218 files
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These patches make imps throw rockets (like the ones you can shoot) and wil turn all barrels in the game into invisible land mines!! (very dangerous, but great fun in Deathmatch mode!1 download
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This is, basically, just a DeHackEd file. I substituted a more appropriate BFG sound in my doom2.wad, but I didn't put in an editor since I wanted to make this .zip as small as possible (I hate long downloads).2 downloads
Fireball Launcher
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This patch creates a cool fireball launcher. It shoots fireballs that have a quadruple explosion effect. IF a player (you) gets hit with ALL four they die unless you've upped max hp and armor. I have mine raised to 500% hp and 500% armor and the thing still does 299% damage (excluding the initial 20% hit). The fireball launcher is highly recommended for clearing cramped rooms--just make sure to stay out of the way unless you want to end up a pasty red spot on the wall.3 downloads
DOOM2 DLite patch
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Slow, stupid, sickly enemies
Higher limits for ammo, health and armor
Faster weapons
Forget strategy - Makes UV a run 'n' gun blood-bath - a D'lite! Sure it's cheating, but don't those monsters deserve a lesson in humility? We have the id - here's the ego!1 download
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This patch turns the player completely into an Imp. The player looks and sounds like an Imp. All it needs are some replacement fist graphics.2 downloads
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2 dehacked patches:
ABODIES.DEH = Turns the player into a dead body except when the player shoots or when the player is injured. This adds a whole new set of possible strategies for Deathmatch play. A player could just stand in a corner, and the other player would only see a dead body; they'd have to rememeber if they had killed you there before or not. When the truly dead bodies pile up it becomes almost impossible to find the other person if they're sitting still. You can also hide behind really low cliffs that you couldn't hide behind before because you're really short now. You sacrifice knowledge of your position if you shoot while the other person is looking at/around you, and if the other person decides to test a 'dead body' to see if it's not a 'dead body' by shooting a over it then you'll also show up when you're injured. Watch for scooting bodies! Plus, if you do happen to run across a body that you know shouldn't be there, you don't know which way the other player is facing.
FBODIES.DEH = Same as ABODIES.DEH except that now you are seen as a dead body even when shooting or being injured. Even more difficult to find the other person!
Notes: Remember to load up the patch on BOTH machines before Deathmatching, or else the other person will be seeing you as normal, but to you they'll be a body.1 download
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MORPH.DEH features monsters who can't quite decide which form they should be in. Some just look like other things; some temporarily turn into them. Some of the changes include the imp/revenent, and the sargent/chaingunner. Also, I graphically made some changes (Arachnotrons look like marines and fire plasma, but they are the same), also. This is a MAJOR beta version, so not everything is different. Most of the changes also make the game quite a bit harder.3 downloads
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My first attempt at a dehacked patch. This patch does several things.
o Rocket's become the Revenant's missiles. Can't figure out the code pointers to make it home yet. o Plasma gun fires a stream of those missiles only weaker. o Imp is more powerful with those missiles. o Chaingun dude is now the Plasma Dude. o Arachnotrons are true Spider Demon miniatures now. * Again, once I figure out the code pointers that make the Revenant's missiles home, this patch will be deadly in deathmatch play as well as make single player very hard.2 downloads
The Invaders
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This zip file contains the two dehacked patches which are needed to correctly play The Invaders with Doom 2 1.9 (dehacked v2.3 needed but included into Also, included in this zip, both versions of installation files INSTAL16.BAT and INSTAL19.BAT.1 download
Killer Barrels!!!
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Barrels, Barrels and more barrels.... Nearly every monster (except for bosses) have been turned into killer slop barrels. The barrels are filled with blood, toxic wast, crap, or gray slime. Barrels will follow chase you through the level just like normal guys, except faster, and blow up when they get next to you. I often find myself running for my life with this patch. :)2 downloads
Mega Weapons!!!
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Beat the crap of demons with your new improved fist. Chainsaw saws bad guys up quicker. Pistol is like an uzi. Shotgun kills Cyber Demon in about 2 seconds. (no kidding) Super Shotgun - 'nuff said Chaingun is like the one Arnold uses in T2. Fully automatic powerful Imp Fireball launcher. Plasma Rifle is a short range flame thrower. Roast 'em :) BFG burns everything within a 25meter radius.5 downloads
Bet you can't beat this without cheating on skill 4
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Troopers have fast chain guns Shotgun Guys have automatic chotguns Chaingunners fire faster Imps are on speed when fireing Cyber Demon shoots until he is injured A bunch of other guys fire faster.1 download
They Can't Die!
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Monsters will not die. That's that. When you kill them, they just keep on going. They leave ammo and weapons like they normally do, but then they keep on going like they never died, because they haven't. Very scary.2 downloads
Cyberdemons, my friend
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All shotguns turn into Cyberdemons. All of them, whether they are lying on the ground or dropped by a sergeant have become cyberdemons. One consolation is that all former cyberdemons have become shotguns. :)11 downloads
No Healing Allowed!
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This patch makes it impossible to pick up any sort of healing or armor items. No stimpacks, medikits, potions, helmets, green armor, blue armor, soul spheres, megaspheres, invincibility, berzerk, or invisibility. It's not exactly fair, but who wants it fair?1 download
Ultra Super Macho Death Patch
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Everything else is three times as fast, three times as tough, and three times as responsive. AOLers need not apply.1 download
Evil Boxes
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This patch replaces rockets with little demon spawn boxes, you know, the ones that spawn demons in map 30? They have been made *extremely* powerful, but they have a distance limitation. If you try to make them go too far, they spawn a monster right on you. You aren't dead instantly, but you can hurt each other *very* easily. You can't move, either.1 download
Killing Machine
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Demons invade. Shoot the demons. *Commercial Break!* Now, with this new and improved super shotgun, you won't ever have to worry about demons who won't die! With infinite ammo and an automatic firing system which refuses to even let you change weapons, the only thing you'll ever have to worry about is the slowdown when you're shooting a wall at close range! *Back to our program* DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! Thanks, Kyle!3 downloads
Boy, you must be a *WIMP*!
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Enemies move as slow as possible, all have the minimum possible health, and respond so slowly that they would die of old age (Which is *REALLY* long in hell) before they did anything.2 downloads
MaRiNe HeLL v1.0
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THiS ouR FiRST ReLeaSe So BeaR WiTH uS...THiS DeH PaTCH FoR DeHaCKeD v2.3...iT MaKeS THe SHoT GuN Guy, iMP, CHaiN Gun Guy, CyBeR DeMoN, aND HeLL KNiGHT iNTo DiFFeReNT CoLoR, PiSSeD MaRiNeS...WHiCH iS PReTTy BaD...aND TaKe My aDViCe...DoN'T MeSS WiTH THe GReeN oNeS...THey WiLL KiLL You iN aN iNSTaNT iF you aiN'T CaReFuLL...THiS PaTcH aLSo MaKeS THe BFG FaSTeR aND STRoNGeR...aND CHaNGeS THe PLaSMa RiFLe GReaTLY...aND SoMe oTHeR MiSC THiNGS LiKe MaKeS THe SouL SPHeRe iNTo a BaLL you CaN SHooT aND MaKeS THaT PuNy PiSToL Guy SToNG! a WaRNiNG FoR RooKie DooMeRS THiS PaTCH iNCReaSeS THe DiFFiCuLTy GReaTLy! iF you SuCK, Be VeRy CaRe FuLL...iN SoMe CaSeS NoT eVeN iDDQD CaN HeLP you!!!2 downloads
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THiS iS a PaCK oF aWSoMe DHe PaTCHeS By THe TRaVeLLeR, aND iT HaS a TeXT FiLe eXPLaiNiNG WHaT THey Do...TRy 'eM...THey aRe GooD...LooK FoR ouR oTHeR ReLeaSeS!89 downloads
Ultra Doom II
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This patch was desined for my own curiosity, to see how good I could do. It does many things. First, it turns the troopers into kamakazie bombers,the imps burn up instead of dying,and alot of the startup and game text has been rewritten! Next, it makes you're max. ammo so high that if you use the code, It'll take you years to run out! Also,it turns the bullet puff into fairly weak BFG blasts! To test this out,use the chaingun or either shotgun! And a few extra bonuses,like the fact that the enemy's guns also have weak BFG puffs! I strongly recommend using the cheat codes with this patch!5 downloads
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This is the newest and best FLAMING patch by Dalias (as of 4/14/95). It includes all new weapons, perfect for hours of DeathMatch, with a perfect set of original graphics and sounds by the author!
(patch rebuilt with DeuTex 3.5, to clear a bug related to PC sounds)3 downloads