Text File
Title : 8-Pak Death-Match Wad
Filename : 8PAK.WAD
Author : Tom Sanner (Mr.DooM)
Email Address : tsannertnt@aol.com
Misc. Author Info : Member of CUE (Computer Users of Erie)
Description: 8 DooM 1 (or Ultimate DooM) Death-Match
levels. Converted from original DooM 2
wad (10 PAK) made by me. Perfect for a
bloody marathon with alot of variety.
All skill levels are included to match
everyones various playing abilities.
These levels are also optimized for use
of monsters as they are kept at a
minimum to allow for good respawning
monster play in death-match (they won't
get too much in the way but still add
alot to the fun).
Skill levels 1 & 2 -Plentiful in ammo & health bonuses.
Slightly less (or weaker) monsters.
No BFG's (except the BFG Frag level)
Skill levels 3 THRU 5 -Less ammo and health accordingly.
Level 5 has almost no power spheres.
More (and/or stronger) monsters.
BFG's (and all weapons) are available.
Because of the Co-Op exits, the timer parameter is recommended.
Example... -timer15 (for 15 minutes)
If you use iD's DM shell, try using the following settings...
Modem, 2players, Deathmatch, Wait(or Call), Com#, Skill 3, Wads,
Timer 15, and Respawn. Don't forget to hit F3 and enter the
name and path of 8pak.wad.
Level Info...
1 -Nuke Walk -Stay on the walk or get nuked! Everything is
is out in the open so there's nowhere to hide.
Should make for plenty of frags including
suicides. All weapons except BFG. Exit switch
in NW corner opens exit room door in NE corner.
2 -Sniper DM -My homage to DOOM 2's map 1 but entirely new
and created from scratch. This level has better
flow than our old favorite. It also includes
numerous sniper points with one way wall
textures. Switch in North end of long hall opens
exit door in South end of hall.
3 -Telyfrag -Here's a level where you can frag your opponent
without ever shooting a shot. Tele-frag 'em
time after time! Switch at South side opens
door to exit room in North side.
4 -Rocket Frag -This one is a blast. Rocket launcher and Berserk
are the only weapons (along with your pistol, of
course). 4 main rooms, all with obstacles that
make you think before you let a rocket fly.
Switch on East wall of room with moving
platforms opens exit door on West side.
5 -Fragagon -Small Figure 8 shaped level with 2 higher ledges
running along the outside walls. To get the good
weapons you jump down from the ledges upon the
large crates. Switch on North end opens exit
door on south end, which remains open unless
your opponent hits the low switch in the middle.
6 -BFG Frag -Only BFG's and Berserk packs. A Mega Sphere is
located in the center but can make you a sitting
duck. A real wild one! Hidden room in South side
reveals a switch that opens the exit room on the
North side.
7 -Keep Movin' -My homage to DooM 2's map 07, a death-match
classic! This one has a more 3-D look including
some lifts that take you to platforms. You
can't hide in this one so keep movin'.
NE switch opens exit room in SW.
8-Trap-A-frag -This is one of my favorites. 4 trap rooms are
located all around a large main circular trap
room. Peep holes help you spy on your opponent.
The red floor areas are triggers to set off
the various traps. The switches in the middle
room also set a trap. The teleport room requires
a certain left/right movement to reach the
goodies. West switch opens exit room located
in the East end.
Additional Credits to : iD of course and the creator of my new
editor... DCK
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : Episode 1, Maps 1-8 (No Secret level)
Single Player : No (Some exits require co-op)
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Maybe (To check out the levels)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (That's the purpose!!!)
Difficulty Settings : Yes (Read above)
New Sounds : Yes (Radio Alert Sound)
New Graphics : Yes (Title Screen & Level Names)
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : 8 Original Doom 2 levels converted
for DooM 1 & Ultimate DooM use.
Editor(s) used : DCK, NWT, warmbsp
Known Bugs : None known of
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS,
Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
BBS numbers: The Game Room BBS 1 (814) 835-4205
The Game Room BBS 2 (814) 835-3654
Tim's BBS node 1 (814) 825-1731
Tim's BBS node 2 (814) 825-8660
Tim's BBS node 3 (814) 824-6129
Tim's BBS node 4 (814) 825-5189
America On-Line