Text File
Date Finished : 6th May, 1996
Author : Sam Ellis
Email Address : sellis@cpms.com.au
Misc. Author Info : I am a PC technician at the CPM&S Group of Companies
in Adelaide, South Australia. Visit our WWW home page
at www.cpms.com.au and find my photo!
Or, alternatively, buy a bag of salt and count the
grains ...
Description : Not sure why I called it Smegger, I suppose I just
like the word (it's a favourite from the Red Dwarf
TV series, by the way). I don't think I could bear
to see another WAD with the words "FRAG" or "DEATH"
in the title - at least I'm original in my plagiarism.
This is a deathmatch only WAD (no monsters or keys).
I had some ideas for some rooms and objects, so I put
them together. Then I just couldn't help myself
but spend far too long messing around with the minor
details - it didn't seem right to align the textures
in only one spot. I hope that most of the areas in
the map are fairly original, at least I haven't seen
them before. You will notice that there are no doors
in this map - I think they just get in the way in
deathmatches, and to keep the game fluid there is a
lot of interconnection between the areas (ie more
than one way in and/or out). There is also a fair bit
of scenery in the level to make it more interesting -
lights, trees, and even a waterfall and stream. Very
pretty, but don't go bathing ...
Additional Credits to : My computer, for always being there for me even
during the most difficult and distressing times - you
know, aligning textures and all that.
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file*
New level WAD : Yes
Sound PWAD Only : No
Music PWAD Only : No
Graphic Addon Only : No
Dehack Patch Only : No
.LMP Only : No
Other : No
Required To Have In Dir : All the files to make it work.
* Play Information *
Map # : Doom II, Map 01
Single Player : If you must, there is a start.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No starts.
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, oddly.
Difficulty Settings : The skill of your opponents.
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : No
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Build Time : Many more hours than I would have liked.
Editor(s) used : Wadauthor - 32 bit version for Win95.
Known Bugs : Hopefully not, but I'm sure there is, maybe.
If you find one, let me know and I might give
you a reward. But probably not.
May Not Run With... : Tested only with Doom II v1.9, but should be OK
with any version (I mean, what can go wrong?).
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com