189 files
Poison Hub
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A first attempt at making a reasonably sized DOOM map. It has quite a few outdoor areas included, and all three keys are used. I've tried to make it slightly non-linear so that it is more interesting.31 downloads
PhobosDeimos Anomaly
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A collection of twelve classic-style maps by Phobosdeimos1, originally designed for "Doom the Way Id Did."
These maps, while perhaps not "id-like" in the strictest sense, are wildly creative and fun to boot. A must-play for those with a classic Doom itch to scratch.
Xaser says: In light of Phobosdeimos1's passing in 2012, I thought it fitting to release one of his final gifts to the community as a standalone pack. He showed great enthusiasm for the project and was one of the most prolific mappers, with possibly more submissions than anyone else. While I'm an ill-fitting messenger to pass on his legacy, these maps absolutely deserve a release. R.I.P, good sir, until next life.54 downloads
Phobos Tunnel
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The underground passage that links the Phobos toxin refinery with the military compound has been invaded by demons! If the attack isn't stopped, chances are that Phobos may suffer the same fate as Deimos. By disappearing, it would expose the main Mars bases to subsequent demonic onslaught.
It is your duty to enter the maintenance rooms of this passage and clear any alien infestation, to delay their offensive before UAC military reinforcements arrive. If you discover any demonic portals or gateways, you are ordered to follow them through. Research by Dr Betruger has shown that these gates lead into habitable - if hostile - new worlds, and from your experience you should be able to survive them.
The demo is recorded using AutoDoom!24 downloads
By Guest
A replacecment for Episode 3 of Doom. Just maps in here no new music or graphics.193 downloads
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A map for Walter Confalonieri's 31st birthday, made because he requested people do so on the Doomword forums. If you're playing Ultra-Violence and can get to the Berserk reference secret, be ready to recreate one of Guts' finer moments...39 downloads
The Room Below
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A TimeOfDeath map that should be compatible with the original vanilla Doom.52 downloads
Perfected Hatred
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After playing DTWID, nostalgia grew on me and I felt like building a E4-styled map. It's a mix inspired by E4M2, E4M3, and E4M6. I think I failed at delivering nostalgia, but I hope it's only because I built the map and there's no novelty factor. This is my first map in the last 7 years!
There are enough supplies to get through, just play fine, don't waste ammo and you'll be ok. Secrets are meant to make your life easier and give you extra breathing space.30 downloads
Rollercoaster of Doom
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From Palace of the Beast TXT: "...the first was 'Rollercoaster of Doom' (ROLLDOOM.ZIP), a comedy level I created while working on this."23 downloads
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This, my second level, was constructed around a few of the ideas I like in some of the original DOOM levels, namely: The roof top walk in E3M3. The ability to shoot to later areas across chasms in E1M7. The idea of teleports and switches to create a route to the exit room in E3M7. It is difficult with many early distractions. It can be completed in many ways, despite the number of switches which have to be set in order.22 downloads
Rest In Pieces part VII
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Another deathmatch-only board, this one is a good bit bigger than some of the others. More-less it was a bunch of small ideas put into one. You have a BIG lift on the far left side of the board, a maze in the center (can you figure out how to get on the ledges?), and a rocket pit on the bottom. Frag 'em!17 downloads
Rest In Pieces part III
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How good are you at staying on ledges? Test your skill of such in this PWAD.16 downloads
Chris's Hangar
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A level created late last night (Dec 28th) out of boredom in the vein of E1M1, but enough difference that it's not an exact clone.30 downloads
Base of Sacrificium
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Small 1994 level for Doom replacing E3M3. In the style of Episode 3.34 downloads
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This is an E2M1 level that could just as easily be an E1M1 version but to keep it out of shareware hands I made it an E2. (really guys, you should go ahead and register. You won't be disappointed.) The idea here wasn't to create a huge level but instead this is to be used as a launching point for additional levels/missions. The puzzles are basic and the shootouts (IMHO) are fun rather than always being cut-throat.24 downloads
By Guest
A .WAD for you people that like hard levels. Lots of toxic channels and poisonous lava. Beware of the many exploding barrels or you'll be toast.18 downloads
Project Awesome
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This is a small set of short vanilla maps that my younger brother made, replaces E3M5 to E3M8.33 downloads
Planet Phobos
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Planet Phobos brings you a hole Episode of new levels in the classic layout of the Doom-episode "Kneedeep in the Death"
This pwad for DOOM includes 10 maps. Nine of them are stored as episode #1, called 'Planet Phobos'. The tenth map replaces E2M9.
1) CHECKPOINT 2) COMMAND BASE 3) CONTROL SQUARE 4) STORAGE 5) PHOBOS REFINERY 6) PHOBOS ODDITY 7) PRODUKTION PLANT 8) LAST OBSTACLES 9) PHOB'S END Only one tip. Do not enter that red elevator until you got powerful weapons and some ammo for them.
10) LAST PRAYER The former secret mission of 'Planet Phobos' . I moved it to E2M9. So start episode 2 level 9 if you want to play it.
I implented Deathmatch Mode. But notice that this Episode was NOT designed for it. Never the less I guess these missions are not to worse for deathmatch. But it is not a very good idea to play a Coop-game. The hallways and rooms on some levels are so narrow and so small that you would shoot up your friends all the time. That would turn the game in a kind of deathmatch. So why not play deathmatch right from the beginning.41 downloads
Planet Hell
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This pwad replaces episode #2 with 9 new levels. The level layouts and difficulty of these levels are compareable to DOOM's 'INFERNO'.
This pwad include following nine brandnew missions:
1.) Entrance 2.) Catacombs 3.) Lab of Horror 4.) Outcasted Building 5.) Bloodletting 6.) Weird Ruins 7.) Walk thru Hell 8.) Way out Sec.) Mysterious Halls
Every single mission was designed to be great for single player games. But I know, very many of you love deathmatch showdowns. So I desided to add deathmatch starts and additional weapons. None of this nine missions is huge, all missions can be finished within 15 minutes, provided you do not fool around.54 downloads
Phobos Nexus
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A small map for vanilla doom.exe, I mixed hell and tech themes together, and came up with this, I hope you like it.32 downloads
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A map that is the 4th floor of Ziff-Davis HQ at One Park Avenue, New York.
More info about this WAD can be found here: http://rome.ro/lee_killough/articles/doomconf.shtml65 downloads
My Frist! Map
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This was my first Doom map. My first creation for any game, really. A tipical 1994 WAD -and made in 1994, too-, with random scenery and misaligned textures. Not very interesting, but I know there are players who enjoy ugly 1994 wads... A refined -and much better- version of this map, done in 1995, appears in E2M3 of my megawad NIVELES.WAD.27 downloads
Technician's Base
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A dark, small to medium sized base level with a classic touch to it that runs on Vanilla Doom.34 downloads