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352 files

  1. Castle from Hell ! (CASTLE5.WAD from CASTLE5.ZIP)

    This level should challenge you to no end. Many tricks and traps, and a particularly annoying puzzle to finish the game. Many hours were spent removing visplane problems, but in the ensuing hours I've played, it has never crashed. Best played as a single player level, but DM does work, trust me. Have fun !!!!!!!!!!! Hint Remember the word "backtrack"...It might just come in handy.


       (3 reviews)



    These levels are the first I ever made. I had no one to help me learning things about the editor. It needed many hours to experience how to make functionable doors. Sometimes I tried some other functions like crushing ceilings if you want to press a switch and walklines opening rooms where IMP's are only waiting to kill you. I hope you enjoy the levels!


       (6 reviews)


  3. Alien Hideout

    You went to sleep one night thinking that you had rid


       (7 reviews)


  4. Andrew.wad

    This is just a level I put togethor in a couple of


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       (7 reviews)


  6. Commander BearCorp TC

    This is an 8 level TC for Doom. It is not totally done yet and when(if)


       (18 reviews)


  7. Attack!

    For years, scientists have played around with teleports and such, but now, one scientist, considered to be insane, has made what we thought was mad. He found a gateway between time, a "Time Slip". This allows you to travel back in time, and then come back to where you began, walk into the time slip chamber, press the button, and ZAP! you're back in the present. One problem. The teleports, as you may know, (if you read readme.exe in Doom) have unleashed some of the most hideous creatures ever. Those cannibal mutations are getting through the teleport statios, and entering the "Time Slips". Since then people have been disappearing rapidly. So has some shops and buildings. The Demons must be killing people in the past, which is effecting the future. A Marine, like you, is sent to spy on the enemies. He was killed and hung by a chain, as his last words were: "You b*st*rds! [click click] What? [more clicking] Oh sh*t! My gun...get away from me with that!! [clanking of chains and choking noises] Please!" [transmission cut] That spy was useful, though, he told that they had a whole castle under control. They've put up glass windows to check on the prison cells without trouble. They've through of everything. Except for the fact that someone can get to them through the time slip. You are sent through the time slip, and are to destroy these hellspawns. Your main task is: Attack! (See end of Text for Mission 2 story)


       (4 reviews)


  8. casa

    This wad intended to be my house and a little part of my neighbourhood, but now I don't think my neighbours would recognize it (not even my mother recognized the house!)


       (1 review)


  9. UAC's Auditorium

    Based very loosely on the floor plan of the Singapore Press Holdings auditorium


       (2 reviews)


  10. Incinerator

    A fairly easy wadfile but has some well hidden secrets


       (1 review)


  11. Assault on the Demons

    The cargo compartment of your shuttle lands with a crack on the


       (2 reviews)


  12. Chanesaw

    The bad news is you are in hell. The good news is you have a chainsaw that never runs out of gasoline. Your problem to cut your way through hell until you find a way out. Sounds like the leadin to a TV show doesn't it. Each week watch as out intrepid space marines cut their way through another part of hell. Seeking the exit that will eventually get them out. In order to get character interaction. You do it in coop mode. Have the guys at ID software do the voices of the players with faces animated against standard doom textures. Record the action scenes from the doom wad as it is played in coop mode by three to four players. Cut between animation of conversation and the action as scene by the players to make the final cut of the show. Do a different wad each week. You could make it in your home on a strong pc with a really good interface board. Invite military people to design wads that illustrate small group tactics and weapons choice based on enemy and terrain. Invite ministers to write sermons based on the faults and vices of demons and how terrible a place hell is, and you could get both the militia, 2nd amendment people and Christian fundamentalists to tune in every week. Include a magazine sub, with a monthly disk containing the wads to be played in upcoming shows of the series, so the watchers can play through first and then compare their method of taking the wad to the one on the show when it comes up. Talk about your interactive tv. Wow, you come up with some strange ideas when you are bored. OK. I decided to write some wad files because I was bored. Day one. Trying to follow the lessons in secrets of the doom programming gurus step by step. NOGO. So, I stopped at lesson one and spent the entire day practicing drawing singleroom sectors. No changes in elevation, no doors, no lifts. The only special linetype in the wad is the exit switch. Play is based on narrow tight terrain with monsters around the corner and in the next room. The chainsaw is the weapon of choice in this terrain. Use it. Day two, still practicing drawing sectors, this time with changes in floor height and setting sectors inside of sectors. One really big abyss with lots of platforms at different heights. Weapon of choice, the rocket Launcher, try shooting the muzzle flashes of the cacodemons as they shoot at you from the darkness. If they get close enough to see them, they are almost close enough for the explosion from the rocket to hurt you. Move fast shoot hard, and get out. Day three. Practice with special sectors, doors, crushing ceilings, crushing floors, one teleport. Lines that open secret doors. Lots of no humans signs. Weapon of choice, shotgun, chainsaw, rocket launcher, plasma gun. Enjoy. Day four. Waded crashed and wads saved would crash doom. Loaded a wad from wadcat1 and removed everything but one chamber and built on that. This worked. Key weapons chainsaw, shotgun, demon fratricide and crushing ceilings. Also rocket launcher. But watch out. Day five, afraid waded would crash, so built behind the blue door sector of day 4 wad. Pretty blue scenery. Interesting surprise at end. Day six. Starting to get good. Emphasis on chainsaw and infighting. Close tight terrain with enemies coming out of the walls. Must use demon fratricide to make it to exit. Interesting use of terrain to limit cyberdemons firing effectiveness. Day Seven. Effort to maximize 3d effects of doom space. Several footballfields big terrain with four different sets of passages and chambers at different levels crossing each other. Lost souls have amazing freedom of movement due to vertical shafts. Textures used on elevation 2 so gross messed my stomach. Nasty tough vision of industrial hell. Weapons used, everything, but especially the chaingun. Day eight, finished day seven. I don't know if I will ever write another wad. This was fun but exhausting. I tried logging on to the bbs listed in waded but couldn't. Oh, well.

    The six days have been combined using wadmerge into one episode of six missions for doom1. SInce they were originally written as stand alone wads, they may have a little more ammo and powerups than you need, but six fairly large levels to play through should entertain for a few hours. Its better than tv anyway.


       (2 reviews)


  13. Castle of Doom

    Dark and foreboding. Castle of Doom is reasonably large. It took me 30 minutes to get through it on the "Hurt Me Plenty" setting. Beware, there are traps! Be careful of switches and save game often. Doing things in the right order is critical to completing this level. Don't be afraid to leap across voids either. In one part of the level, you must run in order to get across the void and into the next room.


       (2 reviews)


  14. Cruel Hell

    Fairly big level for the new Episode 4 of ULTIMATE DOOM.


       (7 reviews)


  15. Back To Hell

    A complete replacement of Episode 3 with some new graphics and demos. Fight your way out or let Hell have vengeance upon you.


       (19 reviews)


  16. Computer Core

    An underground computer core. Try not to get your ass blown off!!!


       (1 review)




       (7 reviews)


  18. Bitedust

    Mid-sized level with a 3 key solution. Has all settings easy thru hard and cooperative play. Wad was really designed for co-op play and is rather difficult for single player. No Deathmatch starts but feel free to add them and try it if you like.


       (1 review)



    This is my first wad made for Doom , E1M1. Amazed.wad,because you start off in a maze, pretty obvious.. and also because I am amazed I did this!

    Story line... You are the first female sent to rescue your brother who is being held hostage, you must find him and return to, well you get the idea? If you fail you will be forced to marry the groom of doom aka: Cyberdemon<G> No, I'm just kidding about the story line. Basic rescue & slaughter scenario!


       (1 review)


  20. Classic

    Conventional DOOM wad designed around 3 key solution. Pretty straight forward. Really designed with cooperative play in mind but is a challenge for single player. All skill levels playable.


       (3 reviews)


  21. Boom v2.3

    An MAJOR upgrade from v2.2


       (26 reviews)


  22. Calgon, Take me away!

    Built for Ultimate Doom v1.9 Map based on my workplace. run on E1M1


       (5 reviews)


  23. court.wad

    Its a jail. Don't go beserk because it is small I am ading more


       (3 reviews)



    This level is a well designed level with lots of uproarious shooting and killing. Plenty of secrets to find (although none are necessary for the completion of the level, they will make the going easier though). Each secret has a "clue" of some kind, be it a misaligned texture or a subtle view of the place through a window, or the like.


       (4 reviews)


  25. BassAckward

    Players with claustrophobia (or acrophobia, for that matter) might want to stick with Sonic the Hedgehog. All others, keep your trigger finger warm.


       (4 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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