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This is a Complete Episode replacing "Knee Deep in the Dead".
This is a 'NO CHEATS NEEDED' WAD with alot of work put into the way it looks (and of course plays). There are many lighting effects, staircases, ledges, lifts, etc. There are no Cyberdemons, or Masterminds, so just have fun. It still is by no means the easiest thing in the world, but there are selectable skill levels (I SUGGEST 'HURT ME PLENTY' for most of you).
There is new music for two of the levels (E1M1 and E1M8), a secret level, new menu and tally screen graphics, a COMPLETELY NEW CLOUDY SKY, one new wall texture (a railing), and a few textures brought in from Doom2.43 downloads
Doom IV: Daisy's Revenge
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"What the hell? What did they do to Daisy, my pet rabbit. Those bastards will pay for what they did to Daisy, they will," you cry out as you had just came out of Dys. You quickly teleported yourself to wherever they were at this time. And in this case, it's back to the deeper reaches of hell. You grinded your teeth and clenched your fist while you prepared to kick the living daylights out of hell itself.
This is the first in a series of D4x wads. Subsequent wads require previous wads.35 downloads
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I hate to spoil surprises, just email me if you think its worth a mention.25 downloads
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This is a deathmatch or coopertive mode wad for doom or ultimate doom. This is my first successful attempt to build a good looking and playing wad. Send me any suggestions at the above Email address. Thanks, I can use all the help I can get =:-)20 downloads
Escape From Baron Hill
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Okay, so your on this expedition, with the prime directive in mind, "To find and destroy new life and new civilizations, to boldy kill what needed to be killed anyway." Unfortunately, the pilot of your ship was hammered and ran BAM into a mountaintop. Luckily, YOU were able to escape, and as you parachuted down to the ground, you see ANOTHER person from your expediton land somewhere else. Although your ship had many high-tech super weapons on it, all YOU have is a damn stupid hand gun. Maybe the aliens on this planet have some primitive weapons on hand somewhere. When you land you trip and fall into a cave below you. Then you notice something. Electric lights. Hmm, maybe these creatures are not so primitive after all. Then you remember stories of the "Barons of Hell" that made this planet their home and brainwashed all the cute animals around so they would be some really nasty critters. "Shxt," you say to yourself, "this is gunna be harder than I though. Hope that other guy is still alive."25 downloads
Doom Carnage
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This level is a bunch of square rooms with every type of guy and weapon--make for a great deathmatch level, too.25 downloads
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Megaconglomocorporation inc. is under attack by (gasp!) DEMONS! They've turned the main Genetics Factory into one massive machine which is working with the earth's molten core and cool, liquid surface to build just ONE THING! What? . . . It's your job to find out. . . and, if necessary, KILL IT!25 downloads
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a simple wad for beginners. I am trying out some :design principles, so it is really not that complex24 downloads
The Devil Incarnate
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A cool replacement for E1M1 This level is not very hard, I designed it to start off an episode that I am working on. I would really appreciate any comments/constructive critisism as I am fairly new to WAD building.25 downloads
Fieldhouse (Beta Version)
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It's a rough approximation of the sports at St. Joseph's University in Philadelphia.21 downloads
In the Deep
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In the deep has two levels to it. E1M1 was the first WAD I had ever constructed. HOWEVER, I have touched it up numerous times and it is as perfect as it will probably ever get. The second, is fairly complex, with a number of secrets. There's a cyberdemon in this one, but there is plenty of room to combat him. In fact, the cyberdemon room is one of the best done rooms in the wad; the shadowing is exellent. Give it a try, and I garantee you'll like it. The appearances of these levels are far from amateur.
Also: Any feed-back on these levels is appreciated . . . you know my E-mail adress! :-)33 downloads
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This is the first wad file that I have released to the public, although I have a couple of others waiting to be uploaded. It contains all three keys, and it is a fairly large level. To rebuild the nodes, the reject data, and the blockmap in DEU took nearly 1 minute and 10 seconds!! On the easiest levels, it should be easy, but their are only Imps, Sargeants, and Troopers to kill. Should be easy, even for the novices out there. The next level (3), has a couple more of the enemies listed above, and a couple of demons thrown in as well. Levels 4 + 5 (UV + Nightmare), have lots of the basic enemies, plus quite a few demons, and 1 or 2 spectres there too.23 downloads
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(E1M1) This is my first PWAD,so don't criticise it !. It is not very large,but pretty difficult in UV (try it,because in easy and medium level it's not that challenging).25 downloads
Disgruntled Former Employee (v.5)
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One awful day, the misguided management at your high-paying UAC desk job decides it would be a good idea to replace all the SGI Unix workstations with Apple Macs. You refuse to cooperate and soon your manager informs you that your services will no longer be required at UAC.
Like any red-blooded American, after weeks or months of brooding on this indignity, you determine that your only recourse is to grab your gun and as much ammo as you can carry, stroll into your former workplace and TAKE OUT AS MANY OF THEM AS YOU CAN before they get you.
You phone your buddy up to warn him. "Better take the day off Monday in case something terrible happens." "Huh, what do you mean? What could happen?" "Just take the day off, do it!"
The day arrives. Getting an elevator to yourself, you pull out your trusty Glock on the way up. Funny, there didn't seem to be the usual number of people coming and going in the lobby. And what about all those black vans parked outside and all the black helicopters buzzing around. Could your buddy have squealed? Nah...
The elevator door opens. AGGHH!! The building is crawling with Federal Law Enforcement agents, the same Gestapo-like goons responsible for the death of Vicky Weaver and the Waco massacre! The elevators are locked! Barricades have fallen into place in the stairways! The building is surrounded by machine gun nests! The heavily armed Feds have plastered Clinton posters everywhere! Can you show the thugs of the Federal Gestapo that an armed and desperate psycho is not so easy to kill as all those peaceful, law-abiding civilians including women and children? Can you blast a path to freedom?31 downloads
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As the name suggests, this level was the authors first serious attempt at creating a DOOM level from scratch. This level took a *long* time to make - not because of any great complexity, but because of the limited amount of time the authors could find together to work on it! (In fact a number of other WADS have been created during the design of this one!) Most of the usual stuff is included, tricks and traps and the like... and even a bit of texture and sound redefinition... Enjoy :-)25 downloads
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You found a castle over run with demons on your vacation. They killed your family. It's payback time!25 downloads
Death Factory
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In the past 3 years you have been to hell and back, and have saved the whole world from destruction. Just when you thought you were able to take your vacation you find out about the DEATH FACTORY. Your goal is to destroy the demons runnin' the place.25 downloads
Do That Imp
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My 1st attempt at building a level. Please tell me your comments, good & bad. There are player starts for co-op and deathmatch, but since I have little experience with either, I don't know if the level's good for that. I had only my husband and myself to test it out, so if you'd like to help me test future levels, let me know.32 downloads