Text File
Nightmare Imp v1.0
Title : Nightmare Imp Patch(newimp.pat)
Date Finished : July 28, 1997
Author : Cyberdemon
Email Address : cyberdemon101@geocities.com
Other Files By Author : doomjr.wad
Misc. Author Info : Doom Addict and wad maker.
Description : This is my first patch, and I think it's pretty
good. If you like Doom then you probably heard of Doom 64 for Nintendo 64.
All the monsters were remade and look different. Also, a new monster was added
called the Nightmare Imp. It is basicly what the spectre is to the demon.
So I was thinking, why should I go out and buy a N64, and Doom 64 to kill
a Nightmare Imp when I could make one for Doom][, which I already have. So
I did. After this patch is installed all the little puny brown scrubs will
be nightmare imps. The new imps are similar to troopers(taht's you) except
they are slightly slower. They are harder to kill and are quicker than normal
imps. I have also found that they jump of of ledges, unlike other monsters.
I can't imagine why, but they do, it's pretty cool.
Additional Credits to : id software for creating Doom, and Raven Software
for helping out. Matt Ayres for creating Waded and
Wadcat and Stephen Crowley for creating D2, without
which I wouldn't have made this patch. Also credits
go out to Nintendo who supports Doom 64 and Williams
who made Doom64.
New level WAD : Yes(also, check out the map it's quite interesting)
Sound PWAD Only : No
Music PWAD Only : No
Graphic Addon Only : No
Dehack Patch Only : No(not dehack patch, that will come soon)
.LMP Only : No
Other : No
Required To Have In Dir : D2 I think, but you might be able to run it off of Dehacked, if you can't D2 is at
* Play Information *
Map : Map 1
Single Player : Yes
Cooperative 2-4 Player : No
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No
Difficulty Settings : Dosen't Matter, the Imps are on all dificulties
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : No(unless you count the new imp, but I didn't make the gfx)
Demos Replaced : None
To Run: Unzip to Doom2 dir and install the patch...then type doom2 -file impdemo.wad
You'll know if the patch isn't in because you won't see any new imps, just
brown scrubs.
* Construction *
Base : New Level from Scratch
Build Time : Six hours to make tha patch, and about two to make the wad
Editor(s) used : Waded, wadcat and D2
Known Bugs : This zip is bug free(but if you find any tell me)
May Not Run With... : I got the patch to run on v1.7 and v1.9 of Doom][
so it will probably work on all versions. It might
also work on Doom but I haven't tried, if it does tell me.
NOTE: This patch will perminantly alter doom2.exe so you might wanna back it up on
disk, of course all it gets rid of are the crappy little brown scrubs, so it
shouldn't be a problem.
ANOTHER NOTE: If this patch dosen't work with dehacked don't worry, I will be
makeing a dehacked version.
* Copyright / Permissions *
Authors may use this patch for use with other levels, but please give
me credit!!
You MAY distribute this patch, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file
* Where to get this WAD *
FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com
BBS numbers: None
Other: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/9022/wad.html