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352 files

  1. Baal 3_1

    This is my third level from scratch and I think it's the best one yet. Plenty of monsters, Lots of traps......and a....BED!!


       (3 reviews)


  2. Carreg Cennan Castle

    This is my very first level and all in all it didn't turn out too bad. The inspiration for this level came from the ruins of Carreg Cennan Castle near Llandeilo in Wales. I've tried to keep to the medieval method of defence, ie. lots of cross firing, narrow windows and plenty of cover for the defenders. I have been told that there isn't enough health and/or ammunition but hey, no-one's perfect. There are secrets to be found, they're not obvious, but the rewards are worth it. Enjoy!


       (1 review)


  3. Ben (don't ask me why, I only designed it!)

    This is my second level and I am quite pleased with it overall. It's based (loosely) on where I work with a few additions. There are some nice puzzles and some nasty surprises. There are also plenty of secrets to find. Generally, if something is hard to do, there should be a secret around which can help, so keep alert! If you like this level, try my first level (CARREG.WAD) which is fairly similar.


       (6 reviews)


  4. DUEL

    Plain and simple. You versus a Baron of Hell. The ultimate (kind of) test of masculinity, and stup- idity. Try and nuke the Baron, but that's not the only test. Figure it out. Have fun.


       (1 review)


  5. MUD

    Ahhhh! Imagine yourself at a candle- lit dinner. Before you know it, HELL DROPS IN!!!!!!


       (2 reviews)


  6. CRINGE!

    CRINGE! is a full replacement for the entire 2nd episode of id Software's DOOM. All modes of play and all difficulty levels are available in CRINGE!


       (13 reviews)



    Ever wonder where all of those soldiers you :have to kill come from? Well, your curiosity :got the best of you, and you decided to find out.

    :Bad idea.

    :On a visit to the Aubrey Penhew Military Academy, :you were horrified to learn that the entire campus -- faculty, staff, and students -- have been :taken over by those Nefarious Demons From Beyond :Space and Time. You were stripped of your gear, :smacked around, and made to watch twelve straight :hours of "Fantasy Island" re-runs.


    :After enduring a half day of your one-time comrades :kneeling on their knees making "'da plane! 'da plane!" :jokes, you were ready saw off your ears with a butter :knife. Just as you were eyeying your plastic utensils, :the Sgt.-in-charge dashed in and announced that :the parade-in-review was about to start.

    :You were unceremoniously thrown into a basement storage :room, your only company in the sudden solitude being :the pounding of your heart and the remembered sound of :Ricardo Montobaln spewing platitudes to the half-crazed :Tatoo.

    :Around you, the once-dapper cadets could be heard :readying their soiled uniforms for a twisted :version of the weekly pass-in-review. You were about :to turn inward to try to decide if Tatoo and Mr. Rourke's :relationship was a mere working one or somehow something :more, when you realized that the griping of the cadets around :you had a decidedly dark tone to it. That alone was of little :surprise -- after all, they were possessed and all -- but :you'd been in the marines long enough to hear the truth behind :the growling, screeching, pea-soup-spitting words.

    :The academy had a serious morale problem.

    :Hope jolted your heart. You could use this knowledge. If only...

    :That was when your hand touched the smooth barrel of the shotgun.

    :You grinned evily. Now it was time to pay those bastards back. :You decided as you strode towards the door that, if there were :enough left alive, you'd make them watch "Starsky and Hutch"... :in German.

    :With thoughts of Phillip Michael Glasier spouting :"Du! Kommen Sie hier!", you pressed the door and watched as it :started sliding upwards...


       (9 reviews)


  8. Temple of Saturn

    Enter The Temple Of Saturn at your own risk!


       (4 reviews)


  9. All for One - the First Co-op Only Episode

    It seems that Mars wasn't the only world under attack from hell. Your squad of marines has been dispatched to a distant planet where Hell has established a beach- head. You awake from cryo-sleep to the realization that something has gone horribly wrong. Hell knew you were coming. They've tried to stop you. Your ship is under their control.

    It's all down to the four of you.

    First you must attempt to regain control of the ship. Access to the Armory and shuttle is blocked. The Power Core is overloaded and there's a hull breach in Ship's Services. Multiple Security and Safety fields block your progress. Perhaps you can find an alternate route to the shuttle and use it to abandon ship and head for the Station that orbits your target world. And how did the demons get here, anyway?

    Once aboard the station, you must find some way to get down to the surface of the planet and attack the demons on their home ground.


       (9 reviews)


  10. All for One - the First Co-op Only Episode Single-player/deathmatch version

    It seems that Mars wasn't the only world under attack from hell. Your squad of marines has been dispatched to a distant planet where Hell has established a beach- head. You awake from cryo-sleep to the realization that something has gone horribly wrong. Hell knew you were coming. They've tried to stop you. Your ship is under their control.

    It's all down to the four of you.

    First you must attempt to regain control of the ship. Access to the Armory and shuttle is blocked. The Power Core is overloaded and there's a hull breach in Ship's Services. Multiple Security and Safety fields block your progress. Perhaps you can find an alternate route to the shuttle and use it to abandon ship and head for the Station that orbits your target world. And how did the demons get here, anyway?

    Once aboard the station, you must find some way to get down to the surface of the planet and attack the demons on their home ground.


       (8 reviews)


  11. Undergound Military Bunker

    Trapped in the enemy bunker, your only goal is to get out alive. Such a simple plan, such an impossible feat.


       (16 reviews)


  12. The Ascent

    My best PWAD yet. Textures are matched (mostly) and the bugs are next to minimal.


       (7 reviews)


  13. Project: Recovery

    A base has been lost and now it's your job to recover it. One hint, every big weapon is protected by large monster(s).


       (6 reviews)


  14. COMBAT_2.WAD

    It's an 9-level episode for DOOM 1.2 which is designed for combat intensive play for one player, but is also multi-player and DEATHMATCH ready. The 9 levels (E2M1 --- E2M9) are a collection of levels I've designed over the past year. They're all simple, with no puzzles and no secrets, just lots and lots of blood. They should run on almost any machine that is capable of running DOOM (although E2M5 may get slow due to the ENORMOUS number of monsters on it. My machine is a 4MB 33MHZ 486 DX, and it runs slow at times on that...). If you like lots of mayhem, and plenty of dying (both you and the monsters) then these levels are for you. If you like pretty artwork, or frustrating puzzles, then find another wad. (BTW - the levels aren't UGLY - the textures are all aligned and selected with some care - you actually might really like how some of the levels look. But one none of them did I spend more than an hour or two selecting textures)


       (3 reviews)


  15. The Crimson Keep

    A gauntlet of death lies between you and your way home. Yet, when you arrive at the final door, you find your passage barred -- the key well guarded in a small stone castle. You fight your way through the guardians of the fortress and gain the key ... but only then it occurs to you:

    "Where's the Master of the Keep?"

    Well-suited for Deathmatch with plenty of sniping locations & alternate routes.


       (2 reviews)


  16. The Mystery of the Marie Celeste

    The year: 1943 The place: Somewhere in the northern Atlantic. The situation: Grim.

    Alone in the middle of the Atlantic. You knew in your heart that it was the end when the escort, the HMS Marianna, picked up three U- boats on the sonar. The Teela Dan didn't have a chance: the torpedoes split her wide open and she sank within seconds. You were lucky enough to launch one of the liferafts before she went down, but the others who dived overboard all died in agony when the fuel slick went up.

    You were hoping that the Marianna got an SOS away before she too went down, but no rescue ships have appeared and your water supply has nearly run out. You are almost resigned to a lonely death on the high seas, when...

    Wait! Is that.. Yes, it's a ship! An old one, by the looks of it, since it's running under sail. Luckily the breeze is very light, and you manage to paddle the raft into its course. However, nobody on board is responding to your hails. Strange... what's the name of the ship? You squint, and can just make out the name 'Marie Celeste'. The Marie Celeste? Wasn't that the ship that was found mysteriously abandoned years and years ago? What the hell is it doing here? Well, there's only one way to find out!

    Grabbing the pistol from the emergency stores locker, you pull alongside and climb the rope ladder....


       (4 reviews)


  17. The Cistern

    A series of stone corridors arranged around a reservoir of blood somewhere in Hades. You can SEE the exit (it's right in the middle) but how do you GET there? Plenty of tactical choices as to when and where to fight.


       (4 reviews)



    New level for DOOM based one the house in the game Alone In The Dark. It's designed to be played in Single player mode at difficulty level Hurt me plenty. At easier settings there are fewer monsters, and at harder settings you got more monsters to frag! I haven't forgotten those of you who like to kill your friends (or enemies), of course you can Deathmatch on this level but it's to big to be any fun. Cooperative playing is also implemented. Watch out for QUAKE.WAD on a ftp-site near you soon. This is me and my friends own levels that we use when we get together for deathmatch. It is 6 levels designed to be used as deathmatch with 2-4 players, it's best with 4 players if you like many frags! Also soon QUAKE2.WAD, and HERQUAKE.WAD - this is QUAKE.WAD converted to DOOM 2 and HERETIC. QUAKE2.WAD has an extra level. In the future maybe you will see ALONE2.WAD. This is not Alone In The Dark 2 made as a WAD but ALONE.WAD converted to DOOM2.


       (14 reviews)



    This is my first level. It is a combination of all my great ideas I wanted to put into a level. Since this is my first level, it has the mandatory room with lots o' enemies. There is a large maze which can be solved using the "stay to the left" method. All secrets are hinted at so you won't have to push every bit of wall to get 100% secrets. Difficulty levels are implemented but it is easy on skills 1-2 and I wouldn't recommend playing it. Skill 4 is tough even for me, but it is the most fun to play. Also, take a look at the overpass.


       (10 reviews)


  20. Cybo-Kill!!

    You've just transported into the Cybo-Demon's base of operations. Now all you have to do is find him and take him out. Somewhere in the base is his station-control-room, from which he radios messages to other UAC bases and of course the inhabitants of the one you're in. But beware! The Cybo-Demon is tricky! Once you spot him he'll do anything to make sure you stay....dead or alive.


       (3 reviews)


  21. The Spiders Crypt

    After killing the Spider Demon in hell, you are returned back to earth. You take a Shuttle-Bus back to Mars to tell what you had seen.

    They tell you that they already know all about this as one of your mates that was not killed managed to follow you and escape through the hidden door back to earth with you just a few hours after you. He found evidence that the Spider Demon has respawned, and has gone into hiding in an underground crypt where he is experimenting with the genetics of other monsters to make them be able to respawn after death.

    They ask you to go inside the crypt and wipe out the spider demon, and to make sure its body cannot respawn again. To do this however, it must be killed on lava so that its body will burn away...


       (4 reviews)



    This WAD file comprises three levels at the start of Episode 2


       (4 reviews)


  23. Catacombs of Hell!!!

    Your trapped!!! How are you going to get your but out of the catacombs and into hell itself, as if you would want to. Well, you start in a room and have to work your way through three different sections of the catacombs to collect the keys. Then finally you can make your journey up the stairs out of the catacombs.

    Along the way you will find all the weapons and many more monsters. I have successfully completed the level at all difficulty setting, but then again, I know what's coming up. I hope you will enjoy the level and please send me any comments. Thank you.


       (2 reviews)


  24. The Abandoned Barracks

    This is my VERY first PWAD... I didn't expect to make masterpieces such as OPOST21.WAD or UAC_DEAD.WAD in my first try, but for those who choose to give my level a shot, here's a brief summary of what to expect...
    It's an outdoors setting (quite scenic if you like the mountain textures) with 4 hills, 8 abandoned barracks, some dark regions (possibly dangerous), and 3 floating or suspended high- in-the-sky chambers (you've got to see it to believe it... or at least I hope you get that sensation). It's very WIDE open level with several light pillars for extra decoration or obstacles to hide behind in deathmatch... It's simple in design cause this is my first taste of mapeditting DOOM (very complicated compared to Wolfenstein 3-D I might add)...
    Hope you enjoy it


       (5 reviews)




       (6 reviews)


  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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