106 files
Low Memory
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Here we go... Once upon a time, lived a 11-year old autist dwelling in the glorious realm of 4chan. One day, he was downloading Sailor Moon hentai, as usual. However, today it was different. His hard drive, which had always obediently fulfilled its master's twisted desires, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, decided to fight.
+----------+ |LOW MEMORY| +----------+
"Ou nou wot do ai doo?", said the discouraged internet knight. Suddenly, his computer started playing some tune: "Dum dum dum dumdum dum dum dum dum dumdumdum dumdum dum dumdum dumdum dumdum" He recognized the tune. It was the track of the first level of some crappy pixelated game from 1993 his (disappointed) father likes to play, as his last refuge from the problems of having a single descendant whose vocab is limited to "YOUR MOM!". A message flashed on the screen: "Do you need help?". He managed to squeeze out a sentence from his degrading brain "jes ai doo". Then, the display of his computer started displaying a first-person view of some dude who can't even hold a gun properly. "Come on", a new message popped up, "your hard- drive depends on you!"45 downloads
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this is my very first doom map. this was more of a creativity experiment and excercise to learn doom buider. if you wanna see an older version, send an email.49 downloads
Kentucky Fried Wad
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A vanilla E2M1 replacement to satisfy your fast food needs. HMP gives more health and ammo, HNTR removes the most evil monsters.27 downloads
Jupiter Carnage 3!
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-- achtung! the map replaces E4M3! -- Doomguy busted the Hell armada's ass again, right? Didn't he? Oh hell yes he did! But, as he was busting its ass, the nefarious hellspawn decided to take over a base on the Moon, owned by Our Hero's friend from high school. To make things worse, the base was working on research of an experimental acid, made for military purposes, so now there should be nukage all over the place. Hooray. The Doomguy says, exiting Hell to his clear and sterile Jupiter station: "Friends will be friends 'till the end". And so, carrying only his trusty pistol, Doomguy hops on a ship, entering "MOON" to its GPS. Mission: DEMONstr8 the powers of friendship to the ugly demons, get to your friend's secret bunker. Are you man enough?
Yep, we've gone faaaaar from Jupiter, but no one cares. If you want a plot, go to a library dammit! --------------------------------- Now, about the map itself: It is kinda inspired by Vrack 1 and 2. Much more simple in design, though. The map is quite tough, but with very few slaughter moments. The "hordes" are 25 Imps tops. Actually... Also, there is a "sewers" section, inspired by the bonus level of1 XBox Doom (E1M10: Sewers). For the folks who care -- 12750 sidedefs. A walkthrough demo is provided in the WAD, so don't complain about getting lost. -------------------------------- Oh, and if you actually play thru this, just leave a comment wherever you got it, it'll really mean me a lot :] Please? Or, if you're some sort of WAD reviewer... well you know what to do. Thanks!28 downloads
Jupiter Carnage 2: To Hell And Beyond!
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-- achtung! the map replaces E4M2! -- Who has missed the first part of this: Doomguy has went to Hell again to rescue his Jupiter space station. Now you shall guide him to liberation. -------------------- This map might have a couple of places you will find quirky, but Hell should be quirky, right?23 downloads
Jupiter Carnage!
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-- achtung! the map replaces E4M1! -- After the events of Doom I, Doomguy got a big amount of money from all Earth governments, after all, he's the one who saved their skins. Doomguy decides that it's time to make some money and buys what's left of UAC. Now it's the Utterly Awesome Corporation. Our hero builds a base around Jupiter and joins 17 other people there, as their leader. But one day, after 8 years of peace, Doomguy hears THAT sound again. The Hell armada is back. Not on Earth. Not on Deimos. On his personal Jupiter base. He was caught in a small hangar. But, once a hero -- always a hero. Doomguy grabs his pistol which he hasn't fired for 8 years. It's time to kick some major alien ass. Again. ------------------------------------- Why are you still reading this? Come on, %port_name% -file JUPCARNA.WAD! Jupiter is waiting for you!26 downloads
The Keystone
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You'll see all three keys from the time you begin, but how to get them is the challenge. Only two of the keys are necessary to complete the level. There are many secrets that you must be observant in order to find. You may be surprised on the final staircase, but the Baron won't be.32 downloads
MONSTER (monster.wad)
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A huge, fairly straight foreward level that is is my second attempt at designing a new wad. I do not have any real story behind designing this wad. However, you should be able to complete this wad without the use of any "special commands". The reason I started building this is because I have played most of the other wads out there, and I thought I could do a better job. Boy was I wrong. Building a good wad, takes time and patience. Neither of which I possess alot of. Happy Hunting.19 downloads
Knee Deep in the UnDead
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Designed to recreate the feel of Knee Deep in the Dead (episode 1 of the Ultimate Doom), levels are relativley short and simple but at the same time still look and feel good, gameplay is basic but hopefully fun and entertaining. Each level is doable from a pistol start although it is recommended that you play it through as a whole episode.
Story: You are a security guard on the Phobos moon base, you've been up there for years and barely seen any action so it almost seems like a good thing when, one day, after returning from your coffee break you find that the base has been overrun by hideous demons. A distress call has been sent to the surface of Mars but it could be days before the Marines show up. Good thing you remembered to bring that rocket launcher with you... oh wait you didnt? Looks like your gonna have to do this the hard way.73 downloads
Labs of Deimos Revisited
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Inspired by Doom I's E2M4 but from scratch. Hope you enjoy!31 downloads
Jesus DeathMatch
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This is my easter present for you guys out there. Have fun. This wad works fine with shareware version of doom, and is designed for it. IMHO reminds the good old maps of Yukio Ide.16 downloads
K1.WAD, K2.WAD, K3.WAD, The MazeWorks (K4.WAD)
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K1.WAD: This level is Deathmatch capable, and extra items will be added especially for a deathmatch (or multiplayer cooperative) game. There are a lot of secret areas in this level, so keep your eyes out for strange looking walls and the like. Also, there are multiple teleporters, and you'll learn what they look like. (I have found teleportation to be quite an effective mode of travel) Also, while playing this level on deathmatch, I discovered a neat trick to kill another player or monster. If you can get a player or monster to step through a teleporter, follow him/her/it. If the person/ monster is still standing on the materialization point when you arrive there, they will be blown to bits... (known as tele-fragging) any Monster, or a player with any health will be instantly blown up... pretty effective to kill your opponent. Since this level replaces Episode 1, Map 1, the best weapon you can get is the Rocket Launcher...
K2.WAD: This level is set up for single or multiplayer use. Some "dead-ends" have ways out that are not apparent so you don't get trapped in a corner by your opponent (on a deathmatch). This level isn't quite as big as I would have liked it to be, due to a problem with DoomEd. Due to the complexity of some of the rooms (multiple sectors inside of sectors), I couldn't add as many rooms as I would've liked without DoomEd bombing out. Oh well. All of the weapons that were available on the original E1M2 are available on my level (best you can get is the rocket launcher).
K3.WAD: This level works good as a single, multi, or deathmatch level. If you decide to play Deathmatch or multi-player cooperative, extra items will be added to help you out. There are (as usual) many secret passages that tie the rooms together, so rooms that look like dead-ends may not really be. Also, since this replaces E1M3, the secret level can be gotten to from this level. Since this WAD is made to replace E1M3, the best weapon you can get is the rocket launcher.
K4.WAD: Well, this is the fourth level of mine. I think it is better than the others, mainly in that the construction is more complex sice I switched to DEU... Umm... lessee, It's fun to play alone, but it's even better with one or more "friends" for cooperative or :) deathmatch.. It's called the mazeworks because there are three seperate mazes, none too complex, but one with some walls that won't be on the map... have fun with that one.
SOUNDS.WAD: Also included is a PWAD called sounds, which makes some minor sound changes to the "Demon Soldiers"... use it if you like, but I didn't want to force it on everyone who played the level...13 downloads
The Arterial Fortress
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The demons of hell have constructed a sprawling fortress within the guts of some unimaginable creature. Tunnels carved through flesh are supported by metal beams, while bunkers have been built on a foundation of muscle and tendon.33 downloads
JV.WAD (Journey to the Volcano)
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A revolutionary new wad file for registered doom (of course) that has many unheard-of features, such as the revolving stairway of death, ladders (sorta), working elevators, secrets galore, etc.16 downloads
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After playing many wads in deathmatch mode, I decided it was time to try to create one of my own. This level has many sniping places. There is a central teleportation room that takes you to the other areas. Each area will almost always have a way to shoot at someone in another area. There are switches that allow you to open an area previously unaccessable. Sometimes they open shortcuts to another area as well. As I said, this was originally designed to be a deathmatch level. However, as I got further and further into making it, it got kinda big. It's still a good deathmatch level for 3 or more players, with 2 players being a little bit harder to find the other person at times. There are quite a few smaller monsters, and several of the big guys as well (Most of whom you can avoid without having to fight them). What can I say, the guys I play with like to have something to distract other players so they can sneak up on them even better! It might make a good single player level, but it would be pretty tough!20 downloads
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Dear Doomers
This level, called Kill or be Killed, is my newest try at a completely new level. This level was created using that great program, DEU 5.0. I haven't set difficulty yet so no matter what difficulty level you chose, it will be the same. (With the exception of Nightmare level) This level is not the best but still, it's ok.
Have fun!
B^D20 downloads
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The idea of the game was to make a labyrinth. I think it is pretty good, but I had to decide not to go on adding things and sectors to it, because it would never be perfect. I will later try to make a better labyrinth...13 downloads
Laboratory Escape
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You start out in a nice clean laboratory with clean walls and computers but have to get out by going through the classic DOOM rooms (ie. skin walls and skulls).14 downloads
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These are 2 whole new levels I created using deu 5.0 rev 4. They are E1L1.WAD and E2L1.WAD. Both are set up for multiplayer, or single player or deathmatch. Don't look for the exit because there is none, just kill everything!
Enjoy. Jeremy.16 downloads