Text File
Title : Killer Day at the UAC Archology
Filename : killer.wad
Author : Matt Holmes
Email Address : nethervoid@juno.com
Misc. Author Info : I am a sophmore in high school who LOVES DOOM,
I hope you like the WAD!
Description: Even after your heroic defeat of the HellSpawn, UAC still
won't let you retire. They say a small group of HellSpawn have taken over
there largest Archology (sorta like a nuclear power plant). As you arrive
you find they have already dropped your supplies.... A SHOTGUN AND A BOX OF
SHELLS?!?! Oh well you best make due with what you have, or what the
HellSpawn might have....
* Play Information *
Level# : 1 in DOOM2
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Pl. : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Pl. : No
Difficulty Settings : Yes (Not much difference between levels though)
New Sounds : Yes
New Graphics : No
New Music : Yes
Demos Replaced : None
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor Used : Waded 1.07, DCK 2.2, WinTex (Not sure what version).
Known Bugs : None as far as I could tell... (I Hope!!)
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels.
You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no
modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format
(BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.
* Where to get this WAD *
ftp.cdrom.com... got to the doom2 directory......