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TNT: Revilution

   (38 reviews)


About This File

TNT: Revilution is a fan made community project the acts as a sequel to TeamTNT's Evilution. The goal of this project was to capture the spirit of what made Evilution so great, while at the same time bringing the quality of the visuals & game play up to modern standards.

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One of my favorite megawads ever. Revilution is a great tribute to TNT Evilution that successfully modernizes TNT's strengths. Detailed techbases, a good mix of shorter, punchier maps and those fun to get lost in, and a strong sense of atmosphere. A few maps in the middle episode lean heavily into a dark survival horror style that actually works very well, especially Transduction which is the best map in the whole set. There are a few maps that act as sequels to a few from Evilution but they never feel like retreads; like Nukage Zone, which is like Evilution's Dead Zone but surrounded by a whole lake of nukage and with a significantly different feel. The soundtrack is also literally flawless and is one of my favorites.

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Cybernight Zero

· Edited by Cybernight Zero


Forget my initial review. Just played through this WAD for my youtube channel (Second playthrough after almost a year).


Lots of custom textures, that work well with the original vanilla ones. Lots of distinct levels with great action and exploration. It does keep the bigger, longer levels with dark caverns. Speaking of which, the level design is much more open and mixes the cavern, and mountain range really well with the tech base theme.


Some of my favorite levels are Transduction, Anubis, The Visage of Time, Malignata (The best Icon of Sin level I've seen). Fortress of Bullets, Superweapon Facility, and Across the Blood Sea. Honorable mentions: Devil's Den, Uprising, Underground Activity, and Bloody Garden


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Lebsrostla Halabala


Very enjoyable megawad that surpasses its predecessor by level design, gameplay and music. 

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Great homage wad to the original TNT, some maps were hard, but it was still a fun experience, and the music is cool and has a variety between different music genres and it fits the maps.

My favourite maps in this megawad are Map 12, Map 30 and Map 32.

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Oh, this megawad are very cool. I beated it 3 times with different mods. MAP12 is very atmospheric!

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· Edited by Thrustpeak


Despite a few maps here and there that didn't sit too well with me—the good so heavily outweighs the bad that I can't give it anything but 5 stars. Map 12 may be one of the best I've played. 

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Teo Slayer


So there's Evilution and Revilution


Can we have Devilution now?

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Awesome wad, awesome music, seems perfect to play

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I can already say this is a sequel of Evilution by finding myself getting lost in map03.

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· Edited by UnknDoomer


Options and things:


* GZDoom.

* Have played with "Complex Doom" modification.

* Difficult - "Hurt me plenty". "Ultra-Violence" is too much for that WAD / in case of combo with mod stuff.

* Didn't care about secrets much. Finished 30 levels, didn't get into 2 secret onces.

* MAP019 has first cyberdemon on it.

* Save/load. Sometimes a lot in case of settings I've chosen.
* #37 in community top.




1. + MAP012 (Transduction), MAP013 (Hangsman's Curse), MAP014 (Abandoned Port), MAP015. (Nukage Zone), MAP017 (Spider Colony), MAP020 (Portal Facility), MAP24 (ЯƎᗡЯUM) - great design and sounding.

2. + MAP016 (Devil's Den), maze, Hexen like style, but good one. If you solve one complex puzzle - you can get the BFG.

3. + Combines fine with "Complex Doom" modification.

4. + As a good sequel to "Evilution" - enough to count such.




- 1. Episode 2 seems to the best here, when Episode 1 is kinda mediocre one. 3 just fine, nothing special.

- 2. MAP010 as example. Has like up close to 300 monsters. You can call that I prefer more 90's like style gameplay, not today "shoot and run" between tonns of enemies, in which for many mods and maps stays today (Brutal, Guncaster, ...), still. I think it's too much. Few maps has big number of monsters too, but in case of better design it looks normal.

(?) *. Perhabs it is a matter of "Complex DOOM", still. In case med-packs thing works fine, but in case of ammunition - you never feel that there are not enough cartridges or so. I.e. difficult has no mention in that case. Monsters still kill you very fast, in case of what "Complex" represent, but it doesn't stick to things of weapons. 

(?) *. MAP015. (Nukage Zone). There is a place with teleport when you can get into the trap. You can grab the chainsaw, but there is no exit from this location in case tower with chainsaw is always going down. Unless you will get the ammo pack first using another teleport - in that case there will be teleport in the location. Perhabs I've missed that one before, when using switch, but seems to it's not working in first case.

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I'm pretty thankful for the opportunity they gave me to do few maps for the wad, and I got map08 antiquated.


Pretty Good game, it's a good sequel for the original TNT, although there are some flaws, but rather enjoyable experience..

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Very good wad! Nothing to tell about visuals and maps desings, very good quality 5/5.

Gameplay 3,5/5. Some maps were boring in terms of challenge. It never get harder, with some few exceptions of course. My favorite maps was, in order: 12: The best map of the wad! very good music, textures, and atmosphere. Map 20: The same! (love your soundtrack Eris falling) Map 29: The map with the best difficulty. Map 30: Very good IoS. Original as hell. Map28: Good one but what the hell the red and blue keys? I didn t  understand that.

I know that some autors made more than 1 map but I think that a project with many autors need more variety with the gameplay.A lot of  maps looks like was made by the same guy, i mean, very fine maps but almost the same challenge, similar atmosphere and noise midis. I tell this in a constructive criticism way. Love u guys.

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Final Doom that it was meant to be

I want the TNTR 2

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Good wad, something good considering to play, especially for those who love TNT evilution. In terms of design, nothing to tell. But that's not what I care that much about usually. I simply think it's well designed all in all. Some maps are confusing, but it's normal. In terms of difficulty, I'm disappointed. I expected a curve closer to the Hell Revealed levels 13-20. Especially since it drops betwenn maps 22 and 27. At least it's not like Requiem. And again guess which map I didn't like. 24! Do I hate number 24 or number 24 hates me? 


The only reason I can give 4 stars is that this wad has better map design and better gameplay than the original TNT. And it shows maps can be somewhat difficult without cyberdemons at times. But after Hell Revealed my standards have risen the bar a lot. So if it wasn't for the map design, I'd have given it 3 stars. 

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I love this megawad, and almost everything TNT related, and this megawad aimed to make a good fusion of what made evilution soo unique and what made plutonia soo challenging.
As in every wad, there highlights and downwards but nothing to bad. The first 20 maps are something amazing, going for a more puzzle and carefully designed encounters playstyle, including the two secret levels, but in map 21 the difficult suddenly ramps up pretty high, differentiating this last 10 levels almost totally from the previous 20, turning them into something closer to plutonia maps. But this is totally forgivable because in TNT Evilution happened exactly the same except that the 10 last levels of Evilution feels like somewhat rushed and not soo well balanced as intended...

Anyway, this is a true succesesor for a great iwad, conciliating the modern standar with the inmersive storytelling of the original.
Now i will like to search for the true succesor of Eternal Doom, a wad that is slowly becoming one of my most loved of all.

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Good hitscan-heavy megawad that doesn't rely on bullet sponge enemies too much. Map 12, Transduction, has awesome horror atmosphere. A well done IoS on map 30. All in all a good megawad.

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· Edited by Nems


While I think Revilution is a damn fine megaWAD, I don't think it's a good sequel to the original TNT: Evilution. It feels like it should have been it's own thing. The original Evilution had more of an adventurous feel to it and was more laid back to me. It oozed atmosphere. Revilution, on the other hand, oozes that same atmosphere in its level design but the gameplay is a tense fight from start to finish that left me exhausted. It felt and played more like Plutonia than Evilution. Some of the maps border on being somewhat slaughter-esque (the later maps in particular are guilty of this). The use of custom DeHacked work happening in map 30 was interesting but felt out of place. I understand wanting to not make map 30 another IoS fight but when I play a sequel to an IWAD, the last thing I want and encounter to see is any custom DeHacked stuff. This is however just a personal taste thing with me.


It's still a damn fine megaWAD and I would recommend everyone play it at least once. I just think that it should have been its own thing rather than a sequel to one of my favorite IWADs because, to me, it feels more akin to a Plutonia sequel.

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Done with these settings:


- Crispy Doom 4.2

- Ultra-Violence.

- Continuous combined with a pistol start mindset.

- Saves every 10 minutes or so.


Now this is a damn good sequel. An incredible amount of quality in every way you look at it. First of all, the visuals. This includes a ton of different textures, lots of red, green and brown for naturalistic environments. Thematically it's after the destruction of the demon-spitter in Evilution, thus it goes through different ambients that are more hellish/fleshy than the infested techbases we were used to. I'm a fan of spookiness in Doom, so this wad gave me a lot to experience in its abandoned computer stations, corrupted by the demons as if the recurrent text "Kill us" wasn't enough for me to feel tense. However, it is not as simple as it sounds to generalize the themes in Revilution, since every map is an individual case of different colours and geometry, and that nourishes variety in my opinion. What is also worth mentioning is the amazing music selection, like valkiriforce commented in his review, there're a few astounding covers from the Evilution soundtrack, as you'll notice right in the starting map, plus a whole bunch of atmospheric midis, just excellent works to accompany the playthrough.


Reiterating, this was much more than I expected. Being a spiritual sequel to one of my favourite iwads, this didn't disappoint in any way. I'd think of Revilution is to Evilution what Plutonia 2 was to Plutonia Experiment. Why? Both share the atmosphere of their prequels, adapted to the current gameplay interpretations of their eras. This means that some of the most memorable concepts in Evilution are present here, in a trip to nostalgia and, most importantly, higher quality entertainment, but not exactly in an iwad fashion. So, with a lot of contributors, there's an extensive variety of scenarios to appreciate. Of the numerous remarkable experiences I had, one part is Dobu's approach to bring back the mysterious atmosphere, the silence and the surprise, and the eccentric geometry from the more natural maps like Quarry or Deepest Reaches, which Eternal took charge of making a charming remake for map 18. Back to Dobu, his map 16 is an excellent example of scavenging resources in dark caves, while you deal with exposure, claustrophobia, and clever puzzles. If you're playing with carryovers and freedom of choices, ignore them in this map, the gimmick is real fun. The tribute to Wormhole in map 12 is another standout, both the cinematic transition to an alternate dimension and what awaits you there, but also the secret hunt in the map, an exploration task I'll take any day. Phobus and Gaspe went on a similar style, the latter did a super dark corrupted underground base, with a few tight quarters that will make you sweat, while the first guy invested in a sort of abandoned facility that might not develop so much action, but you'll want to speed things up before it's too late. Another honorable mention goes to Steve D, his creations are probably going to stick in everyone's minds as purely mean-spirited maps. Maybe I wasn't expecting such demanding traps, with an emphasis on locking the player's way out with fat hitboxes, but satisfaction comes with success, guaranteed it'll take some serious effort. One prominent author is Jaws in Space, his style here is hard to describe in simple words, there's a bit of fast-paced run-and-gun, also some quick incidental combat a la old-school TNT including stronger beasts, generally short-medium sized linear maps with or without a task/gimmick, save his entry a la Dead Zone where progression might not be easy to figure for a while. Talking about tricky progression, that was the case of valkiriforce's map 31. I really liked his throwback to Pharaoh, although with many predictable circumstances if you remember the original map. What rubbed me wrong way was a hidden switch to grant access to one of the keys, which I needed a video to point me that switch. I guess that's another throwback, thankfully no missing keys. His other map somehow didn't fit with the rest of the maps, although still an enjoyable tutti frutti of themes. All of the other authors did an incredible job in their individual and/or dual contributions, that includes a love-letter to spiders courtesy of Purist, fun with elevators and height variety by Tourniquet, a quick punchy entryway by SFoZ911 that hides more than you'd expect, even a trip to Eradrop's vision of hell in a slaughter-esque fashion while you're being observed by statues of cows, and many more that you'll love to experience by yourself, because you should must. 


Secret-wise, all my love to exploration and multiple worthy secrets in a same map, namely in Dobu's maps. The first map of the wad already anticipates what Revilution has in hands for you about secrets: hidden encounters, shortcuts to find tasty weaponry, telefrag chains that will answer all your doubts, etc. There's basically everything you don't want to miss if you're a fan of exploration. A small thing: in map 21, it is possible to nullify the secret tag that has four boxes of rockets in a red room behind bars, read this. Anyway, there aren't favourite maps this time, because I enjoyed them all a lot, some more than others though. Perhaps 12, 16, 17, I don't know, this is too hard lol. If one map needs a shoutout is 30, it's an unique piece of art, one of the best finales ever. 


Overall, I suggest you add it to your list, there're no reasons of why you shouldn't pick this megawad to spend a weekend or play periodically. Even if not all maps may suit your wishes, or the word "TNT" holds you back, it's not a remake, this has way more to offer than empty big rooms or ripoffs. I guess what's missing is TNT Revisited? :P. My rate is going to be 9/10.

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· Edited by dylux


What can I say? Two words: Simply awesome.


This WAD has it all - it's fun, challenging, has clever puzzles, has excellent music, great maps. Combats were sometimes a bit tight in the earlier levels but certainly nothing to lower the rating. Definite replay value. I loved Maps 3, 19, 28.


How this fantastic WAD only "runnered up" at the Cacowards is beyond me. After all, Cacowads were founded for WADS like TNT: Revilution! I demand a recount!


Bravo Team TNT. This WAD won't be forgotten anytime soon. Well worthy of 5/5 Stars. Keep 'em coming!

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· Edited by Tycitron


This is just a wonderful WAD, i enjoyed it all the way through, Ultra-violence on my first go. the music made it feel so cool, my favorite music pieces have to be Map01 TiN Toker, Map06 Contempt i hate you, Map02 Neato, Map13 ThirteenTH Hour, and the intermission and story screen music, The final map is one of the best Map30s i've ever seen.


This is really a true sequel to TNT, so thank you guys for making it!


So all in all id recommend that you play this as soon as you can!

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This has become one of my favorite mapsets, the difficulty is just right and the detail is pretty good.
I liked this wad so much, that I made custom brightmaps to use them on GZDOOM.
Sadly, some of them wont work properly because of mapping reasons, Like some custom textures are a replacement for another.


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It's been a long time coming but finally a sequel (of sorts) to the subjectively superior IWAD TNT has graced us. 


Whilst not exactly as completely true to the original TNT formula, this mapset recreates the magic and the mystery of potato kinishes the old IWAD and remains fairly close to the TNT style and I adore that.


My biggest complaint has to be the oddly loud midis, I had to turn it down in PrBoom.



All in all it is in my top 10, clearly.

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All killers, no fillers.

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A pretty darn good wad overall, especially the last episode. I'm not massively into the textures here or in the Original TNT, but they do the job nicely enough.
The music was a strongpoint and kept things moving along.

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  • File Reviews

    • By D3rpyD00dlez · Posted
      I genuinely enjoyed this mod with its level design and music. It was challenging and interesting and it kept me playing a while after beating it to try to find anything. though I would say it was slightly repetitive and overwhelming with enemies at some moments.
    • By LouigiVerona · Posted
      Writing a review for Darkening 2 is tough. It's a beloved megawad, and for good reason. As many other reviewers have said, it is historically a very important project.   It was an important megawad for me personally. I fell in love with the first level in particular. The music, the realistic architecture, so reminiscent of the video games of the 90s... It all left a lasting impression. And it was one of the most beautiful wads I've seen at the time.   But I rarely played anyt
    • By Ofisil · Posted
      A competently made map, for sure, but fun? It's way too long and repetitive, with same-y combat & ambush scenarios used again and again, and with way too much enemies, and not that much of a challenge, even for me who isn't exactly fond of "SUPER HARD WAD #9263!!!!11!. You can cut the whole thing in half, and then cut THAT half in half, and it would be a better map. Is it bad? No, just a little bit above average, mostly because it drags a bit too long.
    • By MrSkeltal · Posted
      Generally good map design, but the difficulty as is the case with pwads tends to be uneven even on HMP, especially when you mix them with what slaughtermaps tend to be (monster spam). Too many parts where, after pressing a switch, you'll spend some time killing enemies only to realise the map maker tried to get cute and spawned a bunch of hidden archviles somewhere to start reviving everyone while you were busy wasting ammo. This is especially unfun in parts with very little cover where you'll b
    • By Ranger Qwerty · Posted
      I like the part where I pay for the numerous murders I committed by getting beaten up by either a Mancubus or an Arachnotron, it changed my outlook on Monster Priority. Thank you "Problematic" Revenant #7, I have yet to find a way to repay him.
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