Text File
Title : Lankhmar 1.0
Filename : Lnkhmar.zip and Lnkmrsnd.zip - sound wad
Author : Ben Noel
Email Address : ben@avalon.nf.ca
About the Author : Out of work Radio Telephonist/Electronic Techinician
Misc. Info : What time is it now??? Day or night??
: This level is meant to be played with the sound wad
: I uploaded them as one big zip file called Lankhmar.zip
and separately as Lnkhmar.zip (level) and Lnkmrsnd.zip (sounds)
: What is Lankhmar?? Pick up a Fritz Leiber book that deals with
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser. Start at Book 1 and go on from there.
You'll find it.
*********** : THE SOUND WAD CONTAINS VERY FOUL LANGUAGE!! *****************
*** but is very, VERY funny!! 8-) ***
Description : A rather large level with lotsa everything.
It is my first wad but don't be fooled. I have
put many long hours into it. So much so that I
decided that I would upload it now in fear that it
would never be released. Don't get me wrong. I know
of NO ERRORS or any sort. Anyway, you have three of
keys/doors present each is different. One level is an
exact duplicate of a level from Under World II. The
others your have have to find out for yourself.
Almost every hidden door/etc. has been indicated by
an odd colour something or other or an offset brick/whatever.
Installation : Put them in your Doom ][ directory or your WAD directory
or anywhere else you like, and run DOOM2 using the
"-file" command and wad names with the directories.
Doom2 -file d:\doom2\wad\lankhmar.wad d:\doom2\wad\lnkmrsnd.wad
Or better still use a shell program! 8-)
Additional Credits to : id for making DOOM, DOOMII, and now Quake
I utilized DCK and WinTex. Thanks to the authors
Episode and Level # : MAP01
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes... Not tested, too big.. starts are there.
Difficulty Settings : Mostly but not tested.
New Sounds : Your Gawdamned right!!
New Graphics : Give me a break!! Enuf allready! (No)
New Music : No
Demos Replaced : None
Base : All of this level was plucked from my mind and my mind alone...
As for the sound wad ditto except for some Full Metal Jacket wavs I pulled from someones elses sound wad. I can't find the wad and I
can't remember the guys name. If anyone knows him e-mail me as I would like to thank him... though I only used a few from his wad. Some of the sounds I lifted from various T.V. shows such as Monty Python, but most of them came from my own personal collection that I put together myself.
Editor(s) used : DCK, Wintex
Known Bugs : None that I know of.
if anyone finds any I would appreciate some email
so's that I can fix the bugs....
NOTE: Lankhmar.zip = Lnkhmar.zip + Lnkmrsnd.zip DO NOT DOWNLOAD ALL THREE