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  1. The most REVOLTING DOOM add-on ever!

    The basic premise of the story so far is this: You bought DOOM legally because you love shareware so much, only to find that the deaths, while somewhat cool, just don't have that really sick aspect that the game boasts. "Crap," you say, "this game is just getting boring. Why can't those dying men be more lively?" This is where the creative genius of Two Daves Enterprises comes in. We know how sick you people are, and we try to cater to every need. THIS PATCH IS NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART! DO NOT OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY AFTER INITIAL USE!


       (3 reviews)



    Ever get tired of the messages and endings in Doom? I did so I changed them all the other night when I had nothin else ta do. This is a DeHacked patch that changes almost everything that you read while playing, and while loading netgames, etc. Most of them are a welcome change from the usual "Picked up a clip."

    1 download

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  3. DOOM V

    Here you go ! You don't need DOOM II if you already have DOOM V. [;)]

    This patch is for DOOM 1.2 and DEHACKED 2.0. I tried to keep the changes in this way that the game is possible to play without any IDxxx help. (... well, maybe a IDKFA at the beginning of mission 2 and 3 .. ULTRA VIOLENT...)

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  4. Buring Barrels

    This patch for DeHacked makes barrels burn instead of explodeing


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    HOESPAWN.DEH is a little treat I whipped up to test the function of several objects in Doom 1.666 that I hadn't seen before (in Doom 1.2), specifically the Demon Spawn objects. Warp to either E3M1 or E3M9 for the best effect; I won't guarantee anything on other levels, and Doom might crash.

    The "new" effects are centered around the large brown tree and the gray tree, which appear in the large open area of E3M1 and E3M9. Use of iddqd and id(k)fa are HIGHLY recommended. Have fun!

    1 download

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  6. dhdiff

    This is version 2.0 of dhdiff; it can now read patch files generated by Dehacked 2.0.

    dhdiff is a simple little utility I wrote to compare two .deh files. It can be useful for figuring out what a .deh file is supposed to do. Also, if you find a really cool .deh on the net somewhere, this utility can help you figure out how it works. Source to dhdiff is included.


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  7. 1666hoe.zip

    This is a patch for DeHackEd 2.0 that modifies the monsters to act like Doom ][ monsters. It is almost identical to the DOOM_HOE patch that was released for Doom 1.6 beta, with a few changes for the better.

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  8. m_army.zip

    This is a DeHacked v2.0 patch for DOOM 1.666 that basically creates an army of Marines that really don't like you. These Marines it seems have also inherited some of the charateristics from the new monsters from DOOM ][. It was actually kind of convienient to have the frame stuff from the DOOM ][ baddies, if they weren't there I wouldn't have been able to create this army and still leave the original monsters in there. I have also moved the monsters to DOOM 1 items so you'll be able to put them in your WADS with DEU or whatever.

    1 download

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  9. splat.zip

    This file is intended for use with dehacked 1.3 and registered doom 1.2 It changes the hanging bodies and impaled bodies so that they can be shot. this alows you to "put them out of their miseries" and counts towards your kill/ item ratios.

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  10. morewpns.zip

    Here's a couple more weapons for y'all.


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    NODEATH.DEH is a patch that makes all enemies dissappear when killed, including the monsters on the last levels(though this can be changed easily enough) The net effect is that since the monsters don't technically "die", you can run a game on NIGHTMARE in 1.2 and not have monsters respawn!

    Finally, you can run UV speed and the registered version, with the same effect as the -fast switch in 1.6!


       (3 reviews)



    A patch file for DOOM utilizing Dehacked and Dmaud to get rid of all traces of the teleporter sound and flash. *RECOMMENDED FOR DM*

    This patch is intended to be compatable with deathmatch play.

    Teleportation sound has been killed. Period. Monsters, exploding corpses, telefrags, players, et. al. don't make a sound going through it.

    Teleportation is also completely invisible and nearly instantaneous. (this is great for creating invisible, unnoticeable teleports in stairways and such to simulate levels)


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    A patch file for DOOM utilizing Dehacked and Dmaud to make deathmatch and regular play much more exciting and real.

    This Dehacked patch is an attempt to make the game tough enough to be interesting, yet playable and surviveable(every level playtested and passed -though some JUST BARELY - by me to ensure proper play-balance.) in an attempt to make the game regain most of its original enjoyability.

    There are NO killer weapons or monsters as I made this to be a patch that is playable with ANY .wad as well as the original.

    Passing all levels on UV with this patch is quite a challenge, and I personally won't go back to playing any .wad without this modification.

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  14. Hi-Frag

    Tired of the same old boring deathmatches?

    Do you want something new?


    This (hifrag5.deh) is a hack for the DOOM.EXE via the most excellent program, DeHackEd v1.3. It is supposed to make multi-player deathmatches go faster-paced and be more interesting...

    I took a few liberties in making it....I went through several trials and discarded ideas left and right, and what finally stands is a hack meant to make the frag counter "roll-over" in a short period of time...


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  15. joker1.zip

    Beta release of an AKIRA flying platform

    the batch will alter DOOM.EXE and DOOM.WAD.


       (1 review)


  16. Auto-ShotGun V 1.2

    This patch converts the shotgun into an automatic shotgun and includes new graphics for doom.


       (1 review)


  17. Chunkgun

    This patch will turn your everyday rocket into a sargeant chunk and your everyday rocket explosion into a trooper chunk. (If you don't know what a chunk is, try firing a rocket directly at a trooper and you will see what I mean). The chunk doesn't do concussion damage, but the damage has been increased to compensate. This patch is perfect for you morbid doomers and those who like very strange doom games. The chunks will stay there; so you could see where large rocket battles took place. If you REALLY want to see a lot of gore, try getting a patch that will increase the rate of fire of the rocket launcher. You'll paint the walls with bodies.

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  18. revenge.zip

    Jacks up all the monsters. Like the man said, Troopers with chainguns, pumped Sergeants, BFG Cyberdemons and more. The Spider-demon is harder to kill, and has a chain-rocket launcher. Watch out for steady streams of rockets.


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  19. Gun o'Death

    Do you like the BFG but find it to be slow, inefficient and clumsy? Do you like rocket launcher but find its damage and area of effect too limiting? If the answer is yes, you have found the patch for you. It will turn your ordinary shotgun into an automatic mega-nuker.

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  20. jb_deh.zip

    QUICK SUMMARY: Here are the files and what they do:

    PLYRIMP.DEH Puts the Imp graphics in place of player, for Deathmatch. Try it!

    SIGFIRE.DEH "Signal" fireballs go up each time you hit a wall... Careful where you fire...you could signal your opponent.

    EVILBARL.DEH Barrels have always been a problem, but NOW they FOLLOW you and detonate when they reach you. NOTE: Lost Souls had to be replaced to do this...

    XRCISM.DEH Possessed humans [not Human Sergeants, yet...] are a bit nastier now. They act like normal until killed. Then the evil Polymorph Demon residing inside them bursts free [splattering the remains of the host body]. Don't worry, when you kill the Polymorph it doesn't come back.

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  21. Flamer V 1.1

    This patch converts the Plasma gun into a flame thrower and includes new graphics and sounds for doom.


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    This patch modifies the graphics, sound and behavior of the weapons:

    Chainsaw -> unchanged (Someone like to try and make a flamethrower?)
    Pistol - Sub UZI (use your imagination)
    Shotgun - Automatic Assult Shotgun (yeah!)
    Chaingun - 2x Speed Chaingun like Arnold uses
    Rocket - Caco-fire Launcher (more damage than a rocket)
    Plasma - BFG750 Energy Cannon (my favorite!)
    BFG9000 - BFG2020 Energy Module Launcher (more bang than the 9000!)

    Note: The BFG750 blast can hurt you!

    Mods. to ammo pickup amount and maximums have also been changed to support the new ammo consumption rates.

    You'll probably need to play on Nightmare mode to give the monsters a chance, or design a new level with lots of cannon fodder.

    Side effect: The Cyberdemon now shoots very powerful fireballs.
    (Ordinary Cacodemon fireball unchanged)

    Not tested for Deathmatch/Multi play but should be OK.


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  23. blood.zip

    This is a simple Dehacked 1.3 patch which leaves blood marks on the ground where ever you've been shot at... see trails of blood where you just blasted your deathmatch opponent....


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    The Barrel Blaster is a BETA patch for id's DOOM (registered). It replaces the BFG with a new weapon -- one which lobs barrels a short distance (where they remain until destroyed). I have filled a room with up to 25 barrels--great ambush possibilities!

    Does it work in deathmatch? I have no idea -- but I hope so! If anyone tries it out, please email me and let me know! This weapon is great if you have no other ammunition--the release patch of this weapon will have NO CLIP, so you can always fall back on the barrel blaster if you're out of ammo and being chased. I chose the slow frame rate of the BFG for realism -- I don't think this patch would have the same effect if you could spit out barrels as fast as the chaingun.

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  25. ULTRA-FAST WEAPONS ( and other miscellanious patches )

    This is an example DEH for DeHackEd 1.3 on how to create ULTRA-FAST weapons. This is done by modifying the frame table and removing some un-needed frames ( the firing & recoil ) by setting the frame time as 0. This has also made all of the corpses hanging around killable and fall to the ground in a pile of guts. Trees also explode after being shot. The barrels have been made with a lower mass and a higher HP for the fun of "pushing" a barrel into a crowd of enemies and destroying it with another shot. Also the enemies have much lowered mass to have fun when the enemy is shot or killed, they literally fly!! Weapons are also increased in strength ( watch out in co-operative play, one missfired shot can kill your friend! ). The weapons have been modified on the ammo editor to have unlimited ammo via the ammo type ( set to 5 ).


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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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