Text File
Filename : CARNAGE.WAD
Author : Billy Turnbow
Email Address : Turnbowb@ziavms.enmu.edu
Misc. Author Info : Just a guy with too much time.
(And I just happen to be in College)
Additional Credits to : Matt Tagliaferri for making such a great
Level Creator, My Brother Mike for being
patient enough to wait for my levels'
completion (as well as the patience to
test them)!
* Play Information *
Episode and Level # : E3M1-E3M9
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (Untested)
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Untested)
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented (It's difficult enough)
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Time : If anyone knows, please let me know also.
Editor(s) used : DoomCad with included Nodebuilder, DEU 5.21
Known Bugs : E3M1 runs a little slow due to many monsters and
graphics (It's just BIG, man). E3M2 has a very
brief HOM in the entrance of the lava tunnel. E3M4
has a HOM in a scrolling wall towards the end
(very hard to notice). E3M6 has an unavoidable HOM
in the corners of the room. E3M7 has a HOM in one
of the scrolling walls towards the end of the level.
E3M8 has a HOM when you get too close to the edge
of the pit in the "star" room. E3M9 gets slow at a
brief point in the red key room and has a tiny HOM
at the base of a column in the central slime pit.
(Hey, when you do this much, it is impossible to
be perfect)
Description of Contents
Included is two text files besides this one, and a batch file besides the
wad. The batch is a menu system I wrote to make it easier to mess with
Carnage. There is a story with indepth level descriptions and an ending to
the story in seperate file.
Included levels:
**E3M1** "Earth Abandoned Computer Station"
**E3M2** "Gates of Hell"
**E3M3** "To be the Chased"
**E3M4** "InSaNiTy"
**E3M5** "The Mutant Spider"
**E3M6** "Checkmate!"
**E3M7** "Final Message"
**E3M8** "CARNAGE TIME!!!"
**E3M9** "The Arena of the Spider"
1. Make a directory called "Carnage" in Doom's directory (at "C:\doom" type
"md carnage" and press return)
2. Copy carnage.zip into Carnage's directory and unzip it there
3. Copy Carnage.bat into the Doom directory and type it to start
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
levels, but credit would be greatly appreciated. (Hey, this is hard work)
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file (and the included
files, please!), with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any
electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites:
BBS numbers:
Other: Eventually, the Net and hopefully including THE Doom Page at