33 files
Gamarra's story: Part VII "Gamarra for president"
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Gamarra was elected president of our school (I voted for him, I am coherent). Help him to find his disco-theme office25 downloads
Gamarra's story: Part VI "On Phobos"
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A marines squad forgot Gamarra on Phobos (I don't know if intentionally or unintentionally). Help him to reach the surface.36 downloads
Gamarra's story: Part V "In the pc"
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Gamarra is not able to use a pc. Surfing the net, he unintentionally downloaded dozen of malware. Help him to delete the malware. This is an updated version of gamarra5.zip that is corrupted.35 downloads
Gamarra's story: Part IV "The nightmare"
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One evening Gamarra ate a pizza, a meat pie, a lot of chips, a grilled steak, a trout, a sole and he drank a pint of beer. After, he went to sleep and he had a nightmare. He dreamt strange rooms (some with scrolling walls) and some monsters. Now he is stuck in the nightmare. Help him to wake up.29 downloads
Gamarra's story: Part III "I need a wc"
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Gamarra said "I need a wc" because he had a physiologic necessity. But some toilets are out of order. Help him to find a wc that works correctly.43 downloads
Gamarra's story: Part II "In the Blue"
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Gamarra lost himself in blue rooms. Help him to find an exit.30 downloads
Gamarra's story: Part I "Gamarra sucks"
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A tribute to my friend Gamarra. Please do not use IDBEHOLDL otherwise you will not see light effects.71 downloads