Text File
Title : KILL 'EM!
Doom version : DOOM II
Filename : D2_KILL.WAD
Author : Martin Cox
Email Address : mcox@indy.net
Misc. Author Info : 16, English, Formula 1 driver wanna-be
Description : This is the Doom II conversion of my level
KILL_EM.WAD. But unlike most DOOM to DOOM II
conversions, I've made lots of changes.
The level itself is a medium-sized one, with a main
arena, passages, and two smaller rooms, each with
some tricks and strategies to them. The courtyard is
where I expect much of the major fighting to be
carried out, and has three main structures in it,
as well as ledges around much of it. The structures
are a hollow pillar (with nice stuff inside), a tall
thin building (only way to get up it is a lift, so
it's great for hiding nice stuff in, hint hint), and
a pagoda, who's main function is blocking shots and
holding up opponents.
Of the smaller rooms, one is pitch-dark, and holds
some warp-in spots and guns, and makes for great
ambushes. The other room has a jail in it, see the
next subject.
Jail notes : This level has one unique area. A jail, which you
can end up in, but although you can't see out, you
can get out. This jail is neat, in the way that it
can turn a situation around. A player, seemingly
running scared, can trick an opponent into
following him into a certain tunnel, whereupon the
tables turn 180 degrees and the chaser gets fragged.
Just get chased down the passage going west from
the southern room (red torches mark it).
One thing: If there's a light on over the ammo and
soul sphere, DON'T GO ANY FURTHER! This tells you
that the one-time teleporter is no more. Activating
a lift in the courtyard will trigger the APS
(Automatic Parole System). Oh, and be careful.
There's another "Go to jail" teleport around.
You'll find it the hard way most likely. Do not
pass Go, do not collect $200 dollars... Remember,
the time spent in jail (or getting fragged because
of landing in there) is punishment for getting in
there in the first place. Grin.
Notes : If you jump off the corner of the northern ledge in
the courtyard towards the teleporter pad, you will
teleport across the level. This is a good escape
The inside of the pillar is a one-time external
access jobbie. As you jump to it, a lift will drop
inside it, giving you access to the stuff. Miss it
once, and you'll only get back in if you spawn
Good idea : Rocket fragging your opponent in the jail.
Bad idea : Tele-fragging your opponent in the jail.
Additional Credits to : No-one! I did it all I tell you!
Additional Thanks to : Rapheal Quinet and Brendon Wyber for DEU
Bill Neisius for DMAUD
id Software for DOOM and DOOM II
My good friend Daniel, who's Hungarian, a bit weird,
and seems to be Acne attack Ground Zero, but he's
still a decent chap and a good Deathmatch player
(but I'm still better!).
* Play Information *
Level # : Map 1
Single Player : Sort of (no monsters)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (if you shoot each other)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! (best with four players)
Difficulty Settings : Nope
New Sounds : Yes (some really cool ones!)
New Graphics : No
New Music : Yes
Demos Replaced : Nope
* Construction *
Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, DOOM2WAD.EXE, DEU II 1.0 (DEU 5.21 port),
DMAUD 1.1.
Known Bugs : None, of course. I'm perfect...
* Info *
Weapons: All
Power-ups: Soul Sphere, Beserk pack, green and blue armours, Invuln, Invis
Exit: Clearly marked with both sign and door.
Note: Four player starts are in here, all in different places, so you can
shoot each other for this level and play co-op on the other 31 levels.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels, but it's
already so perfect that you shouldn't want to. This is the best Deathmatch
level in the world (allegedly). In the text file, though, you MUST give me
credit, mention this level as the Base.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
You may do whatever you want with the sounds and music
* Where to get this WAD *
Since you're reading this, and this file comes only with the WAD, then
telling you where to get the WAD seems a bit dim to me. Oh OK, here goes:
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS's: Megasphere BBS, (317) 273-9666
Other: America Online