Text File
Title : Doom2: The Tyranny Levels 1.0
Filename : tyranny.zip
Date Finished : 11/2/97 (UK dating - DD/MM/YY)
Developers : Adam Williamson, Osiris, Zoser
Email Address : adam@scss.demon.co.uk, stuart@osiris1.demon.co.uk
Other Releases : By Adam Williamson - 2spook35.zip, Memento Mori 2
MAP06, Requiem MAP29.
Misc. Developer Info : We all used to play on the UK Doom BBSes - Osiris
and Zoser got hold of 2spook35, thought it was
cool, and we decided to make a sequel. We finished
it about one and a half years ago, uploaded it and
discovered we couldn't use the original MAP30 (it
was a derivation of MAP01 of Doom2). So we...erm..
forgot about it for a while. :). I finally got off
my lardy arse and got Osiris to mail me a different
MAP30, and here we are. MAPS01-10 by me (A.W),
MAPS11-20 and MAP30 by Osiris, and MAPS21-29 by
Description : Diverse set of deathmatch levels. A few textures.
New music for levels 11-30.
Additional Credits to : The editors of all the utilities we used, and id.
Greetz: : Jiffy Bag (playtested Spooky, for a brief period...
anyone hear of him? :>). The MM Crew. Team Requiem.
Everyone who sends us a f***ing e-mail.
* Play Information *
Map # : MAP01-30.
Single Player : Yes, to check it out.
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : Yes
Difficulty Settings : Not implemented
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : None - might do a pack, no promises.
* Construction *
Base : New levels from scratch.
Build Time : _Build_ time, three months or so. :)
Editor(s) used : EdMap 1.22, 1.31, 1.40. DCK 3.6 (tidying up). DEU2.
DETH. BSP 1.5x. ZenNode 0.98a. WARM 1.5, 1.6. BSP
Known Bugs : Nothing major. Tell me if you find anything stupid.
May Not Run With... : Doom95, Final Doom, MAC Doom2. Doom1 (:>)
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: The usual - ftp.cdrom.com and mirrors. Probably put it up at
www.scss.demon.co.uk, sometime.
BBS numbers: None, yet.
Other: My hard disk. :)