Text File
ssssss mm mm eeeeeeeeeee gggggggggg a !!
sssssssss mmm mmm eeeeeeeeeee gggggggggggg aaa !!!!
sss s mmmm mmmm eee ggg ggg aaaaa !!!!
sss mm mmmmm mm eee ggg gg aaa aaa !!!!
sss mm mmm mm eeeeeeeeeee ggg g aa aa !!!!
sss mm m mm eee ggg gggg aaaaaaaaa !!
s sss mm mm eee ggg gggg aaa aaa
sssssssss mm mm eeeeeeeeeee gggggggggggg aaa aaa !!!!
sssssss mm mm eeeeeeeeeee gggggggggg aaa aaa !! . WAD
(legalized version)
[Note by the uploader: MAP04 of this WAD was originally a modified E1M1 of
the original DooM. It has been removed for this upload to the /idgames -ftp
-archives because stuff like that is against the rules.]
Primary purpose : Deathmatch
Title : Smega!
(legalized version)
Filename : SMEGA!L.WAD (originally SMEGA!.WAD)
Release date : 03/31/95 MM/DD/YY (Timestamp of the original WAD)
05/26/95 MM/DD/YY (Timestamp of the legalized
Date Finished : 3/26/95
Author : Swipe (If you need to know my real name, ask a
sysop or mod on DWANGO) And some great help from
Email Address : None
Other Files By Author : lots, no others released though
Misc. Author Info : See you on Dallas DWANGO
Description : 4 [now 3, see above] really good levels for
doom ][. One looks simple but is great for
dmatch, the other is kinda weird.. the second is
better with 4 players, the first supports any
amount, except 1. There is a hidden
Invincibility And maybe a Megasphere. I think I
forgot. (yeah right)
Additional Credits to : S-bug or sbug
* What is included *
New levels : 3
Sounds : No
Music : No
Graphics : No
Dehacked/BEX Patch : No
Demos : No
Other : No
Other files required : No
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM2
Map # : MAP01 MAP02 Map03
Single Player : Player starts only
Only 4 exploring the levels
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for
Why not?
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for
Yes Of course!
Other game styles : No
Difficulty Settings : Why bother?
* Who stole all the giraffe's paperclips??? *
Just checking to see if you're still reading....
now that you are....
* Construction *
Level 1: fraggie.wad
Base : A big blank screen
Build Time : hmm...bout 10 hrs.
Editor(s) used : DEU2, Doomcad (don't hurt me)
Known Bugs : there's an out-of place floor texture in a
teleporter and possibly a see through wall
(depends on your computer)
Level 2: S-bug.wad
Base : A big box on a grid
Build Time : About 3 hrs.
Editor(s) used : Doomcad (don't hurt me)
Known Bugs : some of the "see through" walls aren't transparent
Level 3: stones.wad
Base : I dunno... probably no base.
Build Time : Isn't mine, but converting from doom1 format and
changing textures took about 20 min.
Editor(s) used : Doomcad (don't hurt me)
Known Bugs : None, let me know if ya find any.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Do whatever the hell you want with the first level, but get
permission from s-bug (on dwango) before you screw around with
the second. Any improvements would be appreciated (i'm gonna have
my hands full after that) and inform me, bug me, slap me over the
head with a chicken leg, etc. if you have any improvements. also
some new music, graphics, sound, etc. would be nice. and anyone
with a really good level can tell me and I'll add it.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact. Yada yada yada.. just don't change the txt file if you don't
change the wad.
* Where to get the file that this text file describes *
The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/
and mirrors:
Submitted to the /idgames-ftp-archives by FunDuke --> funduke@hotmail.com