Text File
[ Advanced engine needed: None; Primary purpose: Single-player ]
Date Finished : 19 April 2003
Author : Karthik Abhiram
Email Address : me@karthik82.com
Misc. Author Info : 20 year old Doomer from India, for more info
see http://karthik82.com. There's lots of stuff
over there, both Doom and non-Doom related.
Description : "Dark Fate" is a fast paced single player
level for Doom II, inspired by the style of the
original Doom's third episode, "Inferno". This
map was made quite fast, in probably about 15-20
It is a small map and will take you only a short
while to play. Once you're done with that you
might also want to try playing it in deathmatch
Story : None (uh, you find yourself in hell and you
have to kill demons...)
Other WADs by Author : In descending order...
07 "Out of Phase 3: One Cloudy Afternoon"
ophase3.wad (Doom II, 9 Nov 2002)
06 "Congestion Control"
cct.wad (Doom II, 15 Oct 2002)
05 "The Other Side of Phobos"
osp.wad (Ultimate Doom, 12 Mar 2002)
04 "Out of Phase II"
ophase2.wad (Doom II, 1 Jan 2002)
03 "Out of Phase"
ophase.wad (Doom II, 3 Oct 2001)
02 "Chaos Punch"
cpunch.wad (Ultimate Doom, 15 Apr 2001)
01 "ICK"
ick.wad (Ultimate Doom, 31 Mar 2001)
Plus there are a couple of WADs only available
at my site.
Watch out for "Congestion Control 2" - to be
released soon on my site! Catch a preview here
Additional Credits to : * My brother Varun for playtesting and useful
* A couple of small maps released recently
(Alex Parsons's ap_012.wad, Andy Leaver's
rave.wad, etc...) inspired me to make this.
* To everyone who has given me feedback on, and
made demos of my previous levels.
* The authors of all tools used to make this
* The 9th Gate Team for being the great friends
that they are!
* id Software of course.
* You for downloading/playing the level!
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file *
New level WAD : Yes
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Doom II, MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : 4 Player Starts included, but not tested.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (8 Deathmatch Starts included, tested with
bots in ZDoom - it should be fun).
Difficulty Settings : Yes, all skill settings implemented.
New Sounds : No
New Music : Yes (Level music - "Gotham" from Duke Nukem 3D,
Intermission music - "Deep Into The Code"
from E3M3, Doom I)
New Graphics : Yes (the episode 3 sky and a couple of textures
imported from Doom I,
titlepic, interpic and end level
name graphic by me)
Demos Replaced : None (demos welcome!)
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : About 5 days. Probably 15-20 hours total,
building, testing and all.
Editor(s) used : DoomCAD 6.1 by Matt Tagliaferri - Editing
ZenNode 1.1.0 by Marc Rousseau - Node Building
(I used BSP 5.0 while editing though)
Wintex 4.3 by Olivier Montanuy and
XWE by Csabo - Inserting the resources and
compiling the final WAD
Paint Shop Pro 6.0 by Jasc Software - Making
the new graphics
Known Bugs : None
May Not Run With... : This map is perfectly compatible with ordinary
doom2.exe v1.9 and does not require any enhanced
engine to run. So you may play it with your
favourite one!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
The usual: ftp://3darchives.in-span.net/pub/idgames/ and mirrors
FTP sites:
Other: My site, http://karthik82.com