Text File
Title : Motor Rail (motrrail.wad)
Date Finished : July 8th, 2005
Engine : Any Boom compatable engine that supports jumping.
Tested with Zdoom 2.0.96
Author : I'm me
Email Address : balanco01@yahoo.com
Misc. Author Info : I'm me
Description : After escaping the town of Syro, you end up on
an old abandoned railroad. It turns out the railroad wasn't so abandoned.
There is an active track that a freight train is still operating on that the
"abandoned" part turns on to. You have to get to the locomotive, and get the
train to safety.
Brief overview of mission:
This level is very straight forward. Just get to the engine, and try not
to get killed on the way.*
Additional Credits to: ID, the makers of Doom builder, Wintex, Boom
sourceport and derivitives.
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : untested
Difficulty settings : None
Advice: You better pick up that plasma gun when you exit the box car at the
beginning of the level, you'll need it!
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : Various modified doom sprites, a couple new textures.
Demos Replaced : None.
* Construction *
Build Time : Many days
Doom Utilities used : Doom Builder, Wintex
Known Bugs : A couple very thin slime trails, nothing serious.
Authors may use this level to build aditional levels.
You may distribute this archive as long as none of the files
inside are changed.
* Story of that house with the rails going through:
The homeowner didn't want to lose his house when the railroad tried to claim
it through Emminent Domain. So he worked out a compromise. He could keep his
house, and get a couple hundred a month if the railroad was allowed to build
the line right through his house, and build a mechanism into the walls that
will allow them to raise automaicly when the train was about to pass through.
The homeowner gets to keep his nice cozy house, though he has to be real
careful not to fall asleep infront of the fireplace, and listen for a rumble
when entering/exiting his kitchen and dining room.
(this was based on a few bizarre dreams which involved an active railroad
track running through my house.)