Text File
Title : UAC Nukage Processing Area
Filename : waste.wad
Author : Christian Hansen aka. Dykanden
Email Address : C.N.H.DK@mail.tele.dk
Misc. Author Info : Doom fanatic
Danish redneck
Level designing as a hobby for a year
(Actually more or less posessed)
Hard Core Sci-Fi enthusiast (Nothing new, though)
I hate Trey on MTV Europe
Hard Core coffee drunkard
I loathe V.I.P. starring Pamela "Hooters" Lee
Sandra Bullock is beautiful
Description : Ohh happy days, when you destroyed the gate-
keeper and saved Earth once again. Another
hellish monster met its maker. You were once
again the hero and received another bundle of
medals. But.
Some distant and very secret UAC areas had also
been hit by the terrible army of monsters.
Especially the processing area of the special
nukage which come from the gates when used.
This area has been taken over by the freaks from
hellcity and needs to be cleared. Some squadrons
sent in to retrieve the base has already been
wasted and now UAC needs their best man: You.
As you might have already figured out this is
a facility with a high level of danger. Every-
where there are toxic and flameable barrels and
nukage which will fry your feet off. Be carefull
and save the complex.
P.S. It is said in earlier reports that the
complex holds only a few monsters, but the
slightest noice will instantly beam hell-troops
in. Good Luck.
Other wads by me : 1.The Revenge of Avind
2.The Blessed Hex
3.The Unknown Chasm
All above mentioned levels in my series
Doom 3: Ad Infernos (inferno.wad)
0.Fat Mushkins Lavapit (Modified level 01 of DOOM2)
5.Star Trek: Voyager "A time to face your fears"
6.The Aqueous Rise and Fall (Final Doom: Plutonia)
7.UAC Nukage Processing Area (Final Doom: Plutonia)
8.Star Trek: Voyager "Antithesis" (Final Doom: TNT)
9.Fait Accompli (Final Doom: Plutonia)
10. That Urban sence...
11. The Unaided Eye (Final: TNT)
12. Flay the Obscene
13. Flay the Obscene - part two
If nothing else is written, then the levels are made for
Doom 2, however these Doom 2 levels are also playable
with both halfs of Final Doom. However, NOT vice versa!
Where to get this wad : At http://www.angelfire.com/id/doomzone
Date of release : March 1999
Play notes : This wad is made for Final Doom: The Plutonia
It is more or less the sequel to The Aqueous
Rise and Fall (the story line is basically
the same).
Additional Credits to : Those weird brains at ID for Doom and its
many successors.
Matt Tagliaferri for a userfriendly
level editor.
Kasper Tidemann for his homepage etc.
The makers of Ultimate Doom episode 4.
The Darkening Team for great inspiration.
PiXel ReX for inspiration
Wes Burd for great cooperation
* Play Information *
Level # : MAP18
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (untested)
Difficulty Settings : Yes (but they are almost just the same)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes! A rather nice looking sky texture which
I have made out of two original doom tex-
tures. I have taken the mountain part from
doom2 and the sky from episode 4 in Ulti-
mate Doom. So I must receive NO credits for
making this texture.
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None.
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Tools(s) used : DoomCAD 6.1 by Matt Taggliaferri
: Nodebuilder 2.0 by Matt Taggliaferri
BSP Nodebuilder
Build Time : All put together...........naaa I do not wanna
tell you.
* Known Bugs *
A few, but I hope you wont find them.
"You cannot fool these people Christian!"
* Copyright / Permissions *
This wad is the property of Starfreezer Inc. and you are prohibited from
doing anything with it without their express permission. Ok, you can
play it, but thats it! Naa okay. You are free to distribute this wad,
without changes, around the world (like that is ever gonna happen)
as long as this text file comes with along it, without changes, and I
get all the credit (except for the skytexture).