Text File
by W. Davis Thornton
Today I began perhaps one of the most difficult treks known to man.
My journey entails a voyage thru the impenetrable South American jungle
known as Tabul' Rosh Tala (the jungle of death). I am in search of the
legendary lost city of Atarsis, resting place of the Orb of Life......
I feel the old blood lust creep up from my belly back to my consciousness
as I finger my old faithful double barrel. This jungle makes me feel like
the demons are back and hunting me. I sleep with an eye open and my
finger on the trigger.
------------------------excerpts from journal-------------------------------
Make sure you read the whole story in JOURNAL.gif!!!!
Title :The Lost City (lostcit.zip)
Date Finished :4-20-96
Author :W. Davis Thornton
Email Address :zpc25@ttacs.ttu.edu
Other Files By Author :The.wad (not to be confused with the copycat
Misc. Author Info :I'm just finishing my first year of medical school.
That's why this wasn't out 9 month's ago!
Description :This release is like a mini game with its own
storyline. A journal is included that should be
read before playing. It explains your mission's
goals (which isn't to just exit!) and history.
Additional Credits to : Beta testers Mad Murf and Steve
Note: My apologies to Rob Fowler. It came to my attention at upload time
that a wad called lostcity.wad already existed. However due to the
fact that I had already built custom title screens, install.bats etc...
I have left the name unchanged. However, note that the official name
of this release is THE Lost City, not lostcity.wad.
* DOOM II file*
The Lost City comes with its own install/uninstall program. Read readme.txt
for details.
New level WAD : Yes
* Play Information *
Map # : Map 1 (For DOOM II only)
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Yes
New Sounds : Yes
New Music : Yes
New Graphics : Yes (Many you will recognize from heretic,
but many are new as well!)
Demos Replaced : Yes
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch
Build Time : a very long time
Programs used : Doomcad, Wintex, DeHacked, Warmdos, BSP, Paintshop
Known Bugs : None
* Thanks to *
iD software, Raven software, the authors of the many editing tools used!
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional
levels as long as credit is given where credit is due.
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
intact and notify the author of any large scale distributions or
publications. In other words if you put this file on any commercial
CDs or a magazine CD I want to know... So I can buy a copy and show it
off! My email address is above, Thanks!
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors
* A Final Word *
If you like this level, then for crying out loud, email me. You'll
make my day.
Look for more adventure story levels by yours truly in the Quake format.
I can't wait to get my hands a true 3D project!!