Text File
WADDUMP v1.1 (C) Florian Helmberger 1995
All Rights reserved.
[1] Purpose
WADDUMP is a program to examine your DOOM/DOOM2 PWAD's.
[2] Usage
Syntax: WADDUMP [options] [d:][/path]file ...
Options are:
-d = list the directory of the wad
-f = display a file summary
-l = display a level summary
-n = list only the lumpnames (only useful with -d)
-y = don't pause between screens
WADDUMP -f m*.wad
WADDUMP -f -l zwieback.wad
WADDUMP -l -y ????kill.wad zestful.wad
[3] GO32 Troubleshooting
If you are using a memory manager such as QEMM or Novell DOS, you will need to
disable DPMI for GO32, so use:
If you have any other problems, contact me at one of the email-addresses shown
at the end of this file.
[4] Copyright Notice
WADDUMP was created by Florian Helmberger and is free software. The latest
version can be obtained on most DOOM-related FTP servers.
You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of this program as long it contains
this file and all other related files. You are not allowed to modify and/or
distribute modified versions of this program.
The author reserves the right to change this license agreement in future
versions of the program without any prior notice.
Note: this program is provided "as-is", with NO WARRANTY, expressed or implied,
as to its usefullness, stability, or suitability to task. The author (namely
Florian Helmberger) is not responsible for any damages, direct, indirect, or
incidental, resulting from the use, misuse, or failure to use this product. You
hereby agree to use this program at your own risk.
[5] Credits
Thanks should go to the DEU-Team (especially Rapha‰l Quinet) for their great
work as this program contains some algorithms used in DEU 5.3 Beta 7 and parts
of the DEU draft license (to keep the lawyers and me happy :).
If you like WADDUMP and/or have some suggestions/bug reports don't hesitate to
send a note to <helmberg@li01.ad.or.at> or <helmberg@ping.at>.
Florian Helmberger