Text File
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Title : R A G N A R O K S O U N D S
Filename : 93TALIOS.WAD
Author : Tom Talionis
Email Address : p7003nm@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de
Misc. Author Info : NADA!
Description : Ritual / Industrial Sounds for DOOM ][
(replacements listed below);
should be used with "RAGNAROK.WAD"
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : ALL
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : ---
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : ---
New Music : ---
Demos Replaced : NADA!
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used : WinTex 3.4
Time to build : Far too much - the years stumble away...
Known Bugs : NADA!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels.
*BUT* I'd like to see a copy of your work...
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
Where did *you* get it???
* Replaced Sounds (some of them...) *
- Imps nearby: "People who hide are afraid",
Death In June - She Said Destroy
- Demons nearby: "I want to see you - I've been dying to see you",
Death In June - She Said Destroy
- Demon Soldier appearing:
"Wake up!", Current 93 - Black Flowers Please
"Destruction", Current 93 - Great Black Time
(originally Barry McGuire - Eve Of Destruction)
- Demon Soldier dying: "Heilige Tod",
"Heilige Leben",
"Heilige Nichts", Douglas P. (Death In June)
- Rising Stairs / Crushing ceiling etc.:
Grim - Bremen 2
- Player picking up item: Esplendor Geometrico
- Demon Soldier nearby:
"Sie sind ja ein schaebiger Lump", Death In June - Knives;
originally spoken by the nazi judge Roland Freisler
- Baron Of Hell appearing: "Ou est Klaus Barbie?",
Death In June - C'est Un Reve (Klaus Barbie)
- Baron Of Hell dying: Esplendor Geometrico
- Launching rocket: Throbbing Gristle - Weapon Training
- Imp appearing: Throbbing Gristle - Subhuman (two different...)
- Player dying: Marches Funebres
- Imp dying: Two samples from:
Blackhouse - Five Minutes After I Die
- Demon's pain: Genocide Organ - Mind Control
- Demon Soldier's pain: "Aus Russland kommt
niemand mehr zurueck", Genocide Organ - Keiner kommt zurueck
- Cacodemon (Tomato) appearing:
Death In June - C'est Un Reve (Klaus Barbie)
- Door open / close: Nurse With Wound - Creakiness
- Player hurt: Nurse With Wound :-> - Creakiness
- Demon dying: Nurse With Wound - Creakiness (again...)
- Cyberdemon appearing:
NON / Boyd Rice - Total War
- Demon / Spectre appearing: "Antichrist",
93 Current 93 - From Broken Cross, Locusts
- Lift starting: Nurse With Wound - Creakiness
- Lift stopping: SPK - Slogun
- Player pushing wall
Death In June - The Fog Of The World
- Rocket exploding: Blackhouse - Five Minutes After I Die
- Revenant appearing: "I am the living truth",
Zero Kama - Prayer Of Zos
- Revenant nearby: 93 Current 93 - Raio No Terrasu (Jesus Wept)
- Revenant dying: "We will win!", SPK - Slogun
- ArchVile nearby: Lustmord - Uterance
- Mancubus shooting: Dive - Rocket U.S.A.
- Hell Knight appearing: "Womit kann ich dienen, Herr",
German =|:-< version of "Hellraiser"
- Hell Knight dying: Anenzephalia - Induratio Penis Plastica
- Pain Elemental appearing: "We are a violent nation",
Current 93 - Holy Holy Holy
- SS Soldier appearing/dying:
original Sounds from WOLF3D
+ some new sounds taken from various WAV files around...