451 files
Watch Yer Back!
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Completely new level from scratch. The builder of this level loves those little tricks that can be done in DOOM, So... Watch Yer Back!26 downloads
DOOM: The Combat Zone
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This level was modeled after a "capture the flag" type game, in which two teams (configured to your choice) must attack the other Headquarters in order to activate all five switches, which will give them access to their team's end level switch. The first team to end the level using their switch wins! I tried to make this level as fun as possible for this type of play, so I included many sniper points, dark rooms, hiding places, and secrets, not to mention a bunch of ammo. Read on for more info as to the Game play. Also, if you just like trying out new levels, included many complex and "interesting" rooms, but I HIGHLY recommend trying this level with other people.25 downloads
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If you are looking for a hard level to finish, well you got the wrong one here, this level is made strictly for playing Deathmatch! Sure there are monsters, but for a veteran, this level will be cake! Although there are a few good secrets with some goodies beyond. Watch for areas w/ one way walls to see through, very good ambush spots. Basically, this level is an arena w/ ledges and rooms built off of it!
ENJOY!22 downloads
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This level would have had more, but I had problems with the texture I used (Redwall1, beware), so I gave up and decided to make another level with the remaining ideas (and another texture). Well, basically, this level is another Deathmatch joy, w/ not too many secrets, but plenty of weapons and a few tricks to getting them. Some of the switches on the columns aren't aligned, but in the interest of time, and a new level in the works, I said "Screw It"! So, enjoy the level and like the name says, it will become a coffin w/ a lot of bodies in it before long, hehe. Oh, yeah, if you play it co-op you might have a chance at UV setting, heheh.28 downloads
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If you suck at Doom don't play this level, it's not worth your time. Erase it now. Or, if you don't have Super DooM Guns, wait till you do. Otherwise, read on.
Well, just like the last, this level is made for those who think they are badass players. Run through it on UV, and that should be enough to make you swear! I did make HMP level lower the monsters, you also loose some weapons, but it is easier, for those of you who were wrong about being a badass. If you beat this level, hey, GOOD JOB, otherwise, play it again, SAM! If you think it is impossible, well, you're a wimp, it has been beaten by people other than me.
If you find that you like the challenge, and the re-occuring themes (teleports) and want some more challenges, get a hold of the other levels in the LUCK series. You can get them at my BBS (listed below) or the one you got this one at.23 downloads
Overlord.WAD [ --> FILTH.WAD , CHUMP.WAD ]
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You have been sent up to one of the latest moon bases to keep it from being beset from the strange creatures that have been coming from the teleporters. Your brother was on the first mission, sent to Phobos. He found something there that made UAC scared. The only trans- mission that you have gotten from him is the garbled message, "I..escap....rom..ell!". Now it is up to you to find out what happened.24 downloads
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This wad is not for the Doom Newbie. Sizing out at 360k, I'd recommend a 486 and 8 megs and a fast video card to play it.28 downloads
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This is the first WAD file I've made so please forgive me for any screw-ups you may encounter with it.25 downloads
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Dark, scary, not for acrophobes. (or agoraphobes, for that matter) Watch yer step on the catwalks, and ALWAYS watch yer back!23 downloads
Brundle's Revenge
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After the brilliant scientist was blown away by his gorgeous squeeze he went to HELL and set up shop in an area with a fitting floor plan...Enter his realm if you dare... Brundle's Revenge is at hand ! No, but seriously, this is a challenging level for all... If you can make it through on UV you are a real DOOMER. The map MAY reveal some clues...47 downloads
My first level Version 2.0
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It's my first level. It's a long and difficult one.23 downloads
BootCamp: Combat Training
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This PWAD was designed for basic combat training in DOOM. It covers all the essentials. Marksmanship, hand to hand combat and agility. PLUS blowing up the barrels is a BLAST! There is NO exit. Push any of the walls for a fresh supply of barrels, ammo and weapons (You advance to the next level but the map is the same as the previous level [E1M1-8, E2M1-9]). [Read the content of the complete original BOOTCAMP.TXT below]27 downloads
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As you stumble through the rocky landscape of the Deimos moon you come across a dead body, something you've become quite used to, clutching a burnt and shredded piece of paper. You pry the sheet from his fingers and read it. You can only make out a little, but its more than enough. The paper describes a device that is used as one of the main warp generators that is bringing in all of this nastiness. This poor soul went to destroy it, but he failed. Well we can't have that now, can we? The paper gives vague directions to a rear entrance that would provide less resistance, and a map of the complex, but unfortunately the map part is especially burnt and shredded. Oh well! You're on your way. You know it may be your last fight, but you've known for a while that there was no escaping this place. You're already dead. You have no fear.25 downloads
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This is a new E1M1 level, made with NewDEU 4.2. Try it at "Ultra-Violence"... You don't know how to use this file? It's easy: DOOM -FILE E1L1RQ.WAD Have a nice DOOM!38 downloads
Food Processing
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Originally intended as an Episode I D:E map. The second serious map I made coming out of retirement (after WTC911) and the last map I made completely in DoomCAD.30 downloads
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Your trapped on that infernal moon base as usual. You've gotten to the point where you take out most everything that comes at you without blinking. You've become careless. You round a corner and meet a hail of fire and gunshot, and you're dead. You wake in a dark hole, awaiting the time when the denizens of hell will come and take you away for a permanent more-than-luke-warm bath of fire. BUT HEY! Just because you're dead doesn't mean that you can't still kick butt! After all, going to hell for real didn't take away your shotgun (and they say you can't take it with you). You scrounge your way out of the dark hole and see a fortress in the distance. If you can reach it, then you can reclaim your lost soul from it's round blue container and free yourself from Purgatory.34 downloads
Flashback: demo
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Here it is; the demo of the Flashback megawad. Designed in the spirit of the original levels, with doom.exe compatibility. Hope you'll enjoy playing the levels as much as we enjoyed making them.
There are six maps; one from E1, two from E2 and E3 and one from E4:
E2M1 By Espi. E2M2 Torn & Espi. E2M3 Torn & Espi. E2M4 By Espi. E2M5 By Espi. E2M6 By Erik Alm.64 downloads
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This WAD took me some problems, but that´s okay. It´s large and difficult; but nothing that a DOOMER can´t do it, hehe...26 downloads