218 files
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This patch changes the cell gun into a blazer gun (get to close and it feels like demons chewing your @ss off), BFG into hand thrown rockets, and some monsters into "Automated defensive weapons". Most items "cycle" and respawn with a BOOM ! (camp to close and you be dead). Maybe other stuff....can't remember. If you HAVE to play single player, I suggest using DM and pressing [F1] so items will respawn.1 download
DOOM: Super Speed Edition 2nd Release
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This file will patch the executable of Doom or Doom 2 and make the weapons, Enemys, Fireballs, etc twice as fast as they were. It it not a full patch yet, but it's almost.1 download
Quake Weapons in Doom ][
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All right, I'll make it easy on you...Quake has weapons. These weapons are now emulated in Doom ][. Have fun. You may remember this patch's predecessor,; that patch is old, admittedly terrible, BUGGY (I can't BELIEVE I didn't catch the obvious bug in that patch!), and outdated as of today. The real improvement is that instead of just slopping some new graphics and weapon principles on the Doom weapons, I actually did some RESEARCH this time. =) I figured out how much each weapon did in terms of DAMAGE and emulated that instead. Therefore, the graphic representations of the weapons sort of suffer--ESPECIALLY the Thunderbolt (It's somehow even WORSE graphically)--but the weapons are much better representations of Quake's actual firepower.99 downloads
DeHackEd patch for "Eternal Doom III"
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This DeHackEd patch is for "Eternal Doom III" using "DOOM II" version 1.9 or "Final DOOM" version 1.9.178 downloads
Jookey 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Here are some cool thing that are in Jookey ][.
Still the same but more power. Remember to shoot it all directions.
Rocket Launcher (The Mega Launcher as I call it)
The Rocket is extremly slow. But Extrenmly Dangerous. If you use god mode, you better not get too close or "KABOOM". Still kinda the same as in Jookey.
The Plasma Rifle or the Barral Gun
This is the state of the art gun that you Marines use to take out the Trash2 downloads
Quake weapons for Doom or Doom2
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Created from screenshots of weapons of the game Quake.
requires the dehacked file included to play.
This is not the best, but you get a Quake feeling while playing Doom/Doom2!26 downloads
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This DEH file disables all cheats except level warp and no clipping.1 download
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Yeah! It really works! Use your dear friends as a football and shoot them with a dbl shotgun in the goal! The patch makes you much 'lighter' so that it's possible to push the guys into the goal! Complete with scoring panels and sounds like on a football terrain!5 downloads
The First External Camera for Doom II
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This is an external camera patch for Doom 2. I included one patch that gives you the classic green marine, and another that gives you the blue marine with some Quake weapons. There are also patches for an imp, a demon, and an enforcer(not the one from Quake).
Run CAM.BAT for green marine 1-fist/chainsaw 2-pistol 3-shotgun/s. shotgun 4-chaingun 5-rocket launcher 6-plasma 7-BFG Run CAMBL.BAT for blue marine 1-fist/chainsaw 2-pistol 3-shotgun/s. shotgun 4-chaingun 5-extra damage rocket launcher 6-grenade launcher 7-lightning gun Run CAMI.BAT for imp 1-claw 2-fireball 3-fireball 4-fireball 5-fireball 6-hellfire 7-hellfire Run CAMD.BAT for demon 1-chew 2-chew 3-chew 4-chew 5-imp fire 6-caco fire 7-baron fire Run CAME.BAT for enforcer 1-fist/chainsaw 2-pistol 3-shotgun/s. shotgun 4-super rapid chaingun 5-railgun 6-High Energy weapon 7-area burner
In the future I might add such features as: -Animated walking -See what weapons you've selected -More new characters(trooper, sargent, etc.) -Duke Nukem6 downloads
By Guest
A very cool set of patches for DHE 3.0a By Greg Lewis. I made all of them myself so try them and see what they can do!!
Dav1.deh - My first patch and still one of the best. A very interesting rocket launcher and Plasma gun.
Plasrckt.deh - kind of a pointless patch but I included it anyway
Whip.deh - try it. Very cool.4 downloads
DOOM: Uzi Edition
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This file will patch the executable of Doom or Doom 2 and turn the pistol into an uzi gun. Each clip is worth 7 ammo and you start with 100 ammo. The uzi.wad file is for Doom 2 only. Use this file to get 3 all new demos.10 downloads
Nightmare Imp Patch(newimp.pat)
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This is my first patch, and I think it's pretty7 downloads
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The following information explains how the weapons of DooM ][ work. It doesn't really talk about their firing much but instead covers the fine nuances of DooM weapons. It explains just how DooM uses the Select and De- select code pointers to power its weapons. It explains why the chainsaw does what it alone does with sounds, and why this behavior cannot be changed or used elsewhere.
I hope this helps with somebody's editing. I personally only found it by accident, creating a weapon that lit up a room, screwing up, and pur- suing the screwup; there are a couple of things I've thought of to do with this information, not the least but the easiest of which is letting DooM weapons be selected like Quake weapons--instantly. Read on if you want to improve your hacking itinerary.
The file that should be in this directory also includes proofs of my findings, all in .deh format. You get to load them yourself, because I didn't feel like explaining how. If you can understand any of this information you can probably load .deh patch files anyway. It also includes this very text file, for reference.4 downloads
Ultra Sonic Sound Waves
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This patch file makes the BFG9000 shoot ultra high frequency sound waves. These waves make enemies explode. Sometimes it doesn't work, but don't worry, This patch gives the BFG9000 infinite ammo! This patch also makes the BFG9000 rapid fire. I hope you like this patch. I sure do!2 downloads
Lots Of Stuff
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A strange patch that does many things 1.It turns the rocket launcher into a laser cannon 2.Makes the pistol and shotgun guys look like different colors of you 3.Replaces cyberdemon with Megademon(you thought you hated it before just wait) 4.Replaces Imps with nightmare imps(maybe) 6.And some other weird stuff....1 download
Every One is Floating, but Me!
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I changed some weapons around; A lot of guys float which can be very annoying; I altered the Demon.1 download
Phat Doom 2!!!!
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I changed some things in Doom2 to make the game "better." Some changes made were moving barrels, ghost troopers from dead ones, bleeding barrels, rapid fire weapons, new bullet looks, and many many more. You'll just have to play to see all of the changes.1 download
Patch of Powers
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Full description is in the Powers!.txt file in the zip, but I can summarize it: this patch gives your players special powers no one thought would ever be in Doom. Using it you can revive enemies, create drones to fight for you, and jump. You heard me, JUMP! Hence the much more noticable name, Jumper. So don't just sit there, download this patch! The powers are also in seperate patch files for working on them individually. Read the text file first.6 downloads
Right Hand Fist
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Changes the fist from left handed to right handed. To be honest, I dont know why id Software didnt make it right handed to begin with?9 downloads
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This patch turn all your PL1 weapons (without tone of power) into PL2 (with tone of power) without tone of power.
Pack a lifetime tone of power!
Always PL2 weapons!1 download
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This patch will stop all the monsters from moving.
Even you shoot him with the most deadly BFG9000 its corpse (or Cybers and spiderdemon's hurting body) still don't move.
All monsters are freezed, but still can attack you.1 download
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This patch will turn most the monsters from Heretic into friendly Green/Yellow/Red/Blue caped Players.2 downloads