Text File
For : Doom ][ level 1
Made with DEU2 and Wadman
Made by David Schultz (Hawk)
Time to build : A couple days
Single Player? Nope, no enemies
Multi-coop ? " " " " "
Multi Dmatch? That goes without saying! Have you ever found a wad that
ISN'T great for dmatch?
New SFX? Nope
New Text's? Yeah! Sky from Doom episode 1
New Mus? Yes. Doom episode 2 level 1
If you are anything like me, then you play doom a LOT, and you
deathmatch a LOT. Also, you have seen a LOT of wads. I get sick of wads
that are just a dumb arena with a crap load of weopons, but no places to
sneak around and hunt and do what makes deathmatch great! I also get sick
of wads that have a cool layout, but are so poorly done, you want to frag
some sense into the author. To make a great wad, you must use a complex,
interesting layout, AND pay attention to details. Cool looking structures
and arcitexture helps. Well, I include all of these elements in every wad
I make. I hope you enjoy this latest addition. Please give it to all your
friends and enemies and neighbors and reletives and even strangers. Just
DO NOT change the wad, or this file in any way. Well, if you were patient
enough to read this far, then thankyou. Now go FRAG SOME BUTT!