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183 files

  1. ZT-96

    An alien type fortress including a 9 new weapons mod and some new monsters.


       (16 reviews)


  2. Year 21 -The Vanishing Point-

    At last, you've found the warp gate facility your superiors said was abandoned 21 years ago. Thank God they put you on leave, or else you'd have /never/ be able to find it! Stumbling over something on your way in, you open your way into a well-lit room with a large door... and the sounds of feasting behind it.

    Just then, you remember this base was abandoned for a reason...


    This is a speedmap that I did in ten hours on my 21st birthday, hence the first part of the title. Small and short, as can be expected, but it should be fun to play. Watch your health! This level uses textures from The Darkening Episode 2, Suspended in Dusk, and Nick Baker's Useful Flats pack.


       (20 reviews)


  3. Vermilion


       (8 reviews)


  4. Zombi Outbreak

    Defend your house from the living dead!


       (51 reviews)


  5. Hatomo Battles The Yomi Demons

    this is just a simple 10 map episode for zdoom. the levels are inspired by the level design of doom2, so the maps are simple and linear to very linear levels. jumping was disabled, in case you wonder why you cant jump.

    if you use a zdoom launcher, start the game with map53


       (22 reviews)


  6. Valley of the damned

    -A kind of hellish abbey in the mountains.


       (23 reviews)


  7. Water Treatment Facility #17

    Water Treatment Facility #17 went dark several days ago. You've been sent in to find out why and, if possible, fix the problem.


       (21 reviews)


  8. Zen Dynamics

    One seemingly random day, I was sitting around doing nothing... when it hit me: The perfect way to make true reloading weapons in Zdoom. It worked like a charm in an example wad I put together, but I thought that a simple demo wad with a single test level would not do the reloading trick any justice... so two weeks later, I brought you this: Zen Dynamics, a Zdoom Revolution.

    Zen is a 7-level partial conversion, with 10 new guns, complete with reloading, new baddies, music, textures, you name it. It has some pretty damn memorable moments, particularly in Map04 and Map07, and is not just some quickly thrown together wad.

    This wad was originally released on the ZDoom forums, as a "public beta" of sorts, before releasing to the /idgames archive for all you crazy people to enjoy. :P

    The initial release only took two weeks to finish, but as always, it was littered with random bugs and such. I released several revisions that fixed said bugs, but I got bored at just fixing minor stuff... so for the fabled 2.0 release, I added several things: a new level, a new weapon, and some story elements and such.

    And now, I present you with the Anniversary Edition, packed with tons and tons of new features -- Altfires, Two more new weapons, and a brand-new map, Core Zero, perfect for mass-destruction addicts! :P

    Yes, there's a small storyline involved, with the usual stuff like gateways and UAC and such, but the intro does a pretty good job at telling it, IMO. :P

    The highlight of the wad is probably the weapons, which are pretty much a first in Zdoom history. Just the combination of advanced weaponry with Zdoom features like ACS and portals (which I know you'll love so much more after you've played Map04).

    Either way, it's been way too long since I've released anything memorable, and I guarantee you will not forget this wad. :P Sorry for all the bragging and such, but hey.... it's true. :P


       (172 reviews)


  9. Weirdo Bizarre, or: An Acid Trip Through Time

    A spiritual sequel to The Archives Are Doomed, which was in itself a spiritual sequel to Untitled. So does that mean this is a sub-spiritual sequel or something? Or is it just some kind of pathetic attempt at humor? Or am I just trying to make up something, anything, for the description? Yes.


       (43 reviews)


  10. Xenus:Lost base

    This is my first E1 attempt it's old map like my previous 1024 maps


       (20 reviews)


  11. White 0

    Think faster!


       (9 reviews)


  12. Vae Victus 2

    Vae Victus II is an all new level set for Doom 2 utilizing new graphics and music. The episode consists of 7 levels of varying themes and difficulty. The first Vae Victus was an attempt to honor the traditional gameplay of Alien Vendetta and other classic megawads; however, VV2 is a more balanced approach that provides challenging battles without the swarms of roaming enemies. The architecture is improved over last year's offering, and is more refined in it's concept and design. I am a classic doomer at heart, so I decided to keep this wad compatible with every source port that allows for limit removing. Co-op play is also supported, as are difficulty settings. In addition, every map can be beat from pistol starts.

    If you enjoyed Vae Victus, I have no doubt that you'll enjoy Vae Victus II.


       (61 reviews)


  13. ZanZan - Gzdoom Version

    This is a conversion of the excellent Total Convesion for Doom by Edmundo Bordeau named Zanzan, where you play an immortal (not anymore) ruler of your planet. You plan on destroying a planet, that, as you believe, will lead to a war in the future. One of your servants does not agree with that, so when Zanzan, or you, sleep for one year, your former servant plans a rebelion against you to stop you from destroying the above mentioned planet. The very planet is .. Earth. Refer to Zanreadme.txt for more information. This TC had originally been built for a, now defunct, version of Zdoom's open Gl sourceport- Zdoomgl. The very old version (0.66) had md2 models support, which this mod uses extensively to create a new gaming environment. With the addition of md2 models support to Graf Zahl's excellent Zdoom sourceport-Gzdoom, I, Paul at DRD or Nmn, have taken care of making a version of the TC to run under Gzdoom. One of the reasons was that the old version of ZDoomgl the original TC requires can cause trouble to either set up, or display things properly. Another reason was that Gzdoom is more popular nowadays. Last reason was that I wanted more people to play this mod, as I think, without any hyperbole, it's very likely the best wad ever made, even if having only 3 levels. Have fun!


       (31 reviews)


  14. Power Station

    Reactivate a power station that was overthrown by demons.


       (9 reviews)


  15. Doomed Apartment Building

    A (reasonably) realistic apartment complex.


       (36 reviews)


  16. Xexis

    Hell-themed floating fortress of pain, anguish, and other not-so-friendly things.


       (29 reviews)


  17. Wasted Temple

    You came back to your home-temple from religious mission and you found it ambushed by hordes of demonic creatures. Draw your Shotgun monk!

    I made it really quick and easy so it is totally symmetrical (maybe lack of idea :) )and I used Copy+Paste quite often, so sorry for it, ;) but I enjoyed doing it.


       (12 reviews)


  18. ZSuper Turbo Turkey Puncher 3

    SUPER TURBO TURKEY PUNCHER Just walk up to it and press "use" to play


       (44 reviews)


  19. We are 183!

    Somenthing better than my last release... Aniway a medieval style level in E2M9 Style


       (7 reviews)


  20. WASTED: UAC Waste Facility #253

    So you beat the demons on Phobos, Deimos, Earth, and even in Hell itself. But the UAC's operations have finally been stopped. The weapons research the corporation did left a lot of radioactive waste as byproducts, and the UAC set up waste facilities to dump the stuff. All of these facilities were believed to have been shut down, but the last, UAC Waste Facility #253, is on Earth's own Moon. After you defeated hell the final time, they retreated back to the Moon, where a small outpost has been made out of the facility.

    But you're on vacation now. Nobody knows your name, nobody recognizes you. Which was good. You were expecting to be famous after your many battles, but you're glad it didn't happen. You're taking a little reprieve on the moon, but before you got there you had no idea of the final Waste Facility.

    You step out of the ship with the other tourists and onto the Moon's surface. The tour guide herds everybody away from the looming building imprinted with the UAC logo. The tour guide's perky voice picks up and your thoughts drown her out. A low growl interrupts you and your hand flies to the butt of your faithful pistol. Damn! One of those brown bastards from hell! Your vacation hasn't dulled your reflexes, so you whip out your marine-issue pistol and shoot the imp until the magazine runs dry and the slide locks. Two more imps have already killed the rest of the tourists, but you whip out another magazine, reload, and blast them into gory lumps of mush.

    The Facility must have become a demonic outpost. You have to exterminate the hellspawn before they can plan some sort of attack on Earth. Time to go back into action, one last time. You take a deep breath and take the teleporter into the UAC Waste Facility....


       (8 reviews)


  21. WOWED

    The green mareng sold ear to the cyberdeMon and now he wants the wHale head into his bed dead. The mareng sat for a mOment.


    "Legendary Necrophiles!" You heard the scream! Th3n the maReng is head Felt fuzzy... BuzzZ...

    BEEP! What's this!!!


       (37 reviews)


  22. Wolfenshit Act 2: Das Terror Laboraterien dèr Fhurèr and the great sequal of dectective slug!

    Sequal of mine crap Wolf3d level-style which contains also the (in)famous DECTSLG1.WAD whit newbie things inserted by me and some modifications. Contains also a lot of ZDoom special effects, like stealth enemies and teleport, MOD track, transulency effects, moving floors, floor walls and other extravagant things... have fun playing it!


       (8 reviews)


  23. Wrath

    THIS MAP IS DIFFICULT. Extremely. I find it fun, some may find it too hard, I find it challenging. Enjoy.


       (4 reviews)


  24. Venom

    The original name of this wad was Illuminator, but due to archive rules I had to rename it to something shorter. So this wad is now Venom. Standard single player map. Enjoy.


       (9 reviews)


  25. Epic Battles demo

    Fight an epic battle of demons and marines, WIN!


       (12 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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