About This File
Most people really like medieval castles, right?
Most people also really really hate vile evil rotten pinko commie scum-sucking demon bastards that all deserve to die, right?
And I'll bet you've always dreamed of the chance to go right out and mix the two ... right?
Of *COURSE* you have! Well, this is your golden opportunity RIGHT HERE IN THIS VERY PWAD to relax, breathe the fresh air, and explore a wondrous piece of ancient architecture whilst blowing the brains out of bounteous bevies of bellowing bloodthirsty baddies.
...And you get to play with beach balls. :-)
Hints: Beginners, don't play this one, ok? Or if you do, don't be surprised at what happens.
Standing around is NOT (repeat NOT) recommended.
For the rest of you, there's a lot of "openness" in this PWAD which lets (overly) curious beach balls float around, and there are a few invisible critters outside the castle to add a little bit of variety. Don't panic. Pay no attention to the noises you think you hear. I can assure you that the castle and its surrounding grounds are perfectly safe... :-)
Also, this level was workable (if a bit slow) on my old 486DX/33 and and really plays smoothly on my new DX4/100 and on a Pentium/90, but it might be far too slow on 386 machines due to the largish amount of critter "activity" going on. This can be good or bad; I'm not sure that I completely *MINDED* some slowdown, myself.
In deathmatch, you MIGHT want to avoid the lake area, although suicide there is easy.
Most people also really really hate vile evil rotten pinko commie scum-sucking demon bastards that all deserve to die, right?
And I'll bet you've always dreamed of the chance to go right out and mix the two ... right?
Of *COURSE* you have! Well, this is your golden opportunity RIGHT HERE IN THIS VERY PWAD to relax, breathe the fresh air, and explore a wondrous piece of ancient architecture whilst blowing the brains out of bounteous bevies of bellowing bloodthirsty baddies.
...And you get to play with beach balls. :-)
Hints: Beginners, don't play this one, ok? Or if you do, don't be surprised at what happens.
Standing around is NOT (repeat NOT) recommended.
For the rest of you, there's a lot of "openness" in this PWAD which lets (overly) curious beach balls float around, and there are a few invisible critters outside the castle to add a little bit of variety. Don't panic. Pay no attention to the noises you think you hear. I can assure you that the castle and its surrounding grounds are perfectly safe... :-)
Also, this level was workable (if a bit slow) on my old 486DX/33 and and really plays smoothly on my new DX4/100 and on a Pentium/90, but it might be far too slow on 386 machines due to the largish amount of critter "activity" going on. This can be good or bad; I'm not sure that I completely *MINDED* some slowdown, myself.
In deathmatch, you MIGHT want to avoid the lake area, although suicide there is easy