Text File
IMPORTANT!! : This WAD will run ONLY with ZDOOM 1.17b.
(the second version with the archvile
ghost ressurection bug fix)
You will also need to enable jumping in
Zdoom to complete some of the levels.
Date : 26 April 1999
Title : Enjay ZDOOM.
Filename : NJZD0.wad - Normal Zdoom/boom style levels
NJZD1.wad - New Hexen/Zdoom style levels
Author : Enjay and Mark Matheson
Email Address : 106253.3432@compuserve.com
Description : 32 level doom2 replacement originally done
for doom 1 and updated since then.
3 levels based on Mark's work
2 secret levels constructed by Enjay but using
original Wolfenstein maps as the basic plan
(printed out using a very old text mode program
called wolfmap).
All levels either from scratch or tinkered with
by Enjay.
Credits to : ID Software, (Where would we be without them?
Randy Heit, for ZDOOM.
All the people who have produced the various
editing tools I have used, and the DOOM community
in general.
* Play Info *
Engine required : ZDoom FOR DOOM II
Level # : Maps 01 to 32
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, just the starts.This was never
tested (but the previous DOOM2 version was).
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (as above).
Difficulty Settings : Yes. Easy is very easy, and the overall difficulty
is not as hard as some of the very hard wads out
there, but then I know where all the goodies and
monsters are waiting.
New Sounds : Very little changed, A few player sounds to take
advantage of Zdoom's ability to use a different
sound for trying a locked door, hitting the ground,
jumping and trying a wall. Plenty other sounds
added for ambience and sound sequences.
New Graphics : Floor/wall textures and a changed flaming barrel
graphic + skies and a few intermission pix etc.
You may be vaguely interested to know that the
picture of a ruined castle used in some of the
sky textures is a photo I took of Slains castle
in Scotland. Bram Stoker spent some time in a
hotel a less than a mile from this castle and it
is fairly well accepted that this helped his mental
image of what Dracula's castle was like when he
wrote Dracula.
New Music : No
Dehacked patch : Yes, just a very simple one to make flaming barrels
explode (hence the changed sprite graphics).
Demos Replaced : No, I like the fact ZDOOM will not try and show a
demo if it doesn't find a compatable one to play.
* Construction *
Base : Levels 01-32 Scratch levels
Levels 31 and 32 are my versions of the same
Wolfenstein levels as Id used for the original
secrets, but I tried to make more accurate
versions of them (64x64x64 layout etc.) I toyed
with including a modified SS guy sprite and DEH
patch to make him look and behave like the Brown
Nazi from Wolfenstein, but eventually I decided
to keep the SS guy 'cos he's tougher and
WolfenDOOM has already done a superb job of a
number of full Wolfenstein DOOM conversions. (So
if you havn't tried WolfenDOOM, go get it ASAP.)
Editor(s) used : Almost all of them. Some of these levels are
almost as old as DOOM, so a lot of different
editors have been used, but I usually use DEEP'97
these days.
Build time : Hard to say. A long time?
Known Bugs : A couple of the Polyobjects used to make the
sliding Wolfenstein doors sometimes show through
the walls when they move. I think this is a node
building problem as different doors have the
problem when I use different node builders. I
have used a few tricks to fix as many of these as
possible but one or two are still not perfect. It
won't affect gameplay, and you might not even
notice, but the problem is there.
Unknown Bugs : Probably. I found Zdoom was a little fussy about
the player 1 start being a high thing number, so
I made sure all the starts were quite low numbers
but the multi player modes have not been tested
under ZDOOM. (They used to work when these were
normal DOOM2 levels.)
* Copyright / Permissions *
These are my levels, so I own the copyright, but if it's good enough for Id,
it's certainly good enough for me, so if you want to use these levels for any
non profit making project, please do. Please credit me though, and dropping
me a line would also show that you are a nice person.
Hope you like it