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352 files


    Welcome to ASDOOM, nine new levels for registered DOOM (effectively a whole new episode). The files that are in this archive are all that you need to extend your enjoyment of DOOM for many, many more hours!

    To make life as easy as possible for beginners a batch file is included to run all of the levels for you. Simply make sure that all of the files from this archive are in your DOOM directory then type ASDOOM to play (but read the rest of this file first). :)

    As I put together the levels in ASDOOM I was particularly keen to put the tension and fear back into playing DOOM - there are some places where even I get uneasy, and I know where everything is! If you have access to a modem let me know how you think I got on (see CONTACTING THE AUTHOR below).

    The quality of the levels improves steadily as you play. The first level was literally my first effort and, although extremely playable, doesn't look so hot when you compare it to the later ones. Levels two and three become increasingly respectable and from level four onwards you'll think that you've died and gone to heaven. Persevere with levels one to three though; it's worth it just to keep the play-balance right.

    Finding ASDOOM's secret level will take a bit of work, and only experienced DOOMers should take a trip there. Visiting the secret level on UV is like sipping cyanide - dangerously detrimental to your health. It is repectfully suggested that you save your game before doing anything hasty (like moving).


       (8 reviews)


  2. Cool Doom Level

    You are stuck in the basement from hell and you


       (7 reviews)


  3. Baron Barbeque

    Welcome to the Weenie Roast


       (4 reviews)


  4. Castle of the Renegades

    Well, here it is and only 3 months in the making. Maybe now I can reclaim my life. At least until I start my first Doom II level. ;) I already have some ideas for that. This one should keep you death- matchers busy for a while. It's got sniper points overlooked by sniper points over- looked by sniper points! I've also set it up to prevent early exits from deathmatches. To see what I mean, try going through that yellow door before you have lowered all the key pedestals. I've included separate .txt files explaining the plot (such as it is) and some interesting technical points that I encountered in the making of CASLOTR.WAD. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!


       (13 reviews)


  5. ARENA O' DEATH 1.2

    An hard deathmatch for hard marines with an hidden exit, tons of ammo for tons of monsters (demons, barons, spiders & cyber assholes ). PLAY IT WITH -altdeath option


       (3 reviews)


  6. A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood?

    Your blasting away at a Cyberdemon when one of his mega-rockets homes in on you. The explosion is deafening and your senses go numb. What seams like seconds... well mabey hours later you shake your head and pull yourself up. Staring through a hole in the wall in front of you it, looks like episode 3 on the other side. "This has never happened before" you think. Whew!! Safe ... for the moment at least. Turning around you think to yourself "This looks like a normal neighborhood street". Until the first fire ball comes flying at you.

    HINTS The scenic storm sewer is a must and be sure to tour the "ZOO". There is an exit but it's someplace you've already been and you can't get there until you complete your "Tour of Duty".


       (11 reviews)


  7. A Nukage River Runs Through It

    Ahhhh... Earth. After that last mission, you deserve a little time off by golly. So you cringe when the vidphone sounds. But... but...my vacation... you try to explain. They promise that you'll have your vacation after you check out the reports of "something strange" going on at the nuclear power plant... probably just a glitch...most likely a routine communication breakdown. Yeah that's it. Better take your rod... you've heard that there's some good fishing in the river that runs through it. Boy were you wrong!!!


       (4 reviews)



    This level has a BFG but if you want it without cheating, you will need to first find the yellow key, then the secret area in which you will find the red key to give you access to the BFG. In the Chequer board room try and visit all areas. GOOD LUCK!


       (4 reviews)



    First WAD. Started July '94, finished November '94. All weapons but BFG. Spider Demon. Barneys, I mean Barons. This WAD has a distinct anti-Barney theme. For maximum enjoyment please use the Barney or Barney and Clinton patch. These important patches seem to have disappeared off the FTP sites so I include them in the ZIP file of AMBIENT. I have reached the exit in Ultra-Violent without cheating.


       (5 reviews)


  10. Blood's Revenge

    A normal wad with 2 levels, with no dumb plot.


       (4 reviews)


  11. The Dungeon of Aoxozoxoa

    This WAD is based on an AD&D campaign that serveral of my friends and I played for about three years. Aoxozoxoa was one of two wizards who escaped from a high security wizard's prison in the Crimson Empire. A party of experienced adventurers was hired to track these wizards down and either re-capture them or eliminate their threat before they could align with other dark powers. This WAD is a reconstruction of the original dungeon where our party slayed the Archmage.


       (5 reviews)


  12. Boogers (All the good names were taken)

    You start off aboard your UAC Marine transport. Out of a crew of 4, 2 have already gone down to the surface and failed to report in at the predetermined time. You third crewmate has just left the brigde when the ship suddenly goes on Red Alert. You try to hail him, but you can't. You fear he's dead. Somehow the Hell-Spawn have boarded the ship.

    Your only hope is to get down to the planet's surface and destroy the generator room!

    You take a deep breath, pull out your pistol, and prepare for the worst........


       (5 reviews)


  13. Barons and Beyond (Not anymore but I like the name)

    A rather LARGE level with some nifty tricks & traps scattered through out. I tried to keep a theme through out the level, it may sometimes wander but I feel overall I did a good job of it.


       (7 reviews)


  14. Aloha911.wad

    Bright & Shiny; Dark & Gloomy. Space to roam (unzipped = 890,000 bytes for 4 maps).


       (5 reviews)



    This is the first (make that fourth) release of a few levels that I have done for Doom. They take place in levels 1 through 5 on mission 1. They were created in the order that they are played in, so the first level seems less well rounded but level 4 has some excellent design. These levels took me a long time to create (learning Deu and thinking of new mechanics.) I plan to release newer versions later with more levels, better graphics, and I'll brush up the early levels even more. There are some graphics included in this version (mostly textures for my house) but most of the stuff is the same. The levels are set up so that if you choose medium difficulty, it should be perfect for those who need a challange. Easy is well ... pretty easy. And Hard is not impossible (I've completed it often, but I know where everything is) but it is difficult. In order to get the best value out of these levels I suggest you DO NOT USE ANY CHEAT CODES. If it seems to difficult at first, change the difficulty level, and don't spoil the secrets. I have worked hard to get the difficulty where I wanted it for these levels.


       (4 reviews)



    Castle of Evil. (previously released in beta form as ss27bet2.wad)

    First of all let me say... This is bloody *HUGE* 8) I've been working on this for a long time since most of the earlier editors couldn't handle a large level like this one.

    Made for sp, coop or dm (I aim to please.)

    It's pretty open with only a few doors requiring keycards. Other doors may require a switch. There are peep holes and ambush spots almost everywhere for happy deathmatch. But open spaces are also provided for those all out battles.

    Most heavy firepower is heavily guarded by monsters or hidden. The only easy weapon to get in single player mode is the shotgun. All the weapons are present.

    This level is mostly hack, slash, ambush + puzzle type.

    For more information consult the other .txt files in this archive.

    There now go kill something... Send me some hate mail.


       (17 reviews)


  17. Comrades!

    This Single level .WAD will (hopefully) suprise some of the expert players. And wait until you find out who your "Comrades" turn out to be. :) My Beta tester always loves to used the cheat codes, so my levels will always try to have some sort of trap that will "get-cha" even with the codes. (Not counting the no-clipping code) This one is no exception. There IS one (or two) certain spot(s) in which there is no way out other than starting over. I sure hope you didn't save in there? :)

    This is my very first .WAD and I hope others will get much better. Drop me an E-Mail to let me know if you'd like to see more .WADs by me. And tell me what parts stunk and what parts were cool. (I MAY even put you on a list for sending more .WADs out via E-Mail)


       (5 reviews)


  18. The Beyond

    A few months ago a sect of devil worshippers settled down in your town. There are rumors that they celebrate horrible rituals and even human sacrifices in their castle-like house. But you have not cared much about these rumors, until one day your girl-friend disappears without a trace. You start investigating and find out that the sect had been in need for a virgin sacrifice in order to summon two horrible demon lords straight out of hell. You grab your father's pistol and leave towards the castle to rescue your girl. You enter the house through the ventilation shaft. Just when you start looking around, you hear an unearthly howling. You are too late! Your girl-friend has taken her last breath on the sacrificing altar. The creatures of hell have already arrived in this world. You swear bloody revenge, hoping the two demon lords are late.


       (8 reviews)


  19. awayteam.wad

    This is my first and only wad. The theme is evident in the title.


       (5 reviews)


  20. Bigtrap.wad

    We had information from a 'highly regarded' source deep inside enemy forces that their main system could finally be penetrated by using a secret maintenance password. You and Dora were selected for this mission. You were to penetrate the computer and transfer of all of their data into the Suckulator 2000 hybrid bio-silicon storage box. You made it deep into the city and found a personal study terminal. Dora hooked up the S2000 to her head and the dark one's personal PC and began transferring data. Almost instantaneously, she began to screaming, then dying in two minutes. Before her eyes blew out of her sockets, she screamed, "HELP ME!!! RUN!!! HENRY, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE!!"
    "Run!!! Remember, the barrels and computers are your fiends........HELP ME!!"

    Quick, back down the secret tunnel!............................

    LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


       (5 reviews)



    .............: A medium sized level with windows


       (1 review)



    .............: A small to medium sized level. The


       (3 reviews)



    .............:Another favorite of mine for both


       (1 review)



    .............: A medium to large sized level with


       (1 review)



    .............: A large and tough level. A huge


       (2 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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