Text File
Title : The Gaming Center WaD
Date Finished : 12-03-96
Authors : Wadmasters - RaTCheeSe ( Head Wadmaster )
Homer ( Sounds Master )
Hugh the borg
The Shark
Ellis DeE
Email Address : RaTCheeSe@Aztechnet.com
Other Files By Authors : Too many to list, but here is our ftp site
Misc. Author Info : Who are you calling misc. ?
Description : A compilation of some of our greatest deathmatch
levels. Every level was made by someone here in
Miami, except level one. We took our best work,
levels, sound, graphics, music, and put it together.
Warp 1 = Mathew G. Hooper + RaTCheeSe
Warp 2 = Hugh the borg
Warp 3 = RaTCheeSe + Godling
Warp 4 = Homer
Warp 5 = RaTCheeSe + Godling
Warp 6 = Nirvana
Warp 7 = RaTCheeSe
Warp 8 = Havoc
Warp 9 = Rambo
Warp 10 = The Unknown
Warp 11 = Rambo
Warp 12 = RaTCheeSe
Warp 13 = Insane Productions + RaTCheeSe
Warp 14 = Cyber + RaTCheeSe
Warp 15 = Pantha
Warp 16 = Yoda
Warp 17 = RaTCheeSe
Warp 18 = ???
Warp 19 = Phantasm + RaTCheeSe
Warp 20 = Havoc
Compiling = RaTCheeSe
Sky1 = Maddog
Sky2 = Homer
Status bar = Homer
Sounds/music = Homer
Title = Maddog/Homer/RaTCheeSe
Interpic = RaTCheeSe
Wanted Posters = Homer/RaTCheeSe
Testers = Wadmasters + Godling, Kat, Boss, Palithius, and Merlin
Sorry if we forgot anyone.
Additional Credits to :We especially thank those who contributed their
wads, ideas, and thoughts. This would not be
possible had it not been for your help.
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file*
New Level Wad : No
Sound PWAD only : No
Music PWAD Only : No
Graphic Addon Only : No
Dehack Patch Only : No
.LMP Only : No
Other : Yes, ALL of the above except dehacked
Required To Have In Dir : nothing special
* Play Information *
Map # : Maps 01 - 20
Single Player : No, but a few monsters are in some levels
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes!
Difficulty Settings : Yes, implemented in a few levels
New Sounds : Yes!
New Music : Yes!
New Graphics : Yes!
Demos Replaced : Yes! 1/2/3
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch
Build Time : Some levels have been around for ages, but the
wad itself was done in 3 weeks.
Editor(s) used : waded,nwt,dmaud,cooledit96,midi2mus,Adobe Photoshop,
3dstudio,dck,Paint Brush,Truespace2
Known Bugs : None
May Not Run With... : anything besides Doom2
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional
You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.aztechnet.com
BBS numbers: The Gaming Center!
Other: Telnet://aztechnet.com