Text File
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| G R A B T H A T T H R O A T ! |
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Title (Once Again) : Grab That Throat!
What is This? : A Computer DeathMatch patch for DOOM II
Release Date : 8-23-96
File List : GTT.BAT - Lets you choose levels.
GTT.DEH - The EXE hack.
GTT.WAD - Levels with opponents set up.
GTT.TXT - This text file.
EASYMODE.BAT - Lets you choose levels in
Easy Mode.
EASYMODE.DEH - EXE hack for Easy Mode.
DEHACKED.EXE - DeHackEd 3.0.
NE2000.COM - Tricks DOOM II into IPX network.
LAN.COM - Step 2 of tricking DOOM II into IPX.
Disk Space Required : About 1 & 1/2 megabytes.
Author : Michael Lundy
Posting From : donlundy@gnn.com
Email Address : donlundy@gnn.com
Misc. Author Info : I've built many WADs, which have been
some of the best on the Internet. I
REALLY want to get my hands on Quake
editing tools as soon as they come out.
Other WADs by Author : I'm too lazy to list all of them...
Water Flood & Gorilla Gore II
Get Your Gun!
107 sounds from my mic
Deathmatch by Mike
Another Heretic Cathedral (Shareware)
DF Rifle Patch.
Heretic Textures for DOOM II.
Houses 1.4.
Silhouettes of Phobos.
...Again, I wrote a lot more, but a
few were compilations and updates of
other ones (i.e. Houses 1.3).
Upcoming by Author : You might find levels for Quake by
me later on (I'll be patient with
the BSP builder).
* WAD Description *
Brief Description : If you can't find anyone to DM with,
then this is for you. Now you don't
need a modem or network to play
Outline Description : + Uses monsters changed into players
as your opponents. There may be
even more than four players at a
+ DeathMatch levels rigged up specifically
for this. Some were made by me.
+ A status bar made by myself using
a crappy paint program.
+ All you have to do is unzip this and
type COMPDM.
+ A lot of fun!
WAD Info in More Detail : About two weeks ago, I downloaded a
Computer DeathMatch patch. It was sort
of buggy (Players got stuck in slop
frames and stuff). So I decided to
fix it up and then give it some better
levels. So, here it is.
What's Changed From : + Many player characteristics changed,
Original COMP-DM? such as frame fixes. They can now
fall off of ledges and you cannot
sneak up behind them, like you
would a monster. These changes make
it more fun and realistic.
+ New levels. Some I made (My brother
made one, too). Some others. The point
is that they're good.
+ Contains a DEH instead of an EXE (Having
an EXE is not a good idea). So if you end
up getting this instead of Immortal's
Computer DeathMatch, that is why.
+ An Easy Mode for those who aren't DOOM
Champions, or just have a slow computer
which doesn't allow them to be really
How It Works : DOOM is tricked into 1-player deathmatch
with monsters in nightmare skill level,
so their aim is better and they keep
coming back.
Levels Used : Level 1: IDMAP01.WAD
Level 2: MOUNTKNG.WAD (Level 5)
Level 5: DANZIG2.WAD (Level 19)
Level 6: DOOM2.WAD (Level 7)
Level 8: J_ROOM4.WAD
Level 9: DANZIG1.WAD
Might Not Run With : DOOM versions other than 1.9 (It might.)
Big Thanks to : The Immortal for the original COMP-DM.
Jason Hoffoss for DMapEdit 4.0.11.
Oliver Montanuy for DeuTex 3.6.
Greg Lewis for DeHackEd.
Mark Klem for the tile texture.
Id Software.
Additional Credits to : Everyone who made the levels in this
I credit anything else to the authors
of the software, WAD, etc., that I
happened to have used.
* Play Information *
Game : DOOM II
Level(s) Replaced : MAP01 - MAP09
Single Player : You don't really need to explore these
levels first, so don't do it.
Cooperative 2-4 Player : If you can tell your friends apart from
your computer opponents in split-second
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Not just 2-4 players, but 1-4 players.
Difficulty Settings : No, it's automatically set to nightmare to
give your opponents better aim.
New Sounds : Only to fix BFG guy so you can hear him
firing, unlike Immortal's COMP-DM.
New Graphics : A couple wall textures and a status bar.
New Music : No, but I changed them around in the DEH.
Demos Replaced : No. I wish I could, but it won't work.
Other Data Replaced : The EXE file. (It won't change yours. This
comes with a DEH and all the software
it needs.)
* Construction *
Base : Immortal's Computer DeathMatch 1.6
Main Editor(s) used : DMapEdit 4.0.11, Deutex 3.6, DeHackEd 3.0
Other Editor(s) used : NeoPaint 2.2
Build Time : A couple days.
Known Bugs : None, but look below.
Other Problems : Frag counter doesn't work.
Plus, don't reset in the middle of a game.
If you do, go to your DOOM II directory
and type:
_AND_, if you ran Easy Mode, add these lines
Just in case, make a backup of the DOOM II
Future Improvements : Fix the frag counter, if possible.
* Installation *
Unzip this to your DOOM II directory and you're ready to go. Type GTT
to start. Or type EASYMODE to run Easy Mode.
Required to Have in Dir : DOOM II and the files in the list at the top
of this text file.
* Troubleshooting *
Problem: DOOM II crashes when I run this.
Solution: This may have conflicts with computers which already have a
network. Try removing the lines NE2000 0x61 and LAN from
GTT.BAT, restart your computer and try again.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors MAY use this WAD as a base to build additional
You may do whatever you want with this file, as long as you give
credit that the author can easily find in the text file. Make sure
you align the textures, unlike everybody else (Heh, heh).
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers: None.
Other: None.