Text File
WAD Master
The Almighty
Wad Editor
by [ice]
and MK
Quick Beta Docs
( This document is not intended to be the
full documentation for WAD Master, but
more or less a quick reference guide.
It is highly recommended that you DO
read this entire file )
1. Disclaimer
2. WARNING!!! (Please READ this)
3. Getting Started
4. Description
5. Command Mode
6. Edit Mode
7. The Texture/Patch Editor
8. The ColorMap Editor
9. The Level Editor
10. The Creds...
1. Disclaimer
Yeah, yeah, I know how you hate to see these things, but...
We have taken precautions making WAD Master to insure that it will not
do anything nasty like eat your Doom WAD file, but alas, this is a
beta version and problems can (and probably do) exist. We have been
testing it now for over a month with no bad problems (mainly little
headache bugs, but nothing that wiped out anything). This is not to
say that it won't happen to you... It could and if it does:
I will not be held responsible for any problems WAD Master causes you.
If it wipes your hard drive clean, tough. If it re-writes your Doom
WAD file exactly backwards, too bad.
WAD Master is freeware and may be freely distributed as long as it is
distributed in its entirety.
2. WARNING!!! (Please READ this)
WAD Master is a utility for the more experienced Doom PWAD editor. It
does have guards against the user doing anything that may permanently
change the main WAD file (DOOM2.WAD), but it DOES allow modification of
the main WAD file. If you see a message that looks like this:
You are about to permanently
change your main WAD file!!
Are you sure?
...and you don't know what you are doing, answer 'N' or hit the ESC key
to cancel the operation.
3. Getting Started
What you need:
386 or better
about a meg or two of RAM (more never hurts)
about a meg of hard disk space
VGA monitor
SoundBlaster (if you wanna hear the sounds)
DOS v?? (something, not sure but prob 3.3+)
Doom 2 (nope, sorry...no Doom or Heretic support)
a nodes builder (I recommend Colin Reed's BSP version 1.2X)
the Unofficial Doom Specs by Matt Fell (not required, but helpful!)
Pick a directory, copy over the WAD Master files to this directory,
change into the directory where you copied the files, edit your WM.INI
file (any text editor will do), type WM at the DOS prompt, and BLAM!!
You're makin' cool PWADs! Read on...
4. Description (what is WAD Master?)
WAD Master is a utility that I wrote to help in the managment of DOOM 2
PWAD (patch) files. It allows you to add and delete directory entries,
import or export directory entries, and much, much more! A few of the
main features of WAD Master are:
1. Group PWADs - Group several PWADs into a single PWAD file. (see
Command Mode)
2. Pack - Remove deleted entries, unused data, etc. to help save
disk space and "clean" the PWAD (see Command Mode).
3. Interactive sprite alignment - When you import a new sprite, you
will enter an interactive mode that allows you to visually adjust
the sprite offsets! No more guessing! (see Edit Mode)
4. Texture/Patch Editor - Create your own wall textures. Add new
textures, add or remove patches, etc. (see Texture/Patch Editor)
5. Built in level editor - A revised version of DEU 5.2 to work with
DOOM 2. (see Level Editor)
6. Compiled with the DOS4G extender, so large levels should not be a
problem, but George Fiffy levels might pose a threat.
Just kiddin'.
5. Command Mode (DOS style prompt)
The command mode is where you will do most of your basic PWAD work.
Following is a list of commands and descriptions for the command mode:
R <wad> - Read a wad file and setup for editing.
ex: R mywad
(read & setup MYWAD.WAD)
C <wad> <e | l <n>> - Create a new PWAD file. The 'e' or 'l' option
specifies the type of wad to create. Use 'e'
to specify a new empty wad. Use 'l <n>' to
create a new wad for level <n>. Either 'e' or
'l' may be specified. If 'l' is used, <n> MUST
be supplied.
ex: C new e
(create an empty wad called NEW.WAD)
ex: C map2 l 2
(create MAP2.WAD with entries necessary for
level 2 (MAP02))
E [wad | ?] - Edit the wad [wad]. If [wad] has not been
preloaded, it will be loaded before entering
edit mode. If [wad] is NOT specified or [?]
IS specified, you will be presented a list of
preloaded wads to edit. (see Edit Mode)
ex: E mywad
(select MYWAD.WAD and enter edit mode)
G <wad> - Group all currently loaded wads into <wad>. If
<wad> exists, you will be prompted to overwrite.
(also see commands R, S, and U).
ex: G newwad
(groups all loaded wads into NEWWAD.WAD)
L <wad | ?> [list] - List the directory of <wad>. If [list] is not
specified, output will be directed to the screen.
ex: L mywad mywad.lst
(list contents of MYWAD.WAD to the file MYWAD.LST)
P <wad1 | ?> <wad2> - Pack a wad file. Takes <wad1>, removes deleted
entries and unused data, and saves the resulting
file to <wad2>. If <wad2> exists, you will be
promped to overwrite.
ex: P mywad new
(packs MYWAD.WAD and saves as NEW.WAD)
S - List the currently loaded WAD files.
U [wad | ?] - Unload the wad [wad]. If [wad] is not specified,
you will be presented with a list of currently
loaded wads. The main wad file (DOOM2.WAD) cannot
be unloaded.
D [d:][path][file] - Just like the DOS DIR command. Wildcards are
supported. If [d:] or [path] is not specified
the command will default to the default wad
directory as specified in your wm.ini file. If
[file] is not specified, the command will default
to *.WAD.
Q - Quit WAD Master and exit to DOS.
? (or any other key)- Display the quick help screen.
Parameters enclosed in <inequality> symbols are REQUIRED.
Parameters enclosed in [brackets] are OPTIONAL.
The pipe (|) means to use either of the two, but not both.
6. Edit Mode (windowed interface)
The edit mode is where you will perform specific actions on the directory
entries of the wad file. The main edit screen:
ÚÄ Wad file you are editing Free Memory Ä¿
³ Number of entries in wad Ä¿ ³
� � �
WAD: C:\DOOM2\MAP02.WAD Entries: 11 4323420
º 1 MAP02 0 º ³
º 2 THINGS 310 º Ã- Edit window displaying entries
º 3 LINEDEFS 7602 º ³
[F1] = Help [space] = Activate [enter] = Edit WAD Master
[INS] = Insert [DEL] = Delete [q] = Quit [level]
³ ³
Key reference Entry type ÄÙ
Following is a list of the edit mode commands:
Move Selection Bar:
UP/DOWN - Move by 1 entry.
PgUp/PgDn - Move by 20 entries.
HOME/END - Move to the top or bottom of the directory.
F - Find an entry (fuzzy search).
CTRL-F - Find an entry (exact search).
Import Functions:
I - Import from type designated by entry type.
ALT-I - Import raw data.
CTRL-I - Import the entry from another wad file.
Export Functions:
E - Export to type designated by entry type.
ALT-E - Export raw data.
CTRL-E - Export the entry to another wad file.
Entry Functions:
INS - Insert a new entry.
DEL - Delete the entry.
ENTER - Edit the entry's name.
SPACE - Activate the entry. (see below)
Misc. Functions:
S - Switch to another loaded wad.
Q/ESC - Quit edit mode and return to command mode.
F1 - Display help screen.
Certain entries have special functions that can be activated by pressing
the SPACE bar. The action that occurs depends on the entry type (which
is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen). For example, if
you press the SPACE bar when the entry type is [level] the level editor
is executed. If the entry type is [sound] the sound will be played (if
you have a sound card). Below is a list of entry types, along with the
associated action and import/export file types:
Type: Action: Import/Export:
[playpal] - View the palette - COL
[clrmap] - ColorMap editor - n/a
[binary] - View binary screen data - BIN
[demo] - n/a - LMP
[level] - Level editor - n/a
[texture] - Texture/Patch editor - n/a
[sound] - Play sound - WAV
[music] - Play music - MUS
[graphic] - View graphic - PCX
[sprite] - View sprite - PCX
[wall tx] - View wall patch - PCX
[f/c tx] - View floor/ceiling patch - PCX
[general] - n/a - n/a
File type descriptions:
COL - Standard 768 byte RGB palette file.
BIN - Binary text screen image (format used by TheDraw).
LMP - Doom demo file.
WAV - Standard RIFF format WAV file.
MUS - MUS music format.
PCX - Standard Zsoft format PCX file.
Special Notes:
*While viewing the palette entry, use the arrow keys to cycle through
the 14 different palettes.
*While viewing graphic, sprite, or patch entries, use the arrow keys
to go to the next or previous entry.
*While viewing sprites, press 'A' to animate the sprite.
*DS_ sounds will be played over the sound card (if present), DP_
entries will be played over the PC speaker.
*The music player has not been completed. :(
*When importing a new sprite, the editor will go into a special
interactive mode where you can adjust the offsets of the sprite.
Your imported sprite will be drawn over the original Doom sprite.
Use the arrow keys to adjust the sprite, then press 'Q' to save.
Wall patches will be automatically aligned.
7. The Texture/Patch Editor
The texture/patch editor is where you can create your own wall textures
or modify existing wall textures. It is highly recommended that you
create a PWAD file with the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES entries to use this
editor. Saving the data from this editor will save to the wad file you
are currently editing (even the DOOM2.WAD). You should first create an
empty wad file and export the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES entries from the
DOOM2.WAD to your newly created wad, then enter the edit mode with the
newly created wad. The texture/patch editor screen is much the same as
the normal edit mode screen:
ÚÄ Wad file you are editing (where the texture info will be saved)
³ Number of entries in wad Ä¿ Free Memory Ä¿
� � �
WAD: C:\DOOM2\TEXTURE.WAD Entries: 2 4323420
º 1 TEXTURE1 22130 º º AASHITTY [ 64x 64] 1 º
º 2 PNAMES 310 º º ASHWALL2 [ 64x128] 1 º
º º º ASHWALL3 [ 64x128] 2 º
[enter] = EDIT [space] = VIEW [F1] = HELP WAD Master
Textures: 429 Patches: 469 Texture Editor
³ ³
Number of Number of
Textures Patches
Following is a list of the texture edit commands:
Move Selection Bar:
UP/DOWN - Move by 1 entry.
PgUp/PgDn - Move by 20 entries.
HOME/END - Move to the top or bottom of the texture list.
F - Find a texture.
Misc. Functions:
ENTER - Edit the texture. (see below)
SPACE - View the texture.
Q - Save and return to the main edit mode.
ESC - Return to the main edit mode. (no save)
Special Notes:
*Textures can be copied or swapped using the 'C' or 'S' keys. The
type of operation will be denoted by a small 'c' or 's' which
follows the selection bar. Once in copy or swap mode, select
the texture onto which to copy (or the texture with which you
wish to swap) and press 'C' or 'S' again. These modes have not
been fully tested (and are not really complete), so it is
suggested that you not use them.
If you hit 'C' on a texture, do not hit 'C' again on the same
texture; it will LOCK UP your system. (no big deal, will be fixed
in the next release...)
*Textures can be tiled onto the screen by pressing 'T' while viewing
the texture.
The patch edit window will appear over the texture edit window when you
press enter:
ÉÍ[ Patches Editor ]ÍÍÍÍ»
º Name: AASHITTY º Ä Name of the texture you are editing
º X size: 64 º Ä Width of the texture
º Y size: 64 º Ä Height of the texture
º Patch 1 of 1 º Ä Current patch number/total number of patches
º Name: BODIES º Ä Name of this patch (the wad entry name)
º X offset: 0 º Ä X offset of this patch
º Y offset: 0 º Ä Y offset of this patch
º ^INS = ins patch º ³
º ^DEL = del patch º ³
º PgUp = prev º ³
º PgDn = next º Ã Key reference
º F2 = align patch º ³
º F3 = view texture º ³
º F4 = view patch º ³
º ESC = quit º ³
Following is a list of the patch edit commands:
Move Cursor:
UP/DOWN - Move to next/prev field.
Misc. Functions:
CTRL-INS - Insert a new patch. (increase the number of patches)
CTRL-DEL - Delete current patch.
PgUp/PgDn - Go to next/prev patch.
F2 - Go to interactive mode to align patch. (see below)
F3 - View the whole texture.
F4 - View the current patch.
ESC - Return to the texture edit window.
Aligning a patch:
When you press F2 from the patch editor window, the patch editor will
go into interactive mode. From this mode you can:
PgUp/PgDn - Select patch to align or change.
+/- - Change the current patch to the next/prev patch.
LEFT/RIGHT - Adjust the current patch's X offset.
UP/DOWN - Adjust the current patch's Y offset.
F3 - View the whole texture without remapping unselected
ESC - Return to the normal patch editor mode.
The current active patch will be drawn using the standard Doom palette.
All other patches will be remapped using the 'INVULNERABLE' color map
(black & white). This is done so that you can easily see which patch
is being affected.
Special Notes:
*You should not change any of the names of any of the original Doom
textures. Doing so may cause Doom to fail. You should only
change the names of textures that you have added via the INSERT
command from the texture edit window.
*Texture X sizes should range between 8 and 256 and should be evenly
divisible by 8. The editor will warn you if you enter an illegal
*Texture Y sizes should range between 8 and 128 and should be evenly
divisible by 8. The editor will warn you if you enter an illegal
*If you enter an invalid patch name, the editor will warn you and you
will be asked to re-enter the name. Selection of new patches may
be easier from the patch alignment mode. From there you do not
need to know the patch name, you can simply hit + or - to change
the patch.
*Textures can be tiled by pressing 'T' while viewing.
8. The ColorMap Editor
The colormap editor is not fully complete, however you can still use it.
Just like the texture editor, this editor saves the information directly
back to the wad file, so we recommend that you create a new wad file to
edit the colormap.
Following is a list of the colormap edit commands:
Move Cursor:
LEFT/RIGHT - Move cursor.
Misc. Functions:
PgUp/PgDn - Cycle through the different colormaps. (32 in all)
HOME/END - Cycle through the differend palettes. (14 in all)
ENTER - Change the map value.
Q - Save and return to the main edit mode.
ESC - Return to the main edit mode. (no save)
The standard palette will be displayed on the upper portion of the
screen. The mapped palette will be displayed on the lower portion
of the screen. The cursor on the mapped palette responds to the
arrow keys, while the cursor on the standard palette moves to make
itself correspond to the mapped color. When you press enter to
change the map value, the cursor control shifts from the mapped
palette to the standard palette. Moving the cursor around the
standard palette affects the color of the cursor position on the
mapped palette. Pressing enter again accepts the map value and cursor
control shifts back to the mapped palette.
9. The Level Editor
The level editor is actually a revamped version of DEU by Raphael
Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber. If you don't know how to use DEU, you
will need to obtain a copy of the documentation from your local BBS
or an ftp site. Following is a list of changes/additions to the
original DEU code:
- The nodes builder has been completely removed. You will have to use
an external nodes builder to rebuild the nodes in your level before
Doom can use them. I highly recommend getting a copy of BSP by
Colin Reed. BSP is the best nodes builder I have seen.
- Cheesy 3D preview mode. I don't have this complete yet, but it will
give you the general idea. Top-of-the-line Cheese!
- Interactive Texture Alignment(ITA). Select 2 joined linedefs and align
the textures. This one's not fully complete yet either, but usually
works fine.
- Changed the 'Select Texture' box. Size of patch is displayed as well
as the number of patches in the texture. Moved some of the text around
so more of the texture can be seen in 320x200.
- When you select a sprite, the sprite is displayed in a window just as
the textures are. I did this because of the next change I made...
- Textures & sprites from loaded PWADs are now shown. Before, DEU would
crash if you had any kind of graphic replacements in any loaded wads.
- Texture & sprite drawing routines totally re-written. The new routines
are faster, smaller, and use less memory. And they're faster.
- 90% of the graphics routines had to be re-written for Watcom.
- Added a check for 'medusa' textures. A 2-sided linedef with a normal
texture with more than one patch is a no-no. Now, you don't have to
worry about that. This check is performed when you select Check |
Check Textures.
- Only 2 graphic modes are supported now: 640x480x16 (with 320x200x256
fallback), and 640x480x256.
- All input boxes for height, light level, etc... have a +8, -8 step by
pressing the up or down arrows. Helps when making stairs, etc...
- Lotsa descriptions changed, stuff moved around, better organization...
- And of course, all of the new Doom 2 things, linedef types, and sector
types have been added. It is very complete.
Description of new linedef type information:
nSRm door med 4 - open/close
� � � � � �
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ À action:
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ action abbreviations:
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ op = open
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ cl = close
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ up = up
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ dn = down
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ (R)= red key
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ (B)= blue key
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ (Y)= yellow key
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ nh = next higher
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ L = lowest
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ H = highest
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ E = adjacent sectors, excluding affected sector
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ I = adjacent sectors, including affected sector
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ F = floor
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ C = ceiling
³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ À special effect:
³ ³ ³ ³ T = trigger (see below)
³ ³ ³ ³ N = numeric (see below)
³ ³ ³ ³ X = floor texture is transferred and sector type
³ ³ ³ ³ changed to 0
³ ³ ³ ³ P = special sector types 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 16 transfer
³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ À delay of action:
³ ³ ³ how long the door stays open before closing, etc...
³ ³ ³
³ ³ À speed of action
³ ³
³ À type of linedef
À flags:
1: n = linedef does not require sector tag
- = linedef requires sector tag
2: S = switch (must press space bar to activate)
W = walk (must walk over to activate)
G = gun (must shoot to activate)
3: 1 = can only be activated once
R = can be repeatedly activated
4: m = monsters can activate this linedef
& = locks out affected sector from further changes (see below)
- = nothing
Flag Note:
& Lock out flag - This linedef will cause the affected sector to be
locked out from further changes after this linedef has been
Special Effect Notes:
Trigger model texture transfer - This linedef type gets the texture
information from the sector in which the first sidedef (right side)
if the activating linedef resides.
³ º º ³
³ affected º sector º sector ³ Affected sector #2 will get info from
³ sector º #0 º #1 ³ sector #1 because the activating
³ #2 º º ³ linedef is facing into sector #1.
³ º º � ³
Numeric model texture transfer - This linedef type gets the texture
information from the sector adjacent to the affected sector that
is connected by the lowest numbered linedef.
ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ º 2-sided linedef connecting sectors
³ adjacent º affected º adjacent ³
³ sector / sector / sector ³ Affected sector #0 will get info from
³ #2 101 #0 134 #1 ³ adjacent sector #2 because linedef
³ / / ³ 101 is lower in numeric value than
³ º º ³ linedef 134.
10. The Creds...
I would like to thank the following people:
Mark Klem for testing it and coming up with most of the ideas.
Dr. Doom for having a cool BBS and aiding us with this release.
(DOOMMania BBS 317-662-8842)
Matt Fell for his wonderful Unofficial Doom Specs - a necessity for any
Doomer! (msfell@aol.com)
Raphael Quinet and Brendon J. Wyber for releasing their source for
the best Doom level editor, DEU. (quinet@montefiore.ulg.ac.be
Mike Tedder for his help and code on the SoundBlaster.
And last but not least, iD Software for making a cool game for this
utility. BTW--DOOM and DOOM2 are registered trademarks of
iD Software, Inc. Who else?
If you have a bug to report, question to ask, comment or flame to make,
you can reach me at:
Eric Sargent (esargent@whale.st.usm.edu)
or you can contact Mark Klem at (mark.klem@swcbbs.com)
Thanks for using WAD Master!