only one type of weapon.9 downloads
Fleshy Demise
By Guest
This is a map I made after I was visited in a dream by the Doom gods. They bestowed upon me mapping skills beyond that of any mere mortal. Mr. Reggins is the Doom god's name, in case you're wondering.12 downloads
The last outpost of hell
By Guest
When I was 6, which was about 11 years ago, I played Doom for the very first time. I played it on the playstion at my uncle's house.I thought to myself, "This is friggen awsome." Because of my young age my parents did not approve of me playing Doom. But that did not stop me. Our vacation ended and so did my Dooming (oh I forgot to mention that my uncle lived in Fargo Il and my parents and I lived in Sioux Falls SD). Or so it seemed. Whenever the time would arise that I could rent Doom on psx, at the movie rental store, I would use it. I would attempt to convince my parents to let me rent it. Usually I would be out of luck. When I was not playing Doom I would pretend on the playground to be the Doom marine and kill imps and demons with my shotgun. I would even put my hands up in front of my face to mimic the doom hud. As I matured I lost need to pretend to be the Doom marine. But the obsesion was still there, I was yet still denied what I wanted most. I began drawing doom maps with pen or pencil on paper. They began very primitive as you might expect. They eventually started to get more complex as I pumped out hundreds of drawings. The only reason I am telling you this is because the map in this file is one of those maps I drew all those years back. I figure that I came up with this one around the age of 12 because thats when I started using a straight edge. What you are about to play was conjured up out of a demented 12 year old boy who's only care in the world was for Doom. Enjoy.18 downloads
Technophobia Overdose
By Guest
Big sized map for ZDoom, mainly using Doom 2 stock textures.51 downloads