352 files
BUTT.WAD - Mother of All Doom Levels
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VESA or PCI Bus needed!
[Also hunger for blood and fun needed! ;)]44 downloads
Boa.WAD Baron on an Altar
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Dark and Stoney, lots of marble all around Tons of enemies to kill, and you must use strategy or you'll get your ass kicked really bad. Running into rooms with a flaming gun will make you dead real fast. Has some stairwells, and a spiral staircase that I think is a first in wads (if not tell me).38 downloads
Big Mac
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You get to work in the morning, come out of the parking garage, and find the office is infested with mutant monsters from Mars. Time to kick some alien butt!39 downloads
By Guest
Blood, Blood, and watch your back. You wake up, or at least think you're awake after a falling asleep at your desk. You were playing DOOM death matches till the wee hours last night. Fight your way to the exit, what ever you do, don't die in your sleep, you know what happens if you do...42 downloads
By Guest
Lots of bad guys to BLAST in this one! All the ammo you need and more. No tricky puzzles to solve, just lots of interesting rooms with long halls. This is a big map, though it ran fine on my 486/25 w/5 meg.39 downloads
REVENGE OF ASMODEOUS Episode One - Mission Two
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REVENGE OF ASMODEOUS Play DOOM D&D style! This is Episode One - Mission Two of a whole new DOOM Adventure
This is the second level of "Revenge Of Asmodeous". Unlike the First level this one was designed as a Single Player Only. Due to the sequential order in which the rooms must be investigated, it would be difficult to have different starting places. Enjoy...this is a tough one, unless, of course, you use GOD MODE.
Ain't it Great!
--= Marty =--42 downloads
REVENGE OF ASMODEOUS Episode One - Mission One
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Play DOOM D&D style! This is Episode One - Mission One of a whole new DOOM Adventure40 downloads
Be Warned
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Title says all. This was my first wad and I got a little carried away the monsters. If you are a novice be warned. The secrets will provide all that is needed to win.36 downloads
Barfight WAD
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Barfight WAD by Jon Stern If you like it send E-MAIL to :
Thanx, Happy Drinking and shooting43 downloads
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Here's my (mostly) successful attempt at a PWAD. Now, I'm not saying that this is up there with Megawatt.Wad, but I feel that it is an enjoyable experience nonetheless. If you would like to receive the second episode of the Atlantis levels via e-mail, send me a COMPLETE NightMare .lmp of this level via email, uuencoded. All .lmps should be sent to this address:
I have another account, but I don't know how long I'll be keeping it, so send it to this address. L8r...40 downloads
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Watch where your walking (hint hint).40 downloads
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Can you escape from the Phobos Alcatraz? You are charged with 1st degree alien murder from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd episodes!52 downloads
Base Wad
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This is a wad file you can build on. It's fairly small, so add what you want.42 downloads
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Not too complex in architecture, but lots of ammo and tons of badboys to kill!!
Have fun!
[Two versions of the same level.]37 downloads
BRETT2 Version 1.1 --> Brett's Hell
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A visit back to the shores of hell discovers a new time and place for you. A whole new series of new and playable (by both the novice and the expert player) levels. As doors suddenly open around you, a feeling of sheer terror and excitement envelopes you. Discover what is waiting in the bowels of Brett's Hell.43 downloads
By Guest
EPISODE 2 Mission 1, setup to play deathmatch with alot of ways back to the same point. Enough creatures to get in practice to be the DOOMMASTER. This is a tickler (sample) of my next episode. My previous episode is BOBKDV_2.ZIP-Bob's Kneedeep (9 levels). Look for the episode BOBTSH.ZIP-(Bob's The Shores of Hell) soon!
Enjoy!38 downloads
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Catastrophe is a doom2 wad based on an abandoned alien base left on Earth deep in the mountains. The remaining monsters on it continue to bring in monsters so it must be shut down, etc.41 downloads
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Imagine that you walk up to a castle. It's big, and very dark. You look up. Somebody is shooting at you from the turrets! Better start moving, or you'll never escape. You run around the outside. The castle is surrounded by a moat, and there's no back door. Just a small window high up on one wall. Darn, you'll have to go in the front door.
I built this level from scratch using BEU5.0 and BSP11X. It is the biggest, most complex level that I've ever seen. Well over a thousand vertices and linedefs. Lot's of tricky bits, pretty scenery, and violence. I would appreciate seeing an LMP for a triple 100% on ultraviolent.
This level replaces episode 1, map 1. It allows multi-player and deathmatch games. It's tuned for single player.38 downloads
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A huge wad (200K) with new E1M1 music (a distorted version of the original) and lots of weird stuff. A few secrets, some of which are very helpful, and well, you'll find out for yourself.49 downloads
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You've found the unknown altar to the CyberLord. It looks just like a church... I wonder why? The level is pretty easy, I just created it to stir up trouble! Then I added some bad dudes...55 downloads
A rush of blood to the head
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A new map for Ultimate Doom, simulating a building, with some Doom2 textures. This isn't an easy level -play it in Ultraviolence and fight all those Cacodemons!-, and requires some time to beat it.43 downloads
By Guest
This is an incomplete episode of four maps. See the original txt (in the zip and appended to this document) for comments on the individual maps.47 downloads