Text File
Date Completed : 4th September 2003
Date Updated : 6th September 2003 (2nd update)
Title : Blitz 2
Filename : blitz2.wad
Other Works : Alien.wad (Alien Invasion);
Alien2.wad (Alien 2 - The Revenge);
Alien3.wad (Alien 3 - The last challenge);
Outposth.wad (Outpost of Hell),
Outpost2.wad (Outpost of Hell 2 - The fortress);
Runkill.wad (Run & Kill);
Blitz.wad, Ghosts.wad and some other WADs.
Author : Ismaele (Alberto Sposito)
Email Address : sposito.lag@tin.it
Story : This time you have to explore an old abandoned
UAC Base, which is reported invaded by aliens,
who exploited the technologies and teleports
present in it. Since sending a UAC army could
alarm our enemy, UAC decided to send only his
best trooper, to exploit the surprising effect!
We know that near the Entryway of the old base
there is a warehouse full of dynamite; gain
the access to that area and explode the barrels
of dynamite, so that our old base is destroyed;
but be quick or you will be involved in the
We also know that the monsters produced some
new powerful weapons: a flamethrower and a
more powerful chaingun than ours!
Prepare your weapons and get ready!!
Description : At the beginning, when I started working on
this level, I thought to create a "small"
level, where I would have focused my attention
more on gameplay and difficulty than on
graphics, architecture and detail, as I usually
do in my levels. But as I went on working on my
level, I focused my attention more and more on
graphics, without disregarding gameplay and
difficulty. So expect for a good-looking level
and also for a nice and fast-paced challenge!
The level isn't to difficult, but the last areas
and challenges are very hard... you are warned!
The two new fast weapons make the level more
fast-paced, just because of their high
As I did in its prequel, I inserted the starts
for 3 players and I tried to create a level
suited for the cooperative mode... and I think
that this map is really nice to play it with
the cooperative mode (though I couldn't test
it!). Weapons, ammo, health (and also monsters)
are balanced and suited for a cooperative game!
The .WAD doesn't contain any ZDoom effects and
it should work with vanilla Doom 2; but I tested
my level only with ZDoom (2.0 beta 38). If you
find home-effects or if visplane errors occur,
just try to play the level with a good source-
port (I suggest ZDoom: it's the best!).
What's new (ver. 2.0) : Fixed a problem with the lower textures in the
four "old" teleports.
Additional Credits to : Id Software, for making Doom;
Markus Heikinipalo, for the new Chaingun;
Scuba Steve, for the Flamethrower and the new
pistol (the Beretta 9mm);
You, for downloading this .WAD. Thank you!
* Play Information *
Game : Doom 2 (But tested with ZDoom)
Level # : map1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-3 Player : Yes, but not tested
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Only those necessary for the new weapons!
New Graphics : Yes
New Music : Yes: Doom 1 E1M1 music!
Demos Replaced : No. I'm waiting for your demos!
* Construction *
Base : Completely new level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : WadAuthor;
Wad eXtendable.
Build time : 32 hours
Known Bugs : Some HOM effects near little polygonal sectors.
Should you find
other errors please send me an e-mail!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided
that you include all files included in your distribution.
P.S.: I am an Italian student. If you find an error in these files written in
English, send me an e-mail. Thank you!
P.P.S.: I like reading comments on my work. So send me e-mails with comments
on my levels!